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Help identifing a couple of PoV's

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im doing a character analysis of Dragonsteel Prime, like i have done for, Way of Kings Prime, Aether of Night, and Mythwalker in the past


But i need help identifying who a couple of PoV's belong to.


 There were a few PoV’s I had a hard time placing as the narrator(third person omniscent) or a specific character


For example:

Chapter One’s first PoV of “The Lumbermans son was born into a world of magic" and the whole "narrator-y" exposition of Jericks early life that followed is the narrator correct? or is that a Jerick PoV?


Then in Interlude one, between Frost and Topaz, there isnt really any internal dialogue or such presented from either of them to give any indication as to who’s PoV it is. Only “Frost said” and “Topaz said” but the interlude does end with a “narrator-y” paragraph.


Frost nodded humbly, and with that the fool was gone, slipping along the outside of the building to the stables where an enormous Ke’Chan waited for him with a pair of horses. They rode away at a full gallop, sensing an urgency that no one else on the continent seemed to understand. With Cephandrious gone, the castle plants seemed to wilt slightly, the air seemed to turn a little colder, and two youths awoke the next morning to find that their best—and perhaps only—friend in the palace had disappeared without a word of farewell.

i cant tell if this is either a Frost or a Narrator PoV?


Then in the middle of chapter 52, directly after Topaz does his healing/growth blast we get this PoV(This Is the whole PoV)


An invisible wave of life washed over the castle. Soldiers who had fallen, both human and Sho Del, felt their wounds suddenly heal. Bodies that were dead remained so, but any with even a spark of life left in them were completely revitalized. Men left for dead sat up, finding their armor mangled and torn, but their bodies intact. About two dozen of these rescued men—fourteen of them bearing the symbol of a tree on their armor—could be found on the fields behind the palace, amongst a scattered group of five hundred bodies. Where the fighting continued, a man impaled on a Sho Del sword felt his life return suddenly, his vitality lifted, his pain extinguished. He looked down at the sword still sticking from his chest, then up into the eyes of his confused opponent. A second later the wave had passed, and he began to die again. In the garden, where the energy had been focused, hundreds of trees sprang from the ground, growing from tiny seeds to enormous pines in the blink of an eye. Seeds that had lain dormant for years, seeds that would never have grown on their own, suddenly burst to life. The trees appeared like a tidal wave of wood, growing so closely together that they pushed one another out of the ground as they shot up, tossing several full-sized trunks high into the air. Branches snapped and pressed together, shattering even as they grew, for there was no place for them to go. Those watching could hear the wood groan and pop, a sound similar to an enormous rockslide. The resulting wall of trees had grown so closely together that they would never survive—there wouldn’t be enough light or nutrients to support them. Six arrows thunked into the trees.

Narrator right?(seems kind of obvious on this one, but i dont want to be wrong on my analysis)

Edited by Eternal Khol
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Do other books have narrator POVs? I would not do that myself, the narrator isn't a character, just a slightly distanced voice. I'd say they're Jerick's, Frost's, and the last paragraph...multi? Dunno. Question for the Keepers on how they'd do it, maybe. 

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21 hours ago, AonEne said:

Do other books have narrator POVs? I would not do that myself, the narrator isn't a character, just a slightly distanced voice. I'd say they're Jerick's, Frost's, and the last paragraph...multi? Dunno. Question for the Keepers on how they'd do it, maybe. 

Mythwalker's Prologue has a third person omniscent PoV



But, yeah, Jerick and Frost are who i was thinking on the first two as well. Not so sure on the last one 😕

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On 4/22/2024 at 10:50 PM, Eternal Khol said:

Mythwalker's Prologue has a third person omniscent PoV


But, yeah, Jerick and Frost are who i was thinking on the first two as well. Not so sure on the last one 😕

Published books, though - I'd look more to them for precedent, and at the stuff already on the Coppermind, but then I don't know what's on the Coppermind in this area. 

I don't know what would be best for the last one...I'd lean more toward a label like General or Multiple than Narrator, myself. Feels more wiki-ish? But I don't know if there's actually preferred terminology XD 

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, AonEne said:

Published books, though - I'd look more to them for precedent, and at the stuff already on the Coppermind, but then I don't know what's on the Coppermind in this area. 

yeah, I probably should.... but DS Prime was never traditionally published or edited and was written so long ago, so i didnt want to just follow suit and just not label it as narrator/third person omniscent just because the published books dont have those kinds of PoV's.(White Sand Prose and, like i noted, Mythwalker, which were both written directly after DS Prime also have Narrator PoV's)

There are a couple PoV's that are def the narrator/third person omniscent, so i dont want to knock the idea that these PoV's might be as well

Edited by Eternal Khol
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