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Hey all, I couldn't find a dedicated fabrial thread and I spent half of last night editing fabrial articles on the coppermind and am now convinced that they are one of the most awesome things in the cosmere. I thought I'd start a thread for all things fabrial related, any strange sightings in the book, a list of known fabrials and ideas for the use of current fabrials and the creation of new fabrials.

I was thinking about the conjoining fabrials used in spanreeds and my mind was just blown at the possibilities for something like that on Roshar, you could create something the size of your finger that effectively weighs as much as a building if you wanted (not sure what kind of practical application that has but I'm sure I'll think of something)

Edit: Actually now that I think about it conjoiner fabrials could be used for levitation purposes, you'd just need to embed one in solid stone and have the thing that turns it on on the other one, then whenever you turn it on it would stay exactly still, I now definitely want to be an artifabrian.

Edited by Voidus
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Hey all, I couldn't find a dedicated fabrial thread and I spent half of last night editing fabrial articles on the coppermind and am now convinced that they are one of the most awesome things in the cosmere. I thought I'd start a thread for all things fabrial related, any strange sightings in the book, a list of known fabrials and ideas for the use of current fabrials and the creation of new fabrials.

I was thinking about the conjoining fabrials used in spanreeds and my mind was just blown at the possibilities for something like that on Roshar, you could create something the size of your finger that effectively weighs as much as a building if you wanted (not sure what kind of practical application that has but I'm sure I'll think of something)

Edit: Actually now that I think about it conjoiner fabrials could be used for levitation purposes, you'd just need to embed one in solid stone and have the thing that turns it on on the other one, then whenever you turn it on it would stay exactly still, I now definitely want to be an artifabrian.

Yeah, conjoiners have essentially infinite (and infinitely cool) applications. You can even get over the energy-loss by providing some kind of force-multiplier on one end or the other (levers, anyone?).

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Yeah I'm trying to think of military applications as those are the kind of fabrials we are likely to see, I had a thought about using that levitation idea for the bridges at the Shattered Plain, come to think of it did we ever get an answer as to why there aren't more permanent bridges?

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Yeah I'm trying to think of military applications as those are the kind of fabrials we are likely to see, I had a thought about using that levitation idea for the bridges at the Shattered Plain, come to think of it did we ever get an answer as to why there aren't more permanent bridges?

If you build a permanent bridge too far out, the Parshendi will destroy it.

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If you build a permanent bridge too far out, the Parshendi will destroy it.

To expand on that, apparently soulcasting/Alethi engineering is such that they would need ropes to support any soulcast stone bridge, which ropes could be easily cut and destroyed. Searching for source now, I'll try to get back to you.

EDIT: Found it!

There was more, but I can't really remember anything major. Finally, I came up and got to ask my questions. Since I started the thread about outposts and stone bridges, I felt like getting some input there. Brandon told me that single highprinces could not erect outposts because due to the superior mobility of the Parshendi - they would overwhelm any small outpost quickly. Soulcasting stone bridges is also not plausible. Apparently, they would need to first get the wooden bridge out there, then soulcast it and then, since the stone is heavier than the wood, they would have to reinforce it, e.g. with ropes. These could then be cut by the Parshendi, so it would not help at all. Dalinar with his mobile bridges is on a better track in his opinion. He did say however that several highprinces working together could easily establish outposts in the Plains. He said the competitive nature of the Alethi was doing them a huge disservice in the war and that if they would work together, they could have taken the Plains long ago.
Edited by Kurkistan
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Right then so it looks like this could be an excellent solution, using embedded fabrials to support the bridge instead of ropes they would be much harder to destroy especially as siege weaponry is definitely not possible from the Parshendi.

Come to think of mobile bridges could still be possible but with the bridge crew supporting it with a Fabrial from much further back (They hold a much lighter mock-bridge with a conjoined ruby(ies) to the real Bridge that way they could be a good few hundred metres back and much safer from Parshendi arrows, they can get the bridges in place before the rest of the army gets close as well for a much faster assault

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Good point, well I doubt that any others use the same as Sadeas because we know that he is known for his speed with them, I imagine the others probably use some compromise between the two, perhaps letting the Bridgemen carry shields? not sure but it's definitely an interesting point.

This is in response to a post that I deleted, wondering what bridges the other highprinces used. I decided to delete it, since it had no relation to fabrials, and I didn't want to derail the topic.

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One problem with any long-term levitation is that I presume that more stormlight is required to enable a greater energy transfer on the part of conjoiners. So we might not get very far with a massive bridge.

Edited by Kurkistan
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  • 3 months later...

Sorry for the topic necromancy here but I've been without internet for a couple months and I've had some more thoughts, topic-revival cookies for everyone!

I've been thinking about warning fabrials this time, wondering if they could be used as a more accurate warning of a Highstorm but then thought they probably wouldn't have anywhere near a large-enough range which then got me thinking about the gemhearts. These offer near-limitless potential for Soulcasters so what about other types of Fabrials? we have seen Jasnah use a reasonably large gem to transform two men into flames and we have also seen augmenting fabrials capable of increasing the heat so using a gemheart it should be possible to provide enough power to create huge amounts of heat, enough to cause considerable damage to an opposing army and we know that the Alethi still win an awful lot of gemhearts, this could be used as traps on certain key plateaus to soften up the Parshendi for an Alethi charge (The tower?)

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