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What will happen to Vorinism post book-5?



It occurred to me that, with the return of the Radiants, the eventual public disclosure of why they were first disbanded and the true history behind the religions which revere them are inevitable.

So...my question is, what becomes of Vorinism after the close of book 5 when it's followers are confronted with the reality that their religion is based on a misunderstanding of where their ancestors come from? Will they...simply not care and keep practicing anyway? Massive portions of Eastern Roshar's economy, social networks, and administrative systems are grounded in lies. Are we thinking civil war, or just widespread depression? Will they all convert to following the passions and the nightwatcher instead of holding fast to their outdated beliefs?

Sorry if this is insensitively worded; I'm genuinely curious what people think on this subject though.

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It will hinge entirely on the words and actions of the remaining Heralds, I think.  If they become actively and widely known as the Crazy people they currently are, it'll shake the foundations of Vorinism more than anything.  If, by contrast, Ishar is cured he hopes can happen, and/or the others step up to some level of their former responsibility, it could revive Vorinism in a new wave of devotion.  

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1 hour ago, Quantus said:

It will hinge entirely on the words and actions of the remaining Heralds, I think.  If they become actively and widely known as the Crazy people they currently are, it'll shake the foundations of Vorinism more than anything.  If, by contrast, Ishar is cured he hopes can happen, and/or the others step up to some level of their former responsibility, it could revive Vorinism in a new wave of devotion.  

Whoa. I was not expecting optimism on this front, that's a pretty cool proposal. I would dearly like to believe that the Heralds can still be saved and forgiven. Touche.

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15 minutes ago, hwiles said:

Whoa. I was not expecting optimism on this front, that's a pretty cool proposal. I would dearly like to believe that the Heralds can still be saved and forgiven. Touche.

There is a supernatural element to their Madness and at least one supernatural effect can suppress it, so there's scientific reason for hope.  Two of the Heralds will be POV characters so there's meta reason to think they'll become properly Protagonist-y by the end.  And "Taln Didnt Break", which is right up there with "Honor Lives in the Hearts of Men" for inspiring the the people, and gives me hope that at least one of the ten is still on their Hero's Path.   

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I wonder if some people will start to follow the path Dalinar is taking. I can't remember if he says he is trying to correct the current vorin church or create a new one but people could start to worship "the God beyond honor" which is basically Adonalsium. I think this is unlikely because most people seem to be opposed to what he is doing. 

Some people could turn to worshipping Odium depending how SA5 ends

Atheism could be popular or they could start to seperate religion from government but I have no idea how that would play out in a medieval setting. Didn't Gavilar claim to have a divine right to conquer/rule? If Vornisim is abandoned it could mean bad things for the kingdom but I also think I remember Jasnah having plans to be the last Alethi monarch so I feel like if any King/Queen can navigate that it would be Jasnah. 

Edited by Elite01
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