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But Bluth died.  :o


Wayne can't die.


He can't!  :(


What if, they only thought he died.

This is how it went down:

Bayne, as I'll call him, was injured during the fight. He knew it would appear suspicious if he suddenly started healing, so he let them think he was dead. Then when Shallan wasn't looking, he put up a speed bubble, tapped healing, and switched clothes with a fallen soldier that looked like him. Then he makes his escape. 


And thanks to his anti-logic taliman, this explanation doesn;t have to make  sense because PICKLE!

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Sorry for the misunderstanding, I meant what Joe said. Bluth in no way looks or acts like Wayne. I think Wayne popped to Roshar, made a trade with Bluth for the hat, tried some chouta, and then headed off somewhere.


Well, we know that Wayne is great at impersonations and pretending to be people he's not. So it could still be possible. Maybe he used Yolish Lightweaving, which he picked up from Hoid, to alter his appearance.


That said, your explanation would make alot more sense, if not for the ANTI-LOGIC TALISMAN! Which means that logical explanations don't apply.

Edited by Fatebreaker
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I'm reading Warbreaker right now, and I just finished reading Vivennas first experience in the market, and while I haven't finished the book to be completely certain- it seems to me that Parlin and Wayne share quite a lot of common traits.

Specifically, when they first meet- they briefly discuss Parlins hat (which the book conveniently doesn't describe yet... <.<)- He says "the man in the marketplace said it was popular. Perhaps he isn't referring to this worlds marketplace (Or the seller is Wayne :P). Parlins "hunter instincts" are also en par with Waynes "Crime-catching skills". Finally, later on- Parlin has to go outside to "get to know the area", which also is uncannily similar to Waynes "exploring". Would this in combination with "Bluth" support that these are all the same character, and that character is a worldhopper? Or could it just be a coincidence? If Parlin comes up in a later scene that disproves this, I'd appreciate someone mentioning it (without spoiling the story, please! .o.).

The Kandra worldhopper is still on the loose, right? Perhaps that could explain the variances in "Waynes" Character (because he always changes his personality upon worldhop & digesting a new corpse- but keeps his hat? Even if Bluth died, a Kandra could just take another body- so perhaps "Wayne" is still in Roshar? o.o)
If this isn't the case... Then something still seems fishy about the amount of "odd hats" going on... Could it just be Brandons sense of humour...? .3.;


Just some ideas... :3

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Wayne loves hats, as we all know. A common material during the 17th to the early 20th century for hats was felt (which is roughly the equivalent on-world time period for AoL relative to our own world's technology achievements; on a side note, making felt hats possibly gave rise to the saying that someone was as "mad as a hatter" due to mercury poisoning)...and we suspect that Felt, from Scadrial, could be a worldhopper...maybe our mysterious WalDo.


Thus, since the real Waldo loses his hat every time in the The Great Waldo Search, we can easily (and logically) conclude that our own Great WalDo Search should be focused on following Wayne's hat, because we know our WalDo isn't exactly Waldo, and could instead be stealing hats instead of losing them. With this logic, we can find WalDo wherever Wayne's hat is located (and possibly we'll get a glimpse of a Worldhopping Wayne as well?!). 


Unodus mentions that Parlin on Nalthis has an interesting hat. This probably couldn't be Wayne's hat due to chronology; however, what if we have the timeline wrong for Warbreaker? If it is wrong, where's WalDo and Wayne on Nalthis?!

Edited by Titan Arum
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This is obviously the secret to Wayne's Lucky Hats. He wears a hat, uses up its luck, then trades it so some other poor sap who possesses a lucky hat (he's got a charm that lets him know which hats are lucky). This is why all the men he trades his hats to end up dead shortly thereafter, while Wayne hogs all the hat-luck for himself.

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Wayne loves hats, as we all know. A common material during the 17th to the early 20th century for hats was felt (which is roughly the equivalent on-world time period for AoL relative to our own world's technology achievements; on a side note, making felt hats possibly gave rise to the saying that someone was as "mad as a hatter" due to mercury poisoning)...and we suspect that Felt, from Scadrial, could be a worldhopper...maybe our mysterious WalDo.


Thus, since the real Waldo loses his hat every time in the The Great Waldo Search, we can easily (and logically) conclude that our own Great WalDo Search should be focused on following Wayne's hat, because we know our WalDo isn't exactly Waldo, and could instead be stealing hats instead of losing them. With this logic, we can find WalDo wherever Wayne's hat is located (and possibly we'll get a glimpse of a Worldhopping Wayne as well?!). 


Unodus mentions that Parlin on Nalthis has an interesting hat. This probably couldn't be Wayne's hat due to chronology; however, what if we have the timeline wrong for Warbreaker? If it is wrong, where's WalDo and Wayne on Nalthis?!

Wait... when you said chronology... What do you mean by that? Has it already been confirmed in what order the books take place? And if so, why does that mean Wayne and Parlins hat aren't the same?

(What if the Kandra is the hat...?

Kandra can disguise as stuff by digesting it... What if Waldo is the hat? That'd be a twist... XD

Perhaps that could explain why all the characters are addicted to hats... Kandra use Hemalurgic spikes, right? What if Waldo also uses those spikes to pierce subtly its owners head, granting them addictive Hemalurgic powers... (which is why Wayne insists his hat is lucky?)


If Waldo was a hat, that would also explain how he fits into every scenario- he creates a new hat appearance for each culture... And every time Wayne swaps hats- Waldo takes the form of that hat- with or without Waynes knowledge...? :3

Something tells me there's something off about this idea, but its still a funny possibility- imo... XD)

Edited by Unodus
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WoB for timelines is actually not that great, because it seems he's contradicted himself before. Here's some stuff about AoL, WoK, and Warbreaker:




INTERVIEW: Jan 10th, 2011 GORON ()
You've mentioned before that all your books so far are in chronological order (Elantris, the Mistborn trilogy, Warbreaker, Stormlight Archive). Alloy of Law takes place about 200 years after The Hero of Ages. (Right?) Does this put it chronologically before or afterWarbreaker?
The Alloy of Law takes place around 300 years after The Hero of Ages and several hundred years before the events in The Way of Kings. That does put it around the same time as Warbreaker.
This was recently changed when Brandon realized a timeline conflict. Way of Kings is now in between Hero of Ages and Alloy of Law.

Alloy of Law Reddit Q&A





How long before Way of Kings is Alloy of Law? I heard somewhere that it's a hundred years, but I don't think that's right.


I intended them to be happening roughly close to one another, with Way of Kings slightly before.

This is in conflict with earlier reports, so it was confirmed


We now know that the second quote is true, according to WoB clarification. However, it still doesn't tell us exactly where Warbreaker is  relative to WoK and AoL. So it is possible the two are at a similar time, which implies WalDo could've taken the hat to both worlds:




How about the general number of years Warbreaker is from HoA and AoL/WoK?
RAFO - the reason that timeline questions are being RAFOed right now is because the final times are still not 100% solid, and Brandon said that he doesn't want to give us a time and then have it change around again (like what happened to AoL being moved to the same time as WoK instead of being a bit earlier), so he won't answer any timeline questions until after he has the final timeline correct in his own system.
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This is obviously the secret to Wayne's Lucky Hats. He wears a hat, uses up its luck, then trades it so some other poor sap who possesses a lucky hat (he's got a charm that lets him know which hats are lucky). This is why all the men he trades his hats to end up dead shortly thereafter, while Wayne hogs all the hat-luck for himself.

Wayne's hats are secretly made of <whichever metal stores Luck> but in some magically super-malleable form. Dun dun dun.

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I was thinking that (Chromium) but, since the people he gives his hats to soon have very BAD luck, it almost seems to be the other way around. Like he's got anti-chromium that lets you go into luck-debt, drawing out luck you don't really have, and then sucking the luck out of the next guy to wear it.

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