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Ok I have a couple of questions on Taln (was unclear after reading the books)


Firstly the blade carried by Taln when he comes into Roshar is a honourblade right?? And what happened to it?? And did Dalinar bond with the honourblade (in WOR)?? IF not what shard did Dalinar bond with?? Also not clear -has the oathpack ended - because Jezrien states that it is time for the oathpact to end but then says that oathpact still might be enough as long as one person is still bound to it.. 


Edited by NotAnotherWit
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spoilers for stormlight archive follows

There is WoB that Taln's Honor blade got replaced with a regular shardblade on the way to Shattered plains from Alethkar. There are plenty of theories on who has the Honor blade and where the other shardblade came from. What we definitely know is that Hoid did not replace the Honor blade.( another WoB)

Regarding the Oathpact, we don't know much about it. Evidence suggests that even one Herald was sufficient to Honor it but Brandon has been pretty closed regarding more details.

Hope it helps.

edit: added spoiler tags. thanks for the reminder Argent

Edited by Twenty@20
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ohh apologies -  new to the forum and in my naivety posted it here - did not realize it till now (no wonder me darkeyes!!)


Again apologies. 


You can go and edit your original post (there is an Edit button in the bottom right corner of your post, to the left of the [MultiQuote] and

buttons). Either remove the spoilers, or move them to a separate paragraph and surround it a [spoiler] tag (so [spoiler]Paragraph with spoilers goes in here... [/spoiler]) - it also helps to put a note outside the spoilers, to indicate which book(s) you will be spoiling.
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