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The Hero’s Journey

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What’s up y’all, Cosmere neophyte here. After a gradual progression through the world of fantasy games and movies -  Elden Ring and LOTR most notably -  I have been starstruck by the genre. Was diving for a great book world to immerse myself in and inevitably found Sanderson. Just started out with Mistborn and am almost complete with The Well of Ascension and I am loving every second of it. The mystery of what this universe truly contains occupies my mind and gives me many things to think about. My favorite character so far is probably Sazed, he fascinates me to no end.  I can’t wait to discover the inner workings of this world and to start The Way of Kings. 

I have always had a deep love for art. Any medium will do.  The expression of one’s soul to bring forth a creation that invokes and connects others in a way that can’t really be defined is beautiful to me. I want to create something special, to express my imaginations and passions.  I’m not entirely sure what that something special will be just yet, but I want to create a world to be immersed in while also using my own personal passions, struggles, and philosophies. I have felt the desire to write recently, and after watching Sanderson’s lectures I feel the fire under me to create. I have always had a special relationship with music. I am a music producer and play guitar, and would love to incorporate multiple mediums of art into one creation. 

I feel that we are all on the hero’s journey in this life, as that is what we were put here to accomplish. The collective archetypal subconscious mission to beat this game called life. I’ve kinda been rambling on this post lol but felt compelled to share with this community as I feel there are many shared interests among lovers of writing. Peace be with you all. 

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