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Were Ruin and Preservation friends?



Before their Shard influenced them, of course. I feel like we get hints from Preservation that he and Ruin were friends. And if I’m not wrong, when Ruin died in Secret History, he asks for Preservation. It would make sense that two friends would share one shard with each other. Plus, it would make their story a whole lot sadder when you realised Preservation watched his friend’s slow corruption over the millennia. Anyway, kind of a dumb question, thanks.

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49 minutes ago, KaladinSTORMINstormblessed said:

Before their Shard influenced them, of course. I feel like we get hints from Preservation that he and Ruin were friends. And if I’m not wrong, when Ruin died in Secret History, he asks for Preservation. It would make sense that two friends would share one shard with each other. Plus, it would make their story a whole lot sadder when you realised Preservation watched his friend’s slow corruption over the millennia. Anyway, kind of a dumb question, thanks.

Yes, that's a bit tragic but the same happened to Leras. Their minds both gave up before the will of their Shards, they were changed and molded by them. We don't know what their relations were before they became Shards, but I think it's likely they were at least friends. Ati used to be a kind person, they decided to settle together and create the entire planet by combining their powers. I wouldn't settle and create the entire planet with a person that I don't like, the chances of them being friends are quite big. But unfortunately we don't know more than that, we have to wait for the Dragonsteel to explore it. 

WoK letter:


Ati was once a kind and generous man, and you saw what became of him.


But Ati said "Vax," not Leras - Vax is most likely a place somewhere in Cosmere. SH ch 6-9:


Ruin stood up nearby, blinking. Or . . . no, it wasn’t Ruin any longer. It was just the Vessel, Ati. The man who had held the power. Ati ran his hand through his red hair, then looked about. “Vax?” he said, sounding confused.




Is Vax a planet?  It’s clearly suggested that it is.

Brandon Sanderson

What’s that?


It’s heavily suggested that it is.

Brandon Sanderson

It is heavily suggested that it is a place.


It's a place. Okay, I'll take that.

*talking to other attendees* Vax is a place.

Brandon Sanderson

No no, heavily suggested that it's a place, is what I said!

Calamity Chicago signing (Feb. 22, 2016)


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My headcannon is that they were definitely friends. They paired up immediately after the shattering and architected a world together after agreeing with all the others to stay separate (meaning they were in cohoots). I've heard passionate fan theories that they were lovers, but I think that the deal they made upfront, to build and destroy a planet together, makes that highly unlikely. I just don't believe a romantic couple could come to such an agreement, it would be like planning the deaths of one's own children...

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