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Mistborn Movies


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11 minutes ago, KalSpear said:

Any news on Mistborn adaptations?

No news for now, but Brandon will be visiting Hollywood in following weeks, he said it in the last weekly update. Maybe something new will come from this. However Brandon keeps repeating that Hollywood is hard to work with, it takes time to do anything.

However the Mistborn movie is/was in the early stages of development, but it all stagnated as the writers strike started in previous year. If I remember correctly it got to the point where Brandon was seeing some casting, or some early scripts reading, or something like that. Brandon has a full insight into the development process and is in the position to be making demands and decisions - he wanted to have greater control over his movies for obvious reasons and he succeeded in that.

Here are two WoBs from the State of Sanderson 2022&2023. I'm pretty sure he talked about it in one of the recent streams as well - this is an often asked question so it repeats every few streams.


Brandon Sanderson

Part Six: Hollywood and Video Game News

I know a good number of you probably jumped straight to this section, if you’re reading the prose version! The thing is, if I had announcements on this front, I absolutely would have made them at Dragonsteel 2022. 

So, I regret to tell you, I can’t say much about Hollywood projects right now. Basically, we want our proverbial ducks in a row before we make any announcements. Hollywood things are moving, and moving well, for the first time in my life. I’m hoping that by this time next year you’ll know what has been going on behind the scenes—but making things in Hollywood is challenging, and can take a lot of time. (Particularly if you want to do it right.) So it’s possible that we still might not have a Hollywood announcement next year, either. We’ll see.

I appreciate your patience. I’ll tell you about movie stuff when I can!

In the meantime, Soulburner (a longstanding project on these lists) did eventually get made as a video game, named Moonbreaker. Dan has been doing audio dramas for it based on my outlines and characters, which you can listen to HERE!

It was a wonderful experience working on this game, though I will note that I wasn’t thrilled by the monetization methods they picked upon launch. (I got a little blindsided by this, I’ll admit.) They’ve listened to feedback, however, and improved this aspect of the game a lot–and continue to improve it with every patch. It’s still in Early Access, but give it a look, if you’re interested! I find it quite fun myself. 

State of the Sanderson 2022 (Dec. 22, 2022)



Brandon Sanderson

Part Six: The Mistborn Film, Hollywood, and Video Games

The Mistborn film has been in development but has run into some hiccups and is on pause for now, but I hope to have more news to share in 2024. But really, there’s not much else to report. Snapshot (the novella) is still being tinkered with at Universal. It might be the only thing under option right now, because I basically put everything else on hold, despite interest, as I decide on a strategy.

Tress would make a pretty great animated feature though, don’t you think?

State of the Sanderson 2023 (Dec. 19, 2023)
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