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Other Expanses

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We know that the expanses of the Vapors, Densities, and Vibrance are Scadrial, Sel, and Nalthis, respectively, and Broken Sky is probably Taldain. What could other planets' "expanse names" be? Here are some I've come up with:

Threnody: Expanse of the Shadows

Canticle: Expanse of the Brilliance/Expanse of the Inferno

Roshar: Expanse of the Spheres



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1 hour ago, SPECTRE120 said:

We know that the expanses of the Vapors, Densities, and Vibrance are Scadrial, Sel, and Nalthis, respectively, and Broken Sky is probably Taldain. What could other planets' "expanse names" be? Here are some I've come up with:

Threnody: Expanse of the Shadows

Canticle: Expanse of the Brilliance/Expanse of the Inferno

Roshar: Expanse of the Spheres

As far as we know, the "Expanse" names are Rosharan terms for Cognitive Realms that border Roshar's Shadesmar. As such, there are likely only going to be terms for the ones already on the map until/unless we get the Silverlight terms (or unless Sanderson reveals that "Expanse" is the Silverlight term). That said, I think it's far more likely that Broken Sky refers to Ashyn and/or Braize (since being in the same system they by-nature have to be one of the border areas). 

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On 4/13/2024 at 6:02 PM, Treamayne said:

As far as we know, the "Expanse" names are Rosharan terms for Cognitive Realms that border Roshar's Shadesmar. As such, there are likely only going to be terms for the ones already on the map until/unless we get the Silverlight terms (or unless Sanderson reveals that "Expanse" is the Silverlight term). That said, I think it's far more likely that Broken Sky refers to Ashyn and/or Braize (since being in the same system they by-nature have to be one of the border areas)

I know they're Rosharan terms, but I thought it would be fun to come up with names anyway. I guess Broken Sky does make more sense to be Ashyn or Braize from a geographical standpoint, but I don't know why only one of those would be adjacent when both of them are geographically, and the name always sounded more like Taldain to me. Who knows though, maybe it'll make more sense when we finally get The Silence Divine.

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