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Idaho Falls signing Sat 11/29


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Well here's my current list...


:Post post-WoR

Could you please explain how light interacts with time bubbles, Realmatically? I know there is handwavium involved to stop redshift/blueshift and microwaving and the like, but what's the in-world workaround?

Do time bubbles "distend" around non-included objects? So if you have a big train going by that's not going to be part of a cadmium bubble, will someone on the opposite side of the tracks still be included in the bubble?
-If any living thing touching a time bubble is affected by it, and the occupants of a train that's not affected by a time bubble are also not affected, then are those occupants still "touching" the bubble?


Is the "jostling" projectiles suffer as they leave speed bubbles mathematically modelable, or entirely arbitrary?

Does being the donor of a Hemalurgic spike have any implications for your afterlife? Are there a bunch of Scadrian souls wandering the afterlife with holes their personalities/memories/identities?

You've said that Drabs on Nalthis don't have Innate Investiture: How are they still sentient, then?

Is there any difference between the healing that Feruchemical gold and held-Stormlight can accomplish? Can use of Regrowth accomplish more than Feruchemical gold?

What connection is there between Lifeless and Shard-severed limbs?
What connection is there between the color-draining of Shard-severed limbs and the color-drain of Lifeless/Awakening?
-There's a theory that the color-drain of Awakening is actually the initial Command feeding off energy released when and object's Spiritual connections are broken/an object is Spiritually damaged.

What's the significance of "Zahel's" instructions to Adolin on how to command his Blade when he throws it and the way that Awakening works? Is this some Cosmere-fundamental, or just a quirk of Vasher's particular expertise?

Can a Feruchemist manipulate Identity in such a way that he can make metalminds that anyone else—even a muggle—can tap?

Can a Feruchemist on Nalthis manipulate his Identity such that he can say "Breath return" and steal Breath from someone else's Awakened item?

How long does it take before a newly-made chair starts thinking of itself as a singular object, rather than as just individual components?

Why did Syl turn into a hammer during Kaladin's fight with Szeth? A hammer might be better against Plate, perhaps, but not against squishy flesh.

If a bunch of pieces of wood in the depths of space (without anyone watching) happened to drift into and stick to each other to form a chair, would that object think of itself as a "chair", or even as a singular object?


Can iron/steel affect metal on the others ide of a bendalloy/cadmium bubble; similarly can emotional allomancy affect people on the other side?

Does metal have to be in an allomancer's stomach for a leacher to effect it? Or just inside a human? Or just inside a living thing? If Inquisitors could theoretically burn their spikes does that mean a leacher could also affect them?

Could Ruin puppeteer any lifeless that had a single hemalurgic spike implanted?

What would happen to a Kandra with two sets of Blessing spikes (like TenSoon) who was bisected such that one set ended up in each half?


:RAFO Bait:
What is Lerasium's Feruchemical effect?

Are there such things as "Feruchemical savants"? Was Miles one, a "savant" in Feruchemical gold?

Do Cognitive aspects generally include people's clothing to some extent?
-To what extend to do people's Cognitive selves include their clothing?

Why did Jasnah's combat-soulcasting of the alley thugs affect the clothing of some of them but not of others?


Did some "ideal" of what it is to be human act upon TLR such that he still aged, despite the possibility that he ought to have been able to get away with a Cognitive view as immortal and unaging?

Are "ideals" in the Spiritual Realm responsible for why symbols on Sel have magical meaning, like how it's "known" by the Dor that AonAon represents Arelon?

Are "ideals" in the Spiritual Realm the reason why "instinctive Awakening" works, or why specific Command phrases are "discovered" rather than Awakeners being capable of formulating new ones out of whole cloth?

Do Soulcasters draw upon some kind of "ideals" in the Spiritual Realm when they transform a material, such as an "ideal" (or "Essence", in this case) of blood when soulcasting something into blood?
-Me: Almost certainly, given Brandon's comments on soulcast allomantic alloys.


What exactly was Shai's Soulforging of Ashraven comparing itself to to see how well it sticks? His Spiritual aspect? Cognitive aspect? The totality of other people's conceptions of him?

How, exactly, does Hemalurgic decay work for Feruchemy? Do Inquisitors have a cap on how much they can store at a time, or do they "waste" Health when they store (so they'd be lying around at 80% health but only storing 10%, for instance), or do they draw it out less efficiently than real Feruchemists?

Why does Feruchemical Gold sometimes leave scars and sometimes not?


So what's up with frame of reference for time bubbles?
-Who's decides what "still" is? The bubbler? The bubble? The object the bubble is "anchored" to? The objects in the bubble?

Are Feruchemical attributes stored in the Physical metal of metalminds, or in their Spiritual aspects?

Is there any meaningful difference between the metalminds of a Feruchemists who stores 10% weight for 10 hours in the first metalmind, and then 100% for 1 hour in a second metalmind?

Would an embedded Brass metalmind melt at high temperatures? What about one that's completely buried in the skin?
-Me: Probably not: Water in your stomach oughtn't to boil away

If Dalinar were a Feruchemist, would he be able to tap a metalmind (in either world) while experiencing one of his visions?

Does the Blessing of Presence help a Kandra against takeover by emotional Allomancy, or only against Ruin?
-Me: Probably both.

Could you please explain how Feruchemical brass goes about being a "Cognitive" metal? I know you had to retcon it in, and had originally intended it to be a physical metal, but how does it work Realmatically as Cognitive?

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To be less monstrous, do you have any areas you're interested in learning more about? I/we could guide you to formulating questions that explore places we don't know about within those areas.

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Let's see, I had a bunch a couple days ago but never wrote them down...


-Can any Oathgate go to any of the 11 locations (i.e. could they have used the Shattered Plains Oathgate to go to Kholinar instead of Urithiru)?  If so why are there 10 platforms at Urithiru.{Asked, but circumvented by Brandon}


-Honorspren and windspren have been described as "cousins", do Cryptics share a similar relationship with creationspren?


-Can Shardpools be used as a tool for Realmatic transition (such as moving between the Physical and Cognitive Realms)?


-Are the Unmade Splinters of Odium? (Probably RAFO-bait)


-According to Peter, Mraize is from Thaylenah, does Shallan just never mention his eyebrows or is he not ethnically Thaylen?


-So Alethi hair "breeds true" based on the individual's ancestry, why then does Renarin have more black than Adolin? {Answer below}


-You've said that Alethi and Irali hair shares similarities with the Royal Locks of House Idris, does that mean the "breeding true" inheritance pattern is a matter of lineage rather than genetics, as is the case with the Royal Locks?


-Was there a King of Alethkar directly before Gavilar?


-What if the Throne of Idris passed to someone who was not the child of a monarch?  Like if they were the niece or nephew of the previous monarch. Their parent would not have passed on the Royal Locks to them, but if they gained the throne would they spontaneously manifest the Royal Locks?  Would their children if they were born before?


-What are your plans with regards to the Jasnah sequence you wrote while in Europe this summer?  Will that be in Stormlight 3 or will it be released as a separate novella?


-Do you still plan on writing the "King Lopen the First, King of Alethkar" short story?


-Does hair that is still attached to a person's head get cut if a Shardblade passes through it?  If not if that person had the Royal Locks could they change the color of the hair "below" the cut?


-You've said previously that Ashyn does not currently have a Shard, did it *ever* have a Shard?


-Is Aon Rao the Aon that Raoden mis-interprets?  Is its true meaning something closer to "Investiture"?


...that's a lot of questions and I know I'm still forgetting one...

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Because imitation is the highest form of flattery:


  • Is the Stormfather composed partly of Cultivation's Investiture?

  • What is Spiritual DNA? Could it be seen as a sort of journal of who you are, or maybe more of a web where you have a bunch of connections from you to other beings/places/concepts?

  • Given that the AonDor's illusions apparently require a "full mental picture" of the thing you’re trying to create (by the Words of Radiance Ars Arcanum), it seems likely that Forgery similarly requires you to have a full mental picture of what you're trying to do when you carve a soulstamp. With this in mind, how can one decode a stamp like Frava's Forger was apparently planning on spending a few years doing? Or is there not much of a mental component to Forgery?

  • If you used Stormlight to Awaken, would you drain color or create frost? (Note: RAFO’d before, but he may be willing to answer it this time around.)

  • Does Surgebinding drain heat like Awakening drains color?

  • Why did Kaladin use a hammer to break Szeth's shoulder rather than a Blade to kill him?

  • Can Mistborn draw power from Preservation via burning a metal and just hold it to get a Stormlight-like effect, not filtering it through a metal to create an effect?

  • What would a "transformative Cognitive entity", like the Ars Arcanum author calls spren, look like on Scadrial?

  • If Ruin never Invested Scadrial, could fabrials be made on Roshar? (Note: is a question on whether fabrials are a use of Hemalurgy basically.)

  • Hoid comes out of the “emerald pools” on the Horneater Peaks. Why did he choose that pool in particular rather than a different one?

    • (RAFO’d - ‘making assumptions’) Hoid went through Cultivation's Shardpool to get to Roshar as opposed to Honor's. Yet, he notes he never got along well with Cultivation. Why did he choose her Shardpool rather than Honor's?

  • Could a Hemalurgic spike be soulstamped to grant a different power than the one it stole? Would this be limited to powers in the same “set”, like a spike granting Allomancy could be converted to granting a different Allomantic power, but not a Feruchemical one?

  • Are there power-enhancing modifiers for soulstamps like there are for the AonDor? Can you use them to increase their power on a stamp enough to stamp Invested objects?

  • Why is Breath not consumed in Awakening, unlike most all other uses of Investiture?

  • Would a Returned who bonded an Honorblade have their eye color change when they summon it? Would a Herald? (Note: he’s said he has the answer in his notes, but didn’t know it offhand before.)

  • Because the Seon bond is similar to a Nahel bond, it seems that Passing a Seon should require a wounded spirit on the part of the person who is going to receive the Seon. Is this true? How are Seons Passed?

  • Does Lift turn food directly into Stormlight, or does the food act like a gate for Stormlight to come through, like the metals in Allomancy? Is she just limited to food, or has she just not experimented enough?

  • If a non-Windrunner Surgebinder summoned Jezrien's Honorblade, what color eyes would they get? A blend? Different colors for each eye? (Note: RAFO’d before.)

  • Kaladin is out in a highstorm and his Stormlight reserves burst alight. Why does he not keep getting Invested until he explodes? Is it harder for the Stormlight to keep entering him, like trying to compress more and more stuff into a small box? Does he unconsciously keep himself in equilibrium by expelling Stormlight as the storm infuses him?

  • Why are Shallan's eyes not a pale garnet like Kaladin's are a pale blue? Is it because she’s already a lighteyes?

  • Why are there not ten different colors of light eyes on Roshar? Shouldn’t there be red eyes and pink eyes and ‘diamond’ eyes?

  • Is Baxil's mistress, the woman destroying Shallash statues, a Willshaper? Why does she have light violet eyes if she isn’t?

  • Would the screaming Eshonai hears go away if she unbonded her Shardblade?

  • What color are Nalan's/Darkness' eyes?

  • Each world seems to have a material that Investiture 'sticks' easily to. Nalthis has life, Roshar has gems, Scadrial has metal. What word should we use for it?

  • The Metallic Arts are from Preservation and Ruin. There's three magic systems there, but there's only one magic system from Devotion and Dominion. Does the number of magic systems on a planet have something to do with how well the Intents of the Shards on it 'mesh', or perhaps how much they conflict?

  • How and when is the type of Misting you become determined? Can you tell what type of Misting you are before you Snap?

  • Would a Parshman who received multiple Breaths become like a Parshendi and act on their own without orders?

  • Is the woman bordering the chart at the back of TWoK intended to represent Cultivation?

  • Could a Hemalurgic spike steal one Surge? Or do you have to steal the spren bond?

  • Can a spren be Hemalurgically spiked? Is this like how modern fabrials work?

  • If two Mistborn of the same-strength had a Mistborn child, would the child be weaker Allomantically?

  • How would Hemalurgic decay affect a Shardblade stolen with Hemalurgy?

  • Does Shardplate regrow by Soulcasting air to metal, does it covert Stormlight directly into Invested metal, or what’s going on there?

  • What happens when you put multiple competing Soulstamps on one thing? Like a stamp that says a table was well-cared for and a stamp that says the table was neglected.   

  • Is the type of Misting you are determined at birth, or when you Snap?

  • How does Hemalurgically stealing a spren bond work? Could the stolen spren break the bond because by using Hemalurgy you’re breaking one of the ideals that Surgebinders swear?

  • Were the children of original Mistborn noticeably weaker than the original Mistborn? Like, to the point where they could affect half as many people when Soothing? Mathematically, how does the power dropoff work over generations of Allomancers?

  • Are the Mistings in Alloy of Law noticeably weaker than an equivalent Misting in Final Empire? Has the rate of power loss slowed?

  • Will the power loss of Allomancers over generations ever result in such incredibly weak Mistings that they will be like Alendi, with incredibly weak abilities? How many years will it take?

  • Is a child of two Allomancers the same strength as their parents (assuming their parents are equal strength)?

  • What difference does Allomantic strength make when using gold/electrum, if any?

  • Were Preservation/Sazed limited to only swapping out Temporal metals?

  • Does the Allomantic Table basically 'set' the types of new natural Mistings that can come about?

  • (Sorta answered - pairing of Surges is natural) Could Honor/Cultivation swap out Surges like Preservation did metals?

  • Does Marsh have the ability to burn Allomantic gold, or was it considered too useless of a metal to spike him with?

  • Are there any implications for your afterlife if you're the one a Hemalurgic spike is made from? How about the recipient of a spike?

  • What state is the Investiture gained from burning metals in? Can it even be classified as gaseous/liquid/solid?   

  • Can you make a Hemalurgically charged spike from a plant?


(I made this a while ago because Kurk's looked awesome.)


At the moment, the question I'd like answered the most is:

  • Why is Breath not consumed in Awakening, unlike most all other uses of Investiture?

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Would burning electrum and atium offer any advantages when fighting against someone burning only atium?

You got an answer for this one, I believe.


Because imitation is the highest form of flattery:



(I made this a while ago because Kurk's looked awesome.)


At the moment, the question I'd like answered the most is:

  • Why is Breath not consumed in Awakening, unlike most all other uses of Investiture?


They are fun, aren't they? Just plop down your mondo-list and be done with it. :D

-Though they are irritating to keep up to date.




I suppose my top question at the moment, to follow Moogle's pattern, is the Hemalurgic afterlife one. Since Moogle's version of the question is more expansive, I'll just quote him:


"Are there any implications for your afterlife if you're the one a Hemalurgic spike is made from? How about the recipient?"

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Just got back. and, while its fresh, i thought i'd get this stuff down.


Q: What connection is there between Lifeless and Shard-severed limbs?


A: They are similar, but different. With Lifeless it's due to the soul being drained away, shrinking to nearly nothing. With Shard-severed limbs, that portion of the soul is sheared clean away.


Q: Can any Oathgate go to any of the 11 locations?

A: As far as they are aware, the gates can only go to Urutheru.


Q: So Alethi hair "breeds true" based on the individual's ancestry, why then does Renarin have more black than Adolin?


A: As with us regular people, different shades of skin can be had within the same family with the same parents, its just a matter of how their DNA falls out. No different here. Nothing special with Adolin and Renarin's hair.


Q:  Why is Breath not consumed in Awakening, unlike most all other uses of Investiture?


The answer to this question was a bit beyond the depth of my Cosmere knowledge, but i will attempt to paraphrase as best I can.


A: Not all investitures are "used up." Must like energy, it isn't typically created or destroyed, just changes for. With Breath, in what it's used for, it is just more easily and readily recovered than in other forms.


I may be a bit wrong on the details, but that's the jist of what he said.




Forgot one.


Q: How and when is the type of Misting you become determined? Can you tell what type of Misting you are before you Snap?


A: It's determined at birth. The Cosmere by combining 3 aspects of self. Your physical self, mental self, and spiritual self. The spiritual self is tied to the Investiture of the world that you come from. When an Allomancer snaps, a piece of their soul is broken and some of that power leaks into them, giving them their abilities.





I heard one or two other REALLY cool questions asked, but I know the girl who asked them is planning to post. So I'll let her do that.



This concludes my report. ;)

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(merged this back into the original thread, we really only need one per signing)


Thanks!  On the Oathgate question did he happen to specify the "they"?  Like were "they" the people who built the Oathgates or are "they" the new Team Radiant and friends?  Also that is what I thought might be going on with the hair.


Thank you again for asking!


Edit: Just to confirm these were all asked by you?

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Thank you! Those were some very interesting answers.

Q:  Why is Breath not consumed in Awakening, unlike most all other uses of Investiture?
The answer to this question was a bit beyond the depth of my Cosmere knowledge, but i will attempt to paraphrase as best I can.
A: Not all investitures are "used up." Must like energy, it isn't typically created or destroyed, just changes for. With Breath, in what it's used for, it is just more easily and readily recovered than in other forms.
I may be a bit wrong on the details, but that's the jist of what he said.

I assume you typo'd "form" here? This answer seems in line with what I was theorizing in this thread, with Breath being "used up", but it returning to you.
The Misting question was also very interesting. I'll have to think more on the implications of that. I wonder if you could figure out what type of Misting a person is before they ever Snapped, since it's already pre-determined...

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We were at the very end of the line, but it was so much fun! I love what a good sport Brandon is about staying until his fans are done, even though it was two hours past the official "end" of the event. Also, his kids are adorable.


Anyway, we got three questions. This isn't quite verbatim, but I did my best.



Q - Were there Cadmium/Bendalloy and possibly Chromium/Nicrosil mistings in the Final Empire? If yes, were the mists Snapping those too?


A - Um, yes, there were, but since the mists were trying to create a pattern to be a sign, and people didn't know all the metals, they (the mists) had to use substitutions. They were acting the way we've seen other cognitive shadows, who are deceased.



Q - Since Horneaters don't really go for Vorin dresses, what would your average Horneater guy and girl wear? Anything special to differentiate a Nuatoma and their retinue?


A - I'm going to have to RAFO that. We're actually working on the sketches for those, and until they're finalized, I don't want to say anything to canonize them. But we will get you that information.



Q - How do Shallan's memory blinks work? When she takes a memory, is it of what she sees in the instant before her eyes close, or is it while they're closed?


A - It is what she sees right as they're closing.



Nothing cosmere-shattering, but there you go. :)

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The Misting question is interesting, but I'm not quite sure I get what he was trying to say with "substitutions". Were the Cadmium Mistings being Snapped as Atium/Malatium Mistings? Or is he saying that the Mists were purposefully not Snapping Cadmium Mistings?

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We were at the very end of the line, but it was so much fun! I love what a good sport Brandon is about staying until his fans are done, even though it was two hours past the official "end" of the event. Also, his kids are adorable.


Anyway, we got three questions. This isn't quite verbatim, but I did my best.



Q - Were there Cadmium/Bendalloy and possibly Chromium/Nicrosil mistings in the Final Empire? If yes, were the mists Snapping those too?


A - Um, yes, there were, but since the mists were trying to create a pattern to be a sign, and people didn't know all the metals, they (the mists) had to use substitutions. They were acting the way we've seen other cognitive shadows, who are deceased.



Q - Since Horneaters don't really go for Vorin dresses, what would your average Horneater guy and girl wear? Anything special to differentiate a Nuatoma and their retinue?


A - I'm going to have to RAFO that. We're actually working on the sketches for those, and until they're finalized, I don't want to say anything to canonize them. But we will get you that information.



Q - How do Shallan's memory blinks work? When she takes a memory, is it of what she sees in the instant before her eyes close, or is it while they're closed?


A - It is what she sees right as they're closing.



Nothing cosmere-shattering, but there you go. :)


Added to the Database!


The first one is interesting, I wish we knew more about Cognitive shadows! Also I'm assuming there should be another "act" in that last sentence?


Oh, what did he read from by the way?

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Q: What connection is there between Lifeless and Shard-severed limbs?


A: They are similar, but different. With Lifeless it's due to the soul being drained away, shrinking to nearly nothing. With Shard-severed limbs, that portion of the soul is sheared clean away.


This answer just does not make sense to me. The Lifeless have their color drained as the "fuel" for Awakening. Shard wounds cut the particular limb's spiritual connections to the rest of the body. Both turn grey as a result of the Awakening or wounding. Why, then, does a more "pure" color drain exist at higher Heightenings if the grey color occurs when the "soul is sheared clean away" (this probably cannot be answered yet)? Moreover, how is healing a shard wound possible? If the soul is completely removed, how can it be healed?


On a more personally saddening note: I had thought (and was creating a theory to post about it) that the grey coloring was due to a loss in spiritual connection (and more accurately a cognitive connection as a result), but that the connection was not completely severed, as the grey limbs can heal. It would then mean that the "lack" of color (white) would mean a complete disconnect, as the "better" version of Awakening.

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This answer just does not make sense to me. The Lifeless have their color drained as the "fuel" for Awakening. Shard wounds cut the particular limb's spiritual connections to the rest of the body. Both turn grey as a result of the Awakening or wounding. Why, then, does a more "pure" color drain exist at higher Heightenings if the grey color occurs when the "soul is sheared clean away" (this probably cannot be answered yet)? Moreover, how is healing a shard wound possible? If the soul is completely removed, how can it be healed?


On a more personally saddening note: I had thought (and was creating a theory to post about it) that the grey coloring was due to a loss in spiritual connection (and more accurately a cognitive connection as a result), but that the connection was not completely severed, as the grey limbs can heal. It would then mean that the "lack" of color (white) would mean a complete disconnect, as the "better" version of Awakening.


I think Brandon's answer focused on the lack-of-soul similarity between Lifeless and Shardblade-severed limbs, rather than the lack-of-color. The question was open to interpretation.

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This answer just does not make sense to me. The Lifeless have their color drained as the "fuel" for Awakening. Shard wounds cut the particular limb's spiritual connections to the rest of the body. Both turn grey as a result of the Awakening or wounding. Why, then, does a more "pure" color drain exist at higher Heightenings if the grey color occurs when the "soul is sheared clean away" (this probably cannot be answered yet)? Moreover, how is healing a shard wound possible? If the soul is completely removed, how can it be healed?


Well we've seen some pretty radical healing in the cosmere already: Miles springs to mind, and REDACTED the First also completely lost his limb.

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