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Updating Soulstamps?

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The way I understand it now, all you need to do to make a Soulstamp is the correct writing, be born in or near MaiPon, and Intent. 

Does this mean you could make the main body of the Forgery (not the Linchpin stamp itself) a book instead of a carved medallion like Shai did?

What about adding lines to it? If it was just a book with the Stamp used to apply its code, I see no reason why you couldn't update it with a few lines to alter your recent past, such as saying you studied a given topic during your Saturday instead of hanging out with your friends, or rewriting your past to say you got to bed on time rather than staying up till 5 AM.

This would be different from Shai's Stamps that completely rewrite your past to get an extensive skill set and knowledge, but it would be useful for a number of more mundane everyday tasks.

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2 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

What about adding lines to it? If it was just a book with the Stamp used to apply its code, I see no reason why you couldn't update it with a few lines to alter your recent past,

You cannot because each stamp must be "complete." TES:




She engraved a series of quick marks on the back—the side opposite the elaborately carved front. The setting mark finished every soulstamp, indicating no more carving was to come. Shai had always fancied it to look like the shape of MaiPon, her homeland.


Those marks finished, she held the stamp over a flame. This was a property of soulstone; fire hardened it, so it could not be chipped. She didn’t need to take this step. The anchoring marks on the top were all it really needed, and she could carve a stamp out of anything, really, so long as the carving was precise. Soulstone was prized, however, because of this hardening process.

Day 58:


Shai laughed. “Twelve? To Forge an entire soul? Hardly. The final stamp, the one you will need to use on the emperor each morning, will be like … a linchpin, or the keystone of an arch. It will be the only one that will need to be placed on his skin, but it will connect a lattice of hundreds of other stamps.”

Shai reached to the side, taking out her book of notes, including initial sketches of the final stamps. “I’ll take these and stamp them onto a metal plate, then link that to the stamp you will place on Ashravan each day. He’ll need to keep the plate close at all times.”


So each fragment stamp is "set" with the setting mark so it can stamp the plate, then the linking stamp is "set" to link the plate to the subject. Each section is completed with the Setting mark that allows no further carving. And, if using Soulstone, that has been hardened to prevent damage (and changes - or somebody would mess with your Forgery by scratching an extra line. . . )

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