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I finished my first read of the Mistborn trilogy...


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I have to say that I did NOT see that ending coming!  I had fully expected that Vin and Elend would somehow persevere and live happily ever after...  and I certainly didn't see Sazed being the one to be the Hero of Ages!  Well done for that surprise twist ending.  

Love this trilogy!  I'm looking forward to reading more of Sanderson's work. :)

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40 minutes ago, nightwriter said:
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I have to say that I did NOT see that ending coming!  I had fully expected that Vin and Elend would somehow persevere and live happily ever after...  and I certainly didn't see Sazed being the one to be the Hero of Ages!  Well done for that surprise twist ending.  

Love this trilogy!  I'm looking forward to reading more of Sanderson's work. :)


Personally, I loved Mistborn era 2 even more. Hope you enjoy it too!

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3 hours ago, nightwriter said:
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I have to say that I did NOT see that ending coming!  I had fully expected that Vin and Elend would somehow persevere and live happily ever after...  and I certainly didn't see Sazed being the one to be the Hero of Ages!  Well done for that surprise twist ending.  

Love this trilogy!  I'm looking forward to reading more of Sanderson's work. :)

Welcome to the Shard. Glad you enjoyed the story thusfar. Just rememeber. . . 

"There's always another secret."

If you are looking for more Sanderson Cosmere works, you may want to consider checking out a few of the reading order threads (linked thread includes links to other reading order threads).

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8 hours ago, nightwriter said:
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I have to say that I did NOT see that ending coming!  I had fully expected that Vin and Elend would somehow persevere and live happily ever after...  and I certainly didn't see Sazed being the one to be the Hero of Ages!  Well done for that surprise twist ending.  

Love this trilogy!  I'm looking forward to reading more of Sanderson's work. :)

Welcome to the Shard!

Don't stop there!

Who was your favorite character and why? What open points are you still confused about? (I won't spoil anything, but you must be an absolute genius if nothing tripped you up!) Can you name a scene that gave you chills to read or one that made you need to put down the book and take a break? Do you still think, in retrospect after finishing the arc, that the crew were the good guys, or...are they somewhere in between good and evil? Do you feel like the Lord Ruler was right to try and halt the catacendre and take power for himself in order to save as many lives as possible, or that the cataclysm was inevitable and probably should have been allowed to take place 1000 years ago (or something else)?

Hopefully you don't mind the prompt, I just always appreciate a fresh perspective if you're happy to give it (on any or all of the above) 😃

Edit: typos...

Edited by hwiles
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