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Bondsmiths, Shard's avatars?

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Here are some of my random ideas again. What if the pre-betrayal Stormfather and Nightwacher Bondsmiths were always "avatars" of Honor and Cultivation?

This idea came to mind when I remembered a certain comment by Sibling, where he is surprised that Navani is Dalinar's partner. Explain that the Bondsmiths of the Stormfather and the Nightwacher were always a couple, this is already strange in itself since the amounts of time we manage between the desolations is so large that it seems something very strange. Does this mean that on no occasion They had a partner before they went from being Radiants and they were never interested in anyone other than another Bondsmith?

Then the idea arises that perhaps they were not conventional humans but rather manifestations of the Shards. Since what better way to direct it than assuming 2 of the 3 most important positions among them? In addition, it would explain why he was missing during the false desolation (given the state of Honor and the distance of Cultivation)

Note: I understand that the concept of avatar in the cosmere is a little far from the characteristics that I am proposing, in this case it would be something more similar to how the Vorin of the Heralds think, "Aspects of the almighty", it would be a mortal avatar that they would use Honor and Cultivation to be the Bondsmiths of their respective Godsprens.

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34 minutes ago, Dofurion said:

Explain that the Bondsmiths of the Stormfather and the Nightwacher were always a couple,

No, they weren't always a couple, they were sometimes a couple and Sibling's Bondsmiths usually stayed apart from them. RoW ch 114:


“The Stormfather doesn’t know what to make of this,” Dalinar said. “I think he finds it strange. Apparently, his Bondsmith and the Nightwatcher’s Bondsmith sometimes had relationships, but the Sibling’s Bondsmith was always apart.”
“The Sibling is … curious that way,” Navani said. “I’ll introduce you, once they are ready. It might take them time.”

Moreover not every time there was a full set of 3 Bondsmiths - famously during the False Desolation there was only one. In between Desolations there was less Radiant as a whole as spren didn't feel the need to bond.

48 minutes ago, Dofurion said:

Note: I understand that the concept of avatar in the cosmere is a little far from the characteristics that I am proposing, in this case it would be something more similar to how the Vorin of the Heralds think, "Aspects of the almighty", it would be a mortal avatar that they would use Honor and Cultivation to be the Bondsmiths of their respective Godsprens.

So you propose that they aren't actual Avatars, but rather like Heralds, who have more or less made up titles fit to religion, rather than being actual aspects of Honor? Because that's what an Avatar is - an aspect of a Shard - Heralds weren't Avatars. Bondsmiths aren't Avatars as well, they are just bonded to big spren. 


Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Any Shard can make aspects [avatars].

Salt Lake City signing (Dec. 16, 2017)


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20 hours ago, alder24 said:

So you propose that they aren't actual Avatars, but rather like Heralds, who have more or less made up titles fit to religion, rather than being actual aspects of Honor? Because that's what an Avatar is - an aspect of a Shard - Heralds weren't Avatars. Bondsmiths aren't Avatars as well, they are just bonded to big spren. 

I think I didn't explain myself well:
If a conventional Avatar is a mass of investiture associated with a splinter on X planet, and it requires someone from said planet to ascend to be complete. What we could say is an avatar of power.
What I want to propose here is something less powerful, a human connected to the shard but without access to the amounts of investiture that the other version has, something like an "avatar for the vessel".
If version A is a small Shard, version B is a Tanavast with amnesia in another body.

That is why I made the comparison with the term "aspect of the Almighty" since this is how the Heralds are treated with (more or less) specific aspects of a superior being, but without being everything that it represents.

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5 hours ago, Dofurion said:

What I want to propose here is something less powerful, a human connected to the shard but without access to the amounts of investiture that the other version has, something like an "avatar for the vessel".
If version A is a small Shard, version B is a Tanavast with amnesia in another body.

Sooooo, a Cognitive Shadow? That's kind of what it is. That's the Stormfather for you. 

The Vessel is just the mind of a Shard, there is no Avatar for the Vessel. An Avatar is "a Shard roleplaying" and that equally involves the Vessel as the mind who pulls all the strings. You can't really separate them for things like this. 

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