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Could hemalurgy steal a spren bond?

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Ok so hemalurgy takes a part of the spirit web so if spiked correctly with the proper intent could someone steal the bond with a spren? And could it also steal other types of invested arts such as being an elantrian and such?

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42 minutes ago, strmblsd said:

Ok so hemalurgy takes a part of the spirit web so if spiked correctly with the proper intent could someone steal the bond with a spren? And could it also steal other types of invested arts such as being an elantrian and such?

Yes and yes, though there are extra complications involved.

For Spren Bonds, you have to take both ends (the Connection from the Surgebinder and the power from the Spren) from the Surgebinder and the Spren or they'll have the power to break the Connection and sever your newly acquired power.


DragonCon 2019 - Arcanum (coppermind.net)


Can Hemalurgy be used to steal [Surgebinding]?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, technically, but since there are spren involved it's not gonna work the same way. It is possible but not gonna be nearly as effective, how about that? Basically since the spren can break the bond, you can get it and then immediately lose it.


GenCon 2017 - Arcanum (coppermind.net)Questioner 


If I wanted to Hemalurgically acquire a power from First of the Sun, which metal would the spike need to be?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

This is going to be pretty complicated, but several metals would work.

Questioner (paraphrased)

Would it involve Connection between the person being spiked and the bird?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Well it would be even harder than on Roshar, where you need to somehow spike the spren and also the Radiant. You would need to spike the bird and steal the power, but also spike the person and steal Connection.

As for Elantrians, you if you weren't born in their country you'd need to steal their Connection as well as their power. As a side note, you'd be able to steal more from them in a spike, possibly because they're closer to the Spiritual Realm.


Orem signing 2014 - Arcanum (coppermind.net)


Could you spike Elantrian-ness? Like, could you Hemalurgically spike Elantrian-ness?

Brandon Sanderson

Theoretically, yes.


Could you out of a Reod Elantrian? The zombie ones?

Brandon Sanderson

Um, yes you could.


You could?

Brandon Sanderson

So what you would be spiking there is their Connection to...to the planet, first. That's gonna be the big important thing. So you're going to overwrite your Connection. Um, and then you're going to....it's going to be a complicated process because you're going to have to spike the actual ability to have been transformed, that's gonna be harder.



Brandon Sanderson

Does that make sense?


Yeah, so it's gonna take two spikes.

Brandon Sanderson

It's gonna take two spikes.



Brandon Sanderson

And you gonna have to get the right Connection to the right place. Let's say you spike somebody from MaiPon, and then you spike an Elantrian, you're not going to be able to use it, you're not connected to the right area.



If you were to Hemalurgically give a fallen Elantrian Feruchemic gold, would they be able to store Health?

Brandon Sanderson

A fallen Elantrian store Health-- And you gave them a Hemalurgic spike-- That’s a good question, I would think-- *long pause* You know I think they would not be able to, that’s an excellent question.


Would it suddenly store up the moment they were restored?

Brandon Sanderson

No, it would not suddenly recover everything. Unless you wanted to channel-- You could do some goofy things but it would kinda ruin their connection to the Dor. But I don’t think it would suddenly-- Y’know. You might be able to do something where you steal it away from them, that could possibly happen. If they were spiked while they were full Elantrian you could probably get more out of them than your average person.

In short, basically anything that's in the Spiritweb is free game for Hemalurgy unless it's an emergent property like Savantism.


Shadows of Self Lansing signing - Arcanum (coppermind.net)


Can being an Allomantic Savant be transferred through Hemalurgy?

Brandon Sanderson

A Savant cannot be, good question. No one's asked me that before.


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