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Audiobook Bummer


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I listened to both Stormlight books on audio and I LOVE them! I feel like both narrators do a fantastic job, for the most part. I have two minor bummers (the second larger than the first):

- The first is minor (well they both are, really) and quite understandable/excusable. There could be a bit more continuity of pronunciation between the narrators! Surely they recorded on opposite sides of the world and never had any interaction, but I wish they had at least agreed upon where to accent 'Sadeas'...Michael Kramer says it intuitively "SAD-eus" whereas Kate Reading (what a perfect name for an audiobook narrator!) says "sa-DEE-us". This just seems like something that could have taken very little to prevent/remedy.


- The second and way bigger bummer is that Michael Kramer changes Lopen's accent between WoK and WoR!! This was such a bummer to me as his accent from Kings was so perfect and hilarious and then the first time he shows up in Radiance was just so sad to miss the funny way he said "Gancho!" Does anyone know what's up with this? And I mean ACTUALLY know the story beyond just "the guy is a professional and did some other books between so he forgot" conjecture?


All in all, I have loved experiencing the books this way. Just two small, nitpicky letdowns that I wanted to know if anyone else had noticed/cared about.



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I've noticed it too. I listened to both on audiobook and while I think narrators do a great job in general, it takes me out of the story when they become inconsistant with each other and the previous book. In fact, Yalb's accent changes between chapters in book 2!

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I agree they both did an awesome job!  They are the same narrators that did Wheel of Time and some of Brandon's other books, and they did awesome with them too!


Sorry, no explanation here; I don't think there is one.  It's probably such a monumental task to read this that little inconsistencies will just happen.  Have you ever tried to read a book out-loud without messing us just a little bit?  Not to mention changing your voice for each character and keeping that consistent?  I just overlook/forgive the inconsistencies.  I listen to a lot of audiobooks, and Michael Kramer and Kate Reading are my favorite two narrators.

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The pronunciation of 'Sadeas' was a bit surprising though, considering Michael Kramer and Kate Reading are married.  I would have thought they would have discussed the characters, and how they would portray them, during production.  

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I noticed the change in Lopen's accent as well.   I figured it was at least in part caused by the big gap of time between the first and second books.  He probably "lost" the original accent in his head and had to make up a new one.  I did notice a few "typos" in WoK where Michael Kramer uses words that diverge from the book.  In both cases they involve specific items so I figured they were memory slips happening as he spoke. :huh:

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My explanation is that they are human and they are freaking huge books. Cut them some slack, they both narrated close to a thousand pages between the books.


I don't think anyone commenting here didn't like the audiobook versions.  This doesn't mean that we can't comment on or critique errors that we do find.

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My only complaint was the epigraphs that had the numbers.  Listening to



1173090605 1173090801 1173090901 1173091001 1173091004 1173100105 1173100205 1173100401 1173100603 1173100804

in my car while driving so that I couldn't skip it was torture!

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Agreed about the numbers. Though I'd blame Mr. Sanderson for writing it that way. What's a reader to do? ;)

Overall I enjoyed both reader's performances. The only slightly jarring bit was during the chasm scene where Kaladin alternated between sounding like a (grouchy, but still) man and a mopey 15 year old.

Why didn't I fond Kate's voice for Adolin as distracting as her voice for Kaladin? I don't know. Maybe I'm biased.

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I use audible and have the speed set to 1.5. I didn't notice the accent changes (though I did notice that the accent Michael uses to read the letters is the same accent he uses for Sazed!) but I did notice the name difference, but was so minor it didn't bother me.

The best part about listening at that speed was the numbers! They were hilarious! If you listen the Wheel of Time at that speed, the "flicker" part is just as amusing.

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