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What would the other Shard's surges be?

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In stormlight we know that Adhesion is Honor's surge, and that Progression is the surge most connected with Cultivation. My question is hypothetically what would happen if a different shard was connected to a surge like these two? I want to be clear I don't think it is likely especially because Odium is on Roshar and has not manifested a surge but I think it would be fun to try and figure out what they could be. 

The basic definition is that the Surges of Roshar are the basic fundamental force of the world such as gravity and light. Here is what I have for each shard so far

Preservation - time based abilities, mainly slowing things down. Breathing stormlight into something and it would act slower, enemies, falling objects etc

Ruin - could be division. I don't know if I could find a better match thematically 

Odium - emotion based abilities? It isn't a fundamental force but I can't think of anything else to match the intent of hate. It could act like a rioter or soother who breaths stormlight out and those it touches get thier emotions influenced. 

Endowement - ?

Autonomy - ? 

Virtuosity - Could be connected to the surge of illumination because all we know about its intent is it is artistic in nature. Similar situation to Ruin

Also even if you can't match them up to a shard if there were more surges that matched the 10 we know what could they be? The only "fundamental force" I can think of is temperature but I cannot find a good match, maybe Ruin? I could also maybe see maybe a fortune based ability but I am not sure if that matches the definition of fundamental force. Could go to Endowement for good luck or Ruin for bad luck

Edited by Elite01
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1 hour ago, Elite01 said:

In stormlight we know that Adhesion is Honor's surge, and that Progression is the surge most connected with Cultivation. My question is hypothetically what would happen if a different shard was connected to a surge like these two? I want to be clear I don't think it is likely especially because Odium is on Roshar and has not manifested a surge but I think it would be fun to try and figure out what they could be. 

The basic definition is that the Surges of Roshar are the basic fundamental force of the world such as gravity and light. Here is what I have for each shard so far

Preservation - time based abilities, mainly slowing things down. Breathing stormlight into something and it would act slower, enemies, falling objects etc

Ruin - lowkey could be decay/dustbringer. I don't know if I could find a better match thematically 

Odium - emotion based abilities? It isn't a fundamental force but I can't think of anything else to match hate. It could act like a rioter or soother who breaths stormlight out and those it touches get thier emotions influenced. 

Endowement - ?

Autonomy - ? 

Virtuosity - Could be connected to the surge of illumination because all we know about its intent is it is artistic in nature. Similar situation to Ruin

Also even if you can't match them up to a shard if there were more surges that matched the 10 we know what could they be? The only "fundamental force" I can think of is temperature but I cannot find a good match, maybe Ruin? I could also maybe see maybe a fortune based ability but I am not sure if that matches the definition of fundamental force. Could go to Endowement for good luck or Ruin for bad luck

 Respectfully I disagree odium surge is division. 

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In terms of fundamental forces, I think Ruin is a perfect match for entropy, which could be similar to Division, though we have not seen that surge used in-book, yet.

On 3/16/2024 at 3:18 PM, Elite01 said:

I could also maybe see maybe a fortune based ability but I am not sure if that matches the definition of fundamental force. Could go to Endowement for good luck or Ruin for bad luck

I almost feel Whimsy could be a good fit for a Fortune based ability, if only in the sense that the idea of luck is very capricious and unreliable. Indeed, maybe a Shard that is all about unpredictability would be skilled at manipulating randomness and chance.

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  • 3 months later...

Just thinking this over and trying to find matches for the surges we do know 


transformation could be invention, both are focused on creating new things. In a weird way I could see endowment also matching because you have to “give” whatever is being soulcasted Stormlight in a kind of negotiation. Of the two I would pick invention 

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