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The Pack of the Cosmere

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It was a cold, winter night. There was a raging blizzard. In the midst of this storm, wandered a lone wolf. He was cold, very cold, and was looking for shelter to ride out the storm. Eventually, he came to a warm, nice looking cave. As he approached, he smelled something he hadn't smelled in a long time: other wolves. He approached cautiously, trying to not make any noise. After walking for a ways, he came across a pack. Too tired and cold to care for the moment, he lied down, just on the fringe, curled up with his head on his paws, and was very quickly lulled to sleep by the warm air and the quiet.

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"Welcome!" Winter smiled when he woke up. "Would you like to join?"

I'm hesitant to do so. I've never heard of you or this pack before, or any of if its members. I have no idea how much I'll be able to trust you. And yet, I no longer have any pack to call myself a member of, and I'm currently being hunted. I barely managed to get them off my trail. I have no choice. I'll join

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"Who's on your tail?" Winter was suddenly alert, ears prickling. "I'm in the mood for a hunt."

"A group of about 80 humans. I think they're a part of the army. One day, they just suddenly showed up, and when they encountered my pack, they..." I tapered off, memories flashing before my eyes. Lots of howling, screaming, blood. Snow. I took a moment to recover, then continued with my lips drawn back in a snarl "...They wiped us out completely," I said. "And so, I hunted them down, one by one, biting their necks off in the dark while they slept, making sure they were paid back in full. Originally, there were only 20. However, I must have missed one, because about a week later, they returned with 4 times the numbers. I've been on the run ever sense. Last I checked, They were camped for the night by the river. Help me to completely destroy them, and not only will I forever call you a friend, but you will have earned my everlasting loyalty as well."

Edited by Silverblade5
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"I can completely destroy them by myself." Winter smiled and turned human. She dropped a single coin and Pushed herself into the night.

Right now, my character only has a wolf form, nothing else. This is the reason why he's running instead of taking care of business.

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The paladin watched as the allomancer glided through the moonlit forest. He started running after her, his Shardplate making little sound, despite its bulk. As he followed, he saw that she was moving towards the army encampment. Well well, he thought, This should be interesting.

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Winter dropped to the ground. She wore no mistcloak around her black outfit. The Newcago patch on one side of her shirt, Dark Alley on the other, with her own insignia on her back.

The army began to move, surprised by her. She picked a single coin out of her pouch and Pushed on it, shooting the metal straight into a man's head. He fell to the ground.

Then, Winter Compounded Iron... and Pushed with Steel and Duralumin.

Metals flew from her. She sunk down into the ground, deeper and deeper, but all of the weapons of the camp flew away from her.

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The watched as the mistborn landed at the edge of the camp, and proceeded to strike it with a single, massive steelpush. The blast of metal, cut through the ranks, felling a large portion of the soldiers. A group of five broke off and fled from the destruction, heading straight towards where the paladin was hiding. He stepped out from behind the tree and summoned his Shardblade. The fleeing soldiers drew to a stop, eyeing the shardbearer, suddenly caught between two terrible fates. The paladin growled, dropping into the Windstance, and attacked.

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"Hello." Winter waved to the Shardbearer. That had gone down easily. Almost suspiciously easily. "Wait. They drove him this way, directly towards me. It seems almost too easy." Winter squinted into the darkness. She Compounded Tin and Pewter, the enhanced senses and strength combining to let her see. The sense she drew out of her Tinminds was eyesight. She Compounded Zinc, analyzing the scene. "It's a trap." Winter realized, as she saw the first dart fly towards her.

Obviously, that was useless. Winter was a Fullborn. She sliced the dart out of the air with her Compounding Steel and Zinc. Now who's showing off? Winter thought, amused. A florish of more darts flew through the darkness. Winter cut each one out of the air with her daggers. They fell to the ground in a heap before her. More darts. Piercing the shadows. Winter wondered Is this really necissary? Gold will heal any damage they do to me? Winter shrugged and dodged among the cloud of darts.

"Serriously?" Winter complained as the last dart fell to the ground. "I thought the enemies would be at least halfway competent."

Winter wasn't even burning atium. Gold Compounded inside her. Cadmium let her never be out of breath. Bendalloy meant she didn't have to eat, though she liked to just because of the storming taste. She was immortal. Atium, if she had a steady supply, would mean she never grew old.

Winter placed her hands on her hips. Now, where are you? She turned in a circle. Suddenly, a figure appeared before her. The figure crashed down from above. They wore metal on their wrists and wore an outfit similar to Winter's, but it was inverted. Where Winter wore black, this figure wore white.

"Hello." A girl's voice, similar to Winter's own. Where Winter's hair was long and white, this girl's was short and choppy and black.

"Who are you?" Winter asked. She circled around the girl, who did the same.

"You." The girl smirked and dashed in for a blow. Winter expected it and blocked it. The girl's speed was equal to Winter's own. "The black to your white."

Winter felt a shadow behind the girl's eyes. A darkness, roaring to reign free. Wild. A shadow... of a black wolf. Winter's own wolf roared a challenge to this... this... mirror.

The girl favored her left hand, while Winter favored her right. Winter wore black, but was a white wolf. This girl wore white, but she was a black wolf.

Winter knew her. Almost... eerie how similar she felt. Winter swung her wrist to the side to block her swipe. But it was a feint, and the real blow took Winter in the side. She hit her with the blunt edge of her dagger, almost as if she was testing Winter. Winter's cadmium let her ignore the blow to knock the wind out of her.

"I know you." Winter looked at the girl again. "No, I'm wrong. My wolf knows you."

"Of course you do." The girl lunged forward, while Winter anticipated and stepped to the side. The girl swung around, stabbing at Winter's back. Winter ducked and grabbed her dagger as Winter twisted. Winter tried to flip her using the dagger as levrage, but she was heavy. Iron. Another Fullborn. Of course. Her mirror. This girl would be a natural Feruchemist, while a made Allomancer.

Feruchemy wasn't the same as Allomancy. Winter wasn't sure with Feruchemy, she still stumbled, but she had brute power. This girl would know Feruchemy in and out, but Winter was better at Allomancy.

At least, that was what she thought.

"Mirror of the Snow and Sky." Winter breathed out, a fog forming of her breath. The girl, Mirror, looked her in the eye, a desparate gaze. The eyes of Mirror flashed red.

"So. You know who I am. You know what I want."

"Yes. The end. You are the end-no, the beginning of my end. You want to bring shadows where there was once light. My pack is loyal. I accept the challenge." Mirror nodded, a curt nod. Her eyes returned to their normal brown. Winter's eyes were gray, an icy gray. The kind that disturbed people when she stared at them.

A wave of people with the wolf in their eyes formed behind Mirror. They weren't really there, nor was the pack that formed behind Winter. But they could both see them.

"A challenge." Mirror nodded once more. Then, she shifted into the enourmous black wolf and fled into the night.

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The paladin watched as the mistborn fought the strange doppelganger. They seemed evenly matched. They spoke as the clashed, but he didn't understand the exchange, being unfamiliar to their was as he was. He did understand something, though. The woman in black, she was a true master. Finally, the battle ended, and one of them, the one in white, morphed into a black wolf, and vanished into the night.


The paladin approached the white-haired allomancer. She stood in a stance that spoke of danger, but those eyes...


A soft, almost white color.


The paladin now understood.


"My lady," he said, kneeling down, and summoning his Shardblade. He held it up, offering it to her. "Long have I searched for one with purity, and honor. I offer you my blade, to be yours as you command."

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Winter had been gone a long time. Too long. I went out looking for her, tracking her. When I arrived, there was already someone there. She was leaving, and winter was looking disturbed.

"Who the heck was that?" I asked, walking up to her.

Edited by Silverblade5
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Winter glanced at the Shardbearer. She was almost distracted, but she snapped back to attention. Mirror would be... complicated to deal with.

"I accept it." Winter smiled, though she was troubled. "Thank you. You may stand. You are good with the blade, I assume. I'm better without Shards." Besides, Winter knew what they were. She had enough trouble dealing with dead weapons already. "You keep it. Welcome to the pack." Winter gave the human form to the wolf and wolf form to the Shardbearer. "I am Winter."

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Winter glanced at the Shardbearer. She was almost distracted, but she snapped back to attention. Mirror would be... complicated to deal with.

"I accept it." Winter smiled, though she was troubled. "Thank you. You may stand. You are good with the blade, I assume. I'm better without Shards." Besides, Winter knew what they were. She had enough trouble dealing with dead weapons already. "You keep it. Welcome to the pack." Winter gave the human form to the wolf and wolf form to the Shardbearer. "I am Winter."

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Winter glanced at the Shardbearer. She was almost distracted, but she snapped back to attention. Mirror would be... complicated to deal with.

"I accept it." Winter smiled, though she was troubled. "Thank you. You may stand. You are good with the blade, I assume. I'm better without Shards." Besides, Winter knew what they were. She had enough trouble dealing with dead weapons already. "You keep it. Welcome to the pack." Winter gave the human form to the wolf and wolf form to the Shardbearer. "I am Winter."

"Pleased to meet you, my lady Winter," the paladin said, "My name no longer matters. You may call me the Foe-Hammer."

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"Thank you Winter," I say, bowing. "You look troubled. I hope I didn't cause you any trouble. Who's this?" I asked, turning towards the man in plate.

Foe-Hammer frowned beneath his visor. He could have sworn he recognized the talking wolf from somewhere. "I am Foe-Hammer the mighty. I travel the world, seeking the wise and the pure, and serving them as best I can."

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Foe-Hammer frowned beneath his visor. He could have sworn he recognized the talking wolf from somewhere. "I am Foe-Hammer the mighty. I travel the world, seeking the wise and the pure, and serving them as best I can."

Greetings Foe-Hammer. I am Spring unrelenting Force, but you can just call me Spring. It's a pleasure to meet you.

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