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I am thankful that Brandon was chosen to finish the WoT, because it meant that it got finished and also that I came across his own work. I find that I am now looking forward to reading book two of Stormlight Archive as I am to reading aMoL, which got me thinking.

I know that it has been stated again and again by Brandon Sanderson and Harriet that it is most likely that they will not do any Outriggers or Prequels for WoT and I am not against this, mainly because for each one Brandon would write it would mean less time he was spending writing his own stuff. However there is at least one story I still want told, so my question to you all is:

What if any Outrigger/Prequel would you want written at the expense of having to wait longer for Brandon to publish more of his own work?

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That is a really tough question until we know exactly how far he goes in AMOL.

In a perfect world, I would like them to finish the prequel trilogy to give some backstory. Also, it would be nice to actually see some adventuring beyond the wastes. At the very least, it would be nice to see exactly how accurate Avi's visions were, but that would probably take another 3 to 4 books unless they are done like the Eddings prequels that cover thousands of years each.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is a really tough question until we know exactly how far he goes in AMOL.

In a perfect world, I would like them to finish the prequel trilogy to give some backstory. Also, it would be nice to actually see some adventuring beyond the wastes. At the very least, it would be nice to see exactly how accurate Avi's visions were, but that would probably take another 3 to 4 books unless they are done like the Eddings prequels that cover thousands of years each.

I would be most interested in seeing the prequel trilogy as well, specifically Tam's. He is one of my favorite characters in the series and I believe his backstory is intriguing. If there were to be any "sequels" I would be most interested in the Mat/Tuon arc.

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As long as they didn't go overboard, and got only very good writers to do it, I wouldn't mind too much if other people wrote in the Wheel of Time universe. I personally would love to see some of the history played out. Stories from the Trolloc Wars, or the rise of Artur Hawkwing, could be a lot of fun. WoT has a very rich, very developed history just brimming with untold stories.

The problem with this, is if it turns into something like Dragonlance or Star Wars, with a sea of mediocrity and only a few islands of fantastic stories among the dross.

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Well, the prequels would actually add to the basic story. I don't know that stories involving the Aiel, Sea Folk, or Tinkers would really add all that much to the story.

Now, if someone were authorized to do a massive prequel, that might be an easy way to get it done. I always refer to the Eddings prequels for stuff like this, he covered several thousand years of history in around 600 pages each. Sanderson shouldn't have any problem doing either than for a NS clone. He could probably write both finishing up the drafts for SLA2.

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If I remember correctly, the other two prequels were going to be about Tam and one that took place in the Age of Legends, right? I would love to see one about the AoL. I agree with everyone here in that I would like to see the prequels written and published. Personally, I loved New Spring. And I think Brandon and Harriet would put them out... If Jordan had had them completed (even in outline form). So the fact that they both seem against it makes me think Jordan didn't have them anywhere near completion.

Otherwise, I say leave the world alone.

Edited by Jack the Halls
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One of the prequals was about Tam, about him just before, during and after he found Rand. THe other was to be about Lan and Moiranne as they made their way to the two rivers.

I kinda want a prequal talking about before during and after the aiel war. What were the many named characters doing?

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As long as they didn't go overboard, and got only very good writers to do it, I wouldn't mind too much if other people wrote in the Wheel of Time universe. I personally would love to see some of the history played out. Stories from the Trolloc Wars, or the rise of Artur Hawkwing, could be a lot of fun. WoT has a very rich, very developed history just brimming with untold stories.

The problem with this, is if it turns into something like Dragonlance or Star Wars, with a sea of mediocrity and only a few islands of fantastic stories among the dross.

Brandon agrees with you. He's said in the past that he really doesn't want that to happen to WoT, though, ultimately the decision belongs to Harriet and Team Jordan.

As for what prequels I'd like to see, I definitely want to see Tam's story. I'm on the fence about The Outriggers. In either case, if Team Jordan decides that they don't want these books to see the light of day, I'll respect that.

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You know how New Spring was changed from a short story to an actual novel. What if the snippets we have seen of Shara or Seanchan, were expanded into short stories, giving us glimses into the world beyond the westlands.

So when Rand went to Seanchan we could see more about those characters and region. We could see the forerunners leaving then racing back home.

IN sharra, we could see them reacting to having no rulers. THe truth of that transported blight village. details on heir civil war.

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If I remember correctly, the other two prequels were going to be about Tam and one that took place in the Age of Legends, right? I would love to see one about the AoL.

That'd be nice, getting bits and pieces about the Age of Legends is half the reason I like Forsaken POV chapters.
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It is said Brandon will help in the creation of the ultimate Wheel of Time Encyclopedia. Once of my hopes is that ever weave, talents, relic and ter'angreal is explained. So we know more what the one power can and can not do. We know Elayne has been able to partially copy ter'angreal, so if we had an explanation for what the could all do, we would know in what areas the Aes Sedai would expand to.

I wonder if it would have a map containing every waygate, steaddings, portal stones, locations and sits mentioned in the books?

Would he slip in detail RJ was planning for other books?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that any novel written couldn't stand up to the original wheel of time series. I mean, New Spring was good, but not as good as the real series- and that was written by RJ himself. As far as I know, RJ didn't leave behind any detailed outline for prequels and the like so I don't see how Brandon (or anyone else) could pull anything off that wouldn't simply give the wheel of time a bad name or disappoint fans.

Of course I would love to see all the ideas here written if RJ were still alive but that's just not possible.

Side note: if a Shara story were written, it should totally be from Jain Farstrider's POV.

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  • 4 weeks later...

He did change his mind on that slightly, given the fact he told Harriet to find someone to finish WoT, which he had previously stated he did not want.

But yeah, Brandon has stated that he wants to release the notes however Harriet is hesitant as she doesn't want the last work from Jordan that we read to be unfinished stuff, she'd rather we remembered him for his polished work.

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I'd like to see a Lews Therin book, but I think Brandon said that Robert Jordan really didn't provide alot of details about him. I would want this to be short and not tell us everything. I think not knowing alot of things makes the few things that are revealed far more interesting. Maybe something that starts not long before the raid on Shayol Ghul with the good guys losing badly and things falling apart. See the debates and fights amongst the Aes Sedai over what to do. See the collapse and stress that people are under. Hint at some things that happened before. A few incites into Lews Therin, but not a tremendous amount. I would prefer a book that basically focuses on Robert Jordan's notes and does not try to make stuff up to flesh out more details.

As far as stories beyond the Aiel Waste, I get the impression that Robert Jordan created that part of the world on background and did not really flesh it out alot. I could be wrong. It is similiar to what George RR Martin did when he talks about areas far from Westeros. It is done to give depth, but is not central to the story.

I would also like to know more about the different ages. However, I think this will be in the guide.

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I would absolutely love to read about what happens to Mat Cauthon, the Prince of the Ravens and Tuon, the Daughter of the Nine Moons after Tarmon Gai'don. Seriously, who doesn't want to see more ashandarei action?

Edited by Lysid
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