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Predictions for Stones Unhallowed


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I believe the Honorblade will go to Elhokar and it will bring disaster :ph34r:



Oh dear, that's a horrifying prospect :blink: He would start by accidentially sticking himself to the ceiling with no-one being able to get him down (with Kaladin absent in Urithiru) or lashing himself in the middle of a whole army of Voidbringers. Or worse - he could lash someone else in the middle of the Voidbringers. :ph34r:



Considering Adolin's first impulse after committing the deed was to hide all traces of him ever being there, it is highly probable he will first try to keep it a secret and it will eat him alive. I do agree the guilt will make him change his behavior together with the fact everyone he loves is now a Radiant. I will drift away from them, disconnect himself from his father and brother more specifically. Dalinar being densed at best :ph34r: will never catch one something is amiss, but Renarin might. Although I suspect Renarin will go through a self-pity arc where he'll think his brother is rejecting him because of his powers. However, I do think there is a very strong probability Renarin will ultimately be the one to uncover the truth as he is, after all, a Truthwatcher :D


By then, Adolin will have learn his Blade is a dead spren and he is torturing it each time he summons it. This will affect him greatly as he does care for his Blade. Knowing it probably hates him will be a hard one to swallow. I doubt he'll ask for its name, not now, but he may feel he needs to free it.


Dalinar will punish Adolin. I am thinking too that he will take his shards away, probably as a payment to the Sadeas. I don't see him joining Bridge 4 though. We already have Renarin joining them, so I doubt Adolin would do the same. He'll probably remain in charge of the Kohlin army, but without shards, he'll be severely limited in what he can do on the battle field. This will be very hard for him as he will be forced to watch his soldiers die without being able to make a difference. He'll get more and more reckless up until he'll end up in real trouble.


There will be a breaking point eventually. My guess is he'll end up badly injured and Renarin will be the one to save him (Progression surge, yeah). Renarin's story arc will be tied with his brother's. Through the ordeal, he'll come to understand his older, bigger, stronger and healtier brother does need him. On his side, Dalinar will go ballistic as he will consider it is his fault. Adolin will start to realize his family does care about him, despite all. Father and son will talk. Dalinar will tell his son about his years as the Blackthorn.


He will be able to start to rebuilt on this.


He will thus decide to reclaim his Blade as it feels like the right thing to do. Everyone will think he has gone mad, they'll be worried all this is a side effect from his previously healed injuries, but Adolin will not bulged from this. And thus will go the arc where Adolin the badass will find a way to get his Blade back and unlock the spren inside, but that may take more then one book :ph34r:


He may feel so bad for the poor spren that he will have issues with summoning the blade and therefore put himself into dangerous situations. And yes, he propably will drift away from Renarin and they both will think it's their fault and mope over this (with Kaladin hopefully improving we will need someone to take his part in moping :ph34r: ). Renarin will find out the truth and propably confront his brother about it but ultimately he'll keep quiet to protect Adolin and somebody else will reveal the truth. And Dalinar will be so focused on the Desolation, Radiants and other things (*cough*Navani*cough*) that he won't realise something's going on with his sons until it's too late.


As for the Bridge 4 - I don't think Renarin truly joined it, I mean he spends time with them and everything but he doesn't partake in their duties (except from washing dishes). Besides if Adolin is disowned Renarin will be Dalinar's heir and therefore Dalinar will want to teach him how to be a highprince as quickly as he can, which propably won't leave him time to hang out with the bridgemen. I see Adolin really joining them and going on the guard duty to protect his family. Not a highprince's son who tags along but a soldier on the same grounds as the others. I can see him going to Kaladin (who hopefully will be back at the time) and asking him to join his men. ^_^ At first other bridgemen will be very uncomfortable with him but with time they'll start accepting a lighteye as one of them.


I love the idea of Renarin saving Adolin from deadly wound - it's just something those two need. Dalinar could try to patch the cracks (chasms) between him and his firstborn and it will work to an extent but going with my idea of Adolin joining Bridge 4 I think he would insist on staying there. I just can't see how would Adolin reclaim his blade if it was given to Sades (Ialai) as a retribution without causing a civil war or any major arguments. That's why I like the idea of him proclaiming one of the ideals (the second one - kind of like he never spoke the first one aloud but embraced it anyway, I think Brandon suggest somewhere that it's what Dalinar did as he proclaimed only one ideal at the end of WoR) and the Blade coming to him on itself. It would be epic and just imagine Ialai's face when she founds out :ph34r:



I think we are going to see another side of Roshone... He'll be broken by the events: his son is dead, his wife hates him, his town has been rampaged and he was powerless to stop it. We'll get to learn about his back story and he won't come out as such a villain anymore as we will hear his side of the story. Kaladin will come to realize everyone makes mistakes, even grave ones, but the ability to forgive one person may be sufficient to propel them towards doing good again.


Kaladin will forgive Roshone and Roshone will start to learn how to not be a scumbag. He won't be in charge anymore, but he'll find himself some use. By forgiving Roshone, Kaladin will discover his fouth ideal.


Kaladin has struggled for books as to which came first: honor or revenge. With Amaram, he learned Honor came first. With Elhokar, he learned he could not kill to protect unless the threat is direct, but he could certainly not kill for future unannounced actions. With Roshone, he will learn the ability to forgive is a requisite to any good leader.


Kaladin will eventually head for Kohlinar where he will get entangled within the rebellion. He will meet up again with Tarah who would have joined their movement.............................................................................. :ph34r:


Well, if we see Roshone as a different kind of person (not a silversmiths'-murderer or surgeon-opressor) then maybe it will make sense... I just can't really imagine Kaladin forgiving him if Roshone doesn't feel at least some remorse over what he did to his family. And even if, Kaladin will struggle to forgive him as it would be very hard for him.


And I don't see the fourth ideal as having anything to do with forgiving - I expect it to be connected to the Windrunners' attribute of leading (as the previous two were about protecting). Something along the lines of "I will take the lead when no-one else does" or similair... It could happen in Kholinar while dealing with the riots. I see it kind of like this: Kaladin arrives and tries to find and contact someone connected to Dalinar. He tries to talk to the queen, but we know how she is - she won't listen (even considering that Kal will surgebind his eyes to be blue to have more credibility with high ranked Alethi). Rebellion will be getting worse and worse and there will be no-one to deal with it so Kaladin will have to take charge of them (kind of like he did to Adolin and the officers on the Tower) and try to solve the matter, even though it'll seem impossible or a sure death. Somebody may ask him why he's risking so much to try to save the situation even if the capitol is already in complete chaos and then he will proclaim the fourth ideal.


As for Tarah - she may or may not appear. And not necessarily as Kal's love interest but maybe as a trusted friend. We know nothing of her or her personality so I can't say if she fits into my vision or not.



She'll drift away from Adolin... She does not need him anymore and her double life won't leave her much time. Adolin will take it as a sign she does not want to be with him anymore as it happened with every single other girl. He'll break up, but she won't really take note of it, being entangled in her plots.


When Adolin ends up near dead, she'll realize how much she cares about him. By that time, she may have started some unofficial union with Kaladin, but it will make her realize it is not him she loves. She will be very troubled over this fact as she has never taken any decision regarding her future directly. She will dwindle on this for a while, but real life will catch up to her.


She'll end up in very tight spot and Adolin will pop to the rescue with his newly reclaimed Blade. Shallan will appreciate having someone that cares for her. The two of them will elope :ph34r: and get married through an intimate ceremony away from their family, surrounded by bridgemen :ph34r: Adolin will marry Shallan as a disowned lighteye of the fourth or fifth (or even tenth) dahn following his punishment for murdering Sadeas.... He'll thus marry a women way above his station. He won't swear the first oath until much later.


Book five will end with Adolin and Shallan "official" wedding following the Alethi tradition, Kaladin will be Adolin's best man together with Renarin. Second half of SA will see them happily married surrounded by many kids, including at least one pair of twins :ph34r: Adolin's eldest daughter will take after him and will be more interested into the art of war in general and swordfighting in particular than in any topic generally reserved for women.


I know this a lot of ramblings, but this is fun :D


I like this scenario ;) Especially the ceremony away from the family but with bridgemen around. But who will do the job of a priest (assuming that the vorin culture needs this kind of person for weddings)? My guess is Sigzil :D And I already like this daughter. But out of curiosity: why twins? Did I forget something important concernig Adolin/Shallan/both and twins? Is there any potential significance?


And the bridgemen will have to babysit those kids :lol:


By the second half of SA I'd like to also see Kaladin happily married (my current candidate for his wife is Jenet, but it can change possibly when we learn more about Tarah) and having at least one son (who could remind him of Tien... but in a good, happy way not a gloomy way). That kid would have a life... So many doting "uncles" ;) Excuse me while I curl into a ball from laughter imagining Rock tossing Kal's child up and catching them (little kids like this...) while the kid's mother looks at it with horror... :ph34r:


And yes, rambling on the possible future of our favourite characters is very fun :D

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Oh dear, that's a horrifying prospect :blink: He would start by accidentially sticking himself to the ceiling with no-one being able to get him down (with Kaladin absent in Urithiru) or lashing himself in the middle of a whole army of Voidbringers. Or worse - he could lash someone else in the middle of the Voidbringers. :ph34r:


I have a dark Elhokar theory :ph34r:



He may feel so bad for the poor spren that he will have issues with summoning the blade and therefore put himself into dangerous situations. And yes, he propably will drift away from Renarin and they both will think it's their fault and mope over this (with Kaladin hopefully improving we will need someone to take his part in moping :ph34r: ). Renarin will find out the truth and propably confront his brother about it but ultimately he'll keep quiet to protect Adolin and somebody else will reveal the truth. And Dalinar will be so focused on the Desolation, Radiants and other things (*cough*Navani*cough*) that he won't realise something's going on with his sons until it's too late.



Oh I love this. In all my theorizing and internal plotting, I have never thought of that one. Good one. I keep thinking Adolin will lose an important battle in the near future, it could be because he refused to use his Blade to avoid seeing it suffer. I can totally see Adolin getting  beat down for the sake of an inanimate object :ph34r::D It could be the kind of behavior that would help his spren to come back to life, seeing her young holder care about her so much may be what she needs :P


I am not sure if Renarin is the mopping kind... more like the beating himself down kind... If Adolin drifts away: he'll think he is to blame, until he adds one and one together. I have faith in Renarin: he is a smart kid and nobody knows Adolin more then him.


Dalinar is way too dense when it comes to interpersonal relationship....... The ship will have time to wreck and sink before he realized it was leaking :ph34r:



As for the Bridge 4 - I don't think Renarin truly joined it, I mean he spends time with them and everything but he doesn't partake in their duties (except from washing dishes). Besides if Adolin is disowned Renarin will be Dalinar's heir and therefore Dalinar will want to teach him how to be a highprince as quickly as he can, which propably won't leave him time to hang out with the bridgemen. I see Adolin really joining them and going on the guard duty to protect his family. Not a highprince's son who tags along but a soldier on the same grounds as the others. I can see him going to Kaladin (who hopefully will be back at the time) and asking him to join his men. ^_^ At first other bridgemen will be very uncomfortable with him but with time they'll start accepting a lighteye as one of them.


Nah, this I just don't see it. Adolin stepping down to being a regular soldier? In a darkeye spear unit? Acting as a bodyguard? Nah. Even if Dalinar disinherit him, he'll want to keep him around, providing he can manage to avoid his son being banished or executed. Adolin could lose rank, but not down to the last dahn... probably down to the fourth or the fifth dahn, but he'll retain his position as general commander of the Kohlin army.



I love the idea of Renarin saving Adolin from deadly wound - it's just something those two need. Dalinar could try to patch the cracks (chasms) between him and his firstborn and it will work to an extent but going with my idea of Adolin joining Bridge 4 I think he would insist on staying there. I just can't see how would Adolin reclaim his blade if it was given to Sades (Ialai) as a retribution without causing a civil war or any major arguments. That's why I like the idea of him proclaiming one of the ideals (the second one - kind of like he never spoke the first one aloud but embraced it anyway, I think Brandon suggest somewhere that it's what Dalinar did as he proclaimed only one ideal at the end of WoR) and the Blade coming to him on itself. It would be epic and just imagine Ialai's face when she founds out :ph34r:


The second I found out Renarin had the Progression surge, I figured he'll end up using it on his brother. He has been struggling for so long to be helpful and useful. He has tried to protect both his father and his brother and failed. How sweet would it be if he finally managed to show his worth by performing an admirable act of healing and thus saving his brother's life?


Dalinar will try to patch the chasm between him and his elder son, eventually. Once the rebellious son is safely back into the house, he'll try. He loves him too much not to.


As for the reclaiming his Blade, I imagined him managing to re-kinked the bond without re-bonding the Blade so to speak. They do have this tradition of breaking the gem to avoid the previous holder to reform the bond, but it has gone old and nobody remembers if such can even be done. My guess is it can and Adolin will pull it of: because this is HIS Blade, she is HIS and he will rescue her.



Well, if we see Roshone as a different kind of person (not a silversmiths'-murderer or surgeon-opressor) then maybe it will make sense... I just can't really imagine Kaladin forgiving him if Roshone doesn't feel at least some remorse over what he did to his family. And even if, Kaladin will struggle to forgive him as it would be very hard for him.


And I don't see the fourth ideal as having anything to do with forgiving - I expect it to be connected to the Windrunners' attribute of leading (as the previous two were about protecting). Something along the lines of "I will take the lead when no-one else does" or similair... It could happen in Kholinar while dealing with the riots. I see it kind of like this: Kaladin arrives and tries to find and contact someone connected to Dalinar. He tries to talk to the queen, but we know how she is - she won't listen (even considering that Kal will surgebind his eyes to be blue to have more credibility with high ranked Alethi). Rebellion will be getting worse and worse and there will be no-one to deal with it so Kaladin will have to take charge of them (kind of like he did to Adolin and the officers on the Tower) and try to solve the matter, even though it'll seem impossible or a sure death. Somebody may ask him why he's risking so much to try to save the situation even if the capitol is already in complete chaos and then he will proclaim the fourth ideal.


As for Tarah - she may or may not appear. And not necessarily as Kal's love interest but maybe as a trusted friend. We know nothing of her or her personality so I can't say if she fits into my vision or not.


I can see Kaladin forgiving Roshone once he realizes what a pitiful human being he is. Kaladin needs this. He needs to let go of the past and forgiving Roshone would be the final step towards embracing all that Lirin has ever tried to teach him.


I totally see Kaladin being involved within the Kohlinar's rebellion and finding a way to make everyone work together as the Voidbringers attack the citadel. Perhaps it is the fifth ideal that is linked to leadership? It could Kal will say two oaths in the next book, after all we've got many more knights to discover....


I actually like the idea of Tarah being a women who disguised herself as a man to join the army. Kaladin discovered her, but instead of reporting her, he fell in love with her. However, she gets uncovered. Kaladin next fails to tell her how he feels and she leaves, but she ends up in the rebellion and they meet again :D


I love the Kal/Tarah pairing. We do not know much about her, but I can see him working with my imaginary Tarah :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:



I like this scenario ;) Especially the ceremony away from the family but with bridgemen around. But who will do the job of a priest (assuming that the vorin culture needs this kind of person for weddings)? My guess is Sigzil :D And I already like this daughter. But out of curiosity: why twins? Did I forget something important concernig Adolin/Shallan/both and twins? Is there any potential significance?


And the bridgemen will have to babysit those kids :lol:


By the second half of SA I'd like to also see Kaladin happily married (my current candidate for his wife is Jenet, but it can change possibly when we learn more about Tarah) and having at least one son (who could remind him of Tien... but in a good, happy way not a gloomy way). That kid would have a life... So many doting "uncles" ;) Excuse me while I curl into a ball from laughter imagining Rock tossing Kal's child up and catching them (little kids like this...) while the kid's mother looks at it with horror... :ph34r:


And yes, rambling on the possible future of our favourite characters is very fun :D


Yeah, Sigzil perfoms the ceremony and Rock weeps the whole time saying it is:"The most beautiful thing I have ever seen, you airsick lowlanders".


Shallan's mother had twins and based on their physical description, Jushu and Wikim look nonidentical. Nonidentical twins are produced when a women releases two ovule during the same cycle. As it happens, this is genetic trait, meaning the daughter of the mother of nonidentical twins has a very strong chance of having twins herself. I once met a mother of twins who's mother had twins, who's grand-mother had two set of twins and who's sister had one as well :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: Bottom line is Shallan has a very strong chance of having at least one set of twins :lol:


I love the idea of these two being surrounded by 5 or 6 kids, mostly daughters, only one or two sons :ph34r: I can imagine Adolin's face when his wife tells him she is pregnant, again :ph34r: And Navani... Another one?


Oh yeah, Kal with a little Tien who'd be Adolin's eldest son's best friend :D Inseparable, like brothers :wub:


I love ramblings... You should see all the crazy plot ideas I have in my head :ph34r:

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However, I do think there is a very strong probability Renarin will ultimately be the one to uncover the truth as he is, after all, a Truthwatcher :D


Hahahahaha yes! upvote

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Ok...I have to ask Maxal.  What exactly does " :ph34r: " mean when you use it?  The "leet" speak spelling indicates fear but that doesn't usually seem to be how your, excessively, using it based on context.  That one post looked like you were using them instead of periods. :blink:

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Ok...I have to ask Maxal.  What exactly does " :ph34r: " mean when you use it?  The "leet" speak spelling indicates fear but that doesn't usually seem to be how your, excessively, using it based on context.  That one post looked like you were using them instead of periods. :blink:


I kind of use it as if it were the one with the gritted teeth.... It means I am either ashamed of what I am saying, either I am, dumbfounded by what I am saying, either I am trying to hide or something along those lines...... I did not know it meant fear though....

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Back on topic  ;) . Am I the only one who wants to see Vasher fight Szeth for Nightblood? We don't know exactly Vasher's current relationship with Nightblood, but I'm pretty sure there's a WoB saying he misses him very much.


Also, I'm incredibly interested to hear Szeth backstory. He is my favorite character, and I want to find out why he is the way he is. Also want to find out more about the Shin as a whole. They seem to be living in the only "earth-like" part of Roshar.

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Am I the only one who wants to see Vasher fight Szeth for Nightblood? We don't know exactly Vasher's current relationship with Nightblood, but I'm pretty sure there's a WoB saying he misses him very much.


I think this would be awesome, but I don't think it's going to happen.  I think that there is too much risk of Vasher stealing the spotlight in a series where he isn't the main character.  People who don't know Warbreaker would be confused.  

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I think this would be awesome, but I don't think it's going to happen.  I think that there is too much risk of Vasher stealing the spotlight in a series where he isn't the main character.  People who don't know Warbreaker would be confused.  


Yeah, this is pretty much inline with something I recall Brandon saying... As awesome as it would be, SA is not Vasher's book and he won't take up a leading role in it, that is until Brandon changes his mind....

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I have a dark Elhokar theory :ph34r:- I'm somehow afraid to ask...




Oh I love this. In all my theorizing and internal plotting, I have never thought of that one. Good one. I keep thinking Adolin will lose an important battle in the near future, it could be because he refused to use his Blade to avoid seeing it suffer. I can totally see Adolin getting  beat down for the sake of an inanimate object :ph34r::D It could be the kind of behavior that would help his spren to come back to life, seeing her young holder care about her so much may be what she needs :P


I am not sure if Renarin is the mopping kind... more like the beating himself down kind... If Adolin drifts away: he'll think he is to blame, until he adds one and one together. I have faith in Renarin: he is a smart kid and nobody knows Adolin more then him.


Dalinar is way too dense when it comes to interpersonal relationship....... The ship will have time to wreck and sink before he realized it was leaking :ph34r:


I think that Adolin will need his brother in more ways than one to deal with his guilt and everything else... I really expect their relationship to fall apart at first to be later rekindled into even stronger one. And yes, Dalinar is kind of hopeless... BTW, why do you refer to the spren of Adolin's Blade as she? Is there anything that may make us think it's female? There are also male spren (eg. Wyndle, Ivory and I also consider Glys male until I'm proven otherwise)... But I guess Adolin having female spren would be nice (I'd imagine this spren as rather shy and insecure, closed-in... With Adolin's personality we would have almost reversed Kaladin-Syl).



Nah, this I just don't see it. Adolin stepping down to being a regular soldier? In a darkeye spear unit? Acting as a bodyguard? Nah. Even if Dalinar disinherit him, he'll want to keep him around, providing he can manage to avoid his son being banished or executed. Adolin could lose rank, but not down to the last dahn... probably down to the fourth or the fifth dahn, but he'll retain his position as general commander of the Kohlin army.


I guess you are right... In my head Adolin would be forbidden from holding any high/important rank, I mean captain is 4th dahn or so and I believe general would have to be higher... And Adolin does want to protect his family more than anything else so I'd see him doing whatever he can to stay as close as possible to protect them from any danger.

But simply I just would really much want to see more occasions for Kaladin and Adolin to bond :)



I can see Kaladin forgiving Roshone once he realizes what a pitiful human being he is. Kaladin needs this. He needs to let go of the past and forgiving Roshone would be the final step towards embracing all that Lirin has ever tried to teach him.


I totally see Kaladin being involved within the Kohlinar's rebellion and finding a way to make everyone work together as the Voidbringers attack the citadel. Perhaps it is the fifth ideal that is linked to leadership? It could Kal will say two oaths in the next book, after all we've got many more knights to discover....


I actually like the idea of Tarah being a women who disguised herself as a man to join the army. Kaladin discovered her, but instead of reporting her, he fell in love with her. However, she gets uncovered. Kaladin next fails to tell her how he feels and she leaves, but she ends up in the rebellion and they meet again :D


I love the Kal/Tarah pairing. We do not know much about her, but I can see him working with my imaginary Tarah :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

I just hope Roshone won't be so much o a jerk anymore (I mean come on, he was laughing after he sent Tien to the army!) because if he is I can't imagine Kaladin forgiving him (even though he does need it...).

It would make sense for Kal to swear to oaths in the book, but I still think both of those will be related to the "leading" attribute. I mean, the oaths seem to be related to the attributes of the orders and since we had 2 about protecting then the next 2 should be about leading.


Your idea of Tarah is actually great and nearly the same as mine - I only thought her to be not from Alethkar or any Vorin country but somewhere else, possibly Iri (I love the mental image of her with golden hair that she covered with some herbal paint to fit in more among Alethi :ph34r: ). But I think Kal told her about his feelings (in the chasms chapters, he said something about once holding her very close... I perceive this as an indication of at least somehow romantic relationship). Propably there was something between them but Kaladin "failed" because he didn't pursue this relationship hard enough? Or there was something but he failed to prove to her how much she really means to him and she felt as his feelings weren't truly sicere so she left him? But one thing for sure - a fighting woman is what I want to see in SA ;) (and I definitely do not hope that Tarah is the Roshar version of Eowyn... :ph34r: ) Their meeting in Kholinar would be great - and later she would follow him to Urithiru and propably become a scribe for Bridge 4 (I somehow consider normal writing to be easier and quicker than using glyphs so they could use someone to do the job besides Sigzil). Of course, the scribe position would be official and in truth she would carry some concealed weapon of herself (a dagger? in left sleeve?) to help protecting Kholins from assasins :ph34r:

The best thing about Tarah is that we can think of her as we would want her to be (until Brandon proves us otherwise).



Yeah, Sigzil perfoms the ceremony and Rock weeps the whole time saying it is:"The most beautiful thing I have ever seen, you airsick lowlanders".


Shallan's mother had twins and based on their physical description, Jushu and Wikim look nonidentical. Nonidentical twins are produced when a women releases two ovule during the same cycle. As it happens, this is genetic trait, meaning the daughter of the mother of nonidentical twins has a very strong chance of having twins herself. I once met a mother of twins who's mother had twins, who's grand-mother had two set of twins and who's sister had one as well :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: Bottom line is Shallan has a very strong chance of having at least one set of twins :lol:


I love the idea of these two being surrounded by 5 or 6 kids, mostly daughters, only one or two sons :ph34r: I can imagine Adolin's face when his wife tells him she is pregnant, again :ph34r: And Navani... Another one?


Oh yeah, Kal with a little Tien who'd be Adolin's eldest son's best friend :D Inseparable, like brothers :wub:


I love ramblings... You should see all the crazy plot ideas I have in my head :ph34r:

I can totally see this :DAnd in the background Wit with a choir of chasmfiends.  And for the wedding feast - Rock's stew and chouta.


As for the twins thing - I didn't know that but it makes sense. And storms, Adolin's expression would be priceless. Navani would be a good grandma :) But she may suggest them finding a new hobby :ph34r:


And yeah - I also believe that if Kal has a son he's going to find a brother in Adolin's boy. Especially if he had only sisters and something around 5 of them :ph34r:  I can imagine the little Kholin prince spending whole days at Kal's place to avoid all those girlish things :ph34r: Somehow in my headcanon Adolin's future son is named Aredor (as was the first version of Adolin's name).


As for crazy ideas - they can't be more crazy than mine :ph34r: :ph34r:



Back on topic  ;) . Am I the only one who wants to see Vasher fight Szeth for Nightblood? We don't know exactly Vasher's current relationship with Nightblood, but I'm pretty sure there's a WoB saying he misses him very much.


Also, I'm incredibly interested to hear Szeth backstory. He is my favorite character, and I want to find out why he is the way he is. Also want to find out more about the Shin as a whole. They seem to be living in the only "earth-like" part of Roshar.

I thought Brandon said that Vasher feels responsible for Nightblood... But I guess he misses him too. But I don't think he will try to retrieve it at least not openly. Maybe someone else will get the Nightblood in an epic way (battle, duel, etc.) and then Vasher/Zahel will simply take it so to avoid having him do to many amazing things (he's not supposed to have too big role I think).


Szeth backstory - yeah, that is interesting, I'd like to know more about the whole Truthless business and Shin relation to the Heralds. But generally, more than Szeth's personal past I'm curious about the Shin in general.

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My dark Elhokar theory? I have more then one :ph34r:


Mostly, it revolves around the idea Elhokar will self-proclaim himself a Radiant based on the shadows he sees. He commanders the Honorblade, as he is the King and Dalinar will obliged him because what Elhokar wants, Elhokar gets.


But he is not a Radiant. The shadows he sees are not Radiant sprens, but they start to influence him, in a bad way. Elhokar starts to realize holding the honorblade gives him extra power, it makes people fear him, which he'll mistakes for respect. He'll grab this new found power and bath in it.


Dalinar will be proud if him, thinking he is finally finding his way.... but Adolin will through it and will try to warn his family (he's perceptive, remember). By that time, the truth about Sadeas's murder will have been uncovered. Nobody will listen to Adolin (not that they did before, but it'll be worst). They'll call him jealous, petty and envious, but he isn't. He's just got this deep down feeling something is not right.


Eventually, the shadows will convince Elhokar to do something for Odium. Now insert here whatever idea you may have... Uncover some locked power, fetch and give away some powerful artifact, lead a battle that would end in a trap, really anything would do. The idea is Elhokar will get so consumed by his power, he'll start to actively work for Odium, without actually working for Odium.


Adolin will talk louder and louder about his conviction that something is wrong. Dalinar will chose his nephew over his son and agree Adolin needs to quiet down.


Heart-broken, Adolin will take matters into his own hands.


The end result is Adolin ends up in a horrible situation where he'll literally sacrifice himself in an act of pure bravery to save the day and uncover Elhokar's machining.


Dalinar finally sees the truth. Elhokar is not Radiant. He was twisted by Odium and there is pretty much nothing left of Elhokar inside his body.


Dalinar kills what's left of Elhokar to save his son. The family stands united once again.


Another one is Elhokar decides he needs to be king and to assert his authority. He'll stop listening to Dalinar and he'll try to make his own decision. As king, he'll be the judge of Adolin's trial. He'll strip his cousin of his shards, his rank and he'll banish out of Alethar, for life, pending the death penalty if he is to ever set foot in Alethar (or Urithiru) again. Dalinar and Navani will stand dumbfounded in disbelief. Adolin will be dragged away out of the city in the matter of a few minutes and he'll be abandoned in the Frostlands (or whatever place they see fit), without any money, food, nor weapon.


Dalinar will try to stop it, but he'll be powerless. Adolin will think his family is rejecting him. He'll think they were all behind it. It'll be a long, long while before he makes his way back to them, years maybe, unless Dalinar sends a few bridgemen to find him and bring him back, no matter the sentence.


I think that Adolin will need his brother in more ways than one to deal with his guilt and everything else... I really expect their relationship to fall apart at first to be later rekindled into even stronger one. And yes, Dalinar is kind of hopeless... BTW, why do you refer to the spren of Adolin's Blade as she? Is there anything that may make us think it's female? There are also male spren (eg. Wyndle, Ivory and I also consider Glys male until I'm proven otherwise)... But I guess Adolin having female spren would be nice (I'd imagine this spren as rather shy and insecure, closed-in... With Adolin's personality we would have almost reversed Kaladin-Syl).


I agree. In their relationship so far, we have seen Adolin taking up the leading role, protecting, encouraging, comforting his brother. Renarin feels useless as he is the needy one, the one everyone has to look for, but I think he is going to find out his big brother is not as strong and solid as he thought he was. As things will turn out, Adolin will end up being the one that needs comforting and Renarin won't understand, at first. Worst, I think Adolin may try to very awkwardly tell Renarin about Sadeas, but he'll stumble on words, it'll come out wrong and Renarin will think his brother has turned jealous and envious or worst that he fears him.


Later on, he'll realize he actually let his brother down on the one time he actually needed help. He'll crumble. He is the horrible brother, but he'll make it up. Ultimately, the key to bringing Adolin back into the family will be Renarin. He'll find a way.


As for the spren, I dunno. I have always picture it as a she, but I no reasons for it. I tend to see her as little daredevil, outspoken and brash. And she does not get along with the Stormfather.



I guess you are right... In my head Adolin would be forbidden from holding any high/important rank, I mean captain is 4th dahn or so and I believe general would have to be higher... And Adolin does want to protect his family more than anything else so I'd see him doing whatever he can to stay as close as possible to protect them from any danger.

But simply I just would really much want to see more occasions for Kaladin and Adolin to bond :)


He'll probably loose his title as the Kohlin's heir and shrink down to the third dahn, but I do not see Dalinar outright trusting out of the household. Quite the contrary, he'll want to keep his son very, very close to him, so he can watch him, but that is if Dalinar does not banish him....


I think Kal and Adolin will find other occasions to bound. I can of see Kal as one of the only person who'll actively support Adolin's actions. Adolin was willing to stand up for him when no one else would. He believed him without demanding proof when no one else did. Kal will return the favor or perhaps it is him that go down to the other end of the world to find him and bring him back, probing he ends up banished.



I just hope Roshone won't be so much o a jerk anymore (I mean come on, he was laughing after he sent Tien to the army!) because if he is I can't imagine Kaladin forgiving him (even though he does need it...).

It would make sense for Kal to swear to oaths in the book, but I still think both of those will be related to the "leading" attribute. I mean, the oaths seem to be related to the attributes of the orders and since we had 2 about protecting then the next 2 should be about leading.


Your idea of Tarah is actually great and nearly the same as mine - I only thought her to be not from Alethkar or any Vorin country but somewhere else, possibly Iri (I love the mental image of her with golden hair that she covered with some herbal paint to fit in more among Alethi :ph34r: ). But I think Kal told her about his feelings (in the chasms chapters, he said something about once holding her very close... I perceive this as an indication of at least somehow romantic relationship). Propably there was something between them but Kaladin "failed" because he didn't pursue this relationship hard enough? Or there was something but he failed to prove to her how much she really means to him and she felt as his feelings weren't truly sicere so she left him? But one thing for sure - a fighting woman is what I want to see in SA ;) (and I definitely do not hope that Tarah is the Roshar version of Eowyn... :ph34r: ) Their meeting in Kholinar would be great - and later she would follow him to Urithiru and propably become a scribe for Bridge 4 (I somehow consider normal writing to be easier and quicker than using glyphs so they could use someone to do the job besides Sigzil). Of course, the scribe position would be official and in truth she would carry some concealed weapon of herself (a dagger? in left sleeve?) to help protecting Kholins from assasins :ph34r:

The best thing about Tarah is that we can think of her as we would want her to be (until Brandon proves us otherwise).


I think forgiving Roshone will be a great character growth for Kaladin as it means he is finally letting the past go. Horrible things happened, but he can't let them lead his life anymore.


I pictured Tarah with brown hair she cut short to pass as a boy... She is 17, but she claimed to be 15. Kaladin, newly squadleader, sees her/him and buys her/him into his squad to protect him/her. After a while, he realizes it is not a he, but a she. They start a clandestine relationship, in the night, in the dark. He loves her, but he does not say so. He never tells her how he feels and when she is uncovered, he fails at asking her to stay, as his wife.


I'd like to see her taken up a role into the rebellion and having Kal meet up with her again. I love the idea of a fighting women and I kind of decided Tarah was the one :ph34r: Quite silly.



I can totally see this :DAnd in the background Wit with a choir of chasmfiends.  And for the wedding feast - Rock's stew and chouta.


As for the twins thing - I didn't know that but it makes sense. And storms, Adolin's expression would be priceless. Navani would be a good grandma :) But she may suggest them finding a new hobby :ph34r:


And yeah - I also believe that if Kal has a son he's going to find a brother in Adolin's boy. Especially if he had only sisters and something around 5 of them :ph34r:  I can imagine the little Kholin prince spending whole days at Kal's place to avoid all those girlish things :ph34r: Somehow in my headcanon Adolin's future son is named Aredor (as was the first version of Adolin's name).


As for crazy ideas - they can't be more crazy than mine :ph34r: :ph34r:


Yes, Rock's stew. And they get married following the Horneater tradition as Shallan is part Horneater :o Horneater's wedding involves the groom to take part into a Horneater drinking contest featuring Horneater beer a few days prior to the wedding. Poor Adolin gets so drunk and so sick over this, it is not even funny.


As soon as I realized Shallan's mother had twins, I pictured Shallan would have twins as well. I figured the first kids would be one set of twins: a boy and a girl. Then a girl, then another set of twins, two girls and one last little boy and perhaps another girl in the middle. All the other ones would little quick witted Shallans :ph34r: After the last kid, Navani has a talk with Shallan. She mentions a certain thing called a "drynet". The older twins and Kal's son would be the new unbeatable trio ^_^ and yeah, I sort of picture his first son would either be named Dalinar or Aredor.....


You have no idea of crazy it gets in my head.... This is nothing :ph34r:

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I think it would be interesting to see Szeth's flashbacks. He has very different views on society than the rest of the world compared to Vorinnations especially, but probably the rest of the world as well.

I keep wondering what Kaladin's reunion with his parents will be like. I imagine they will be happy to have their son back, though Kaladin may think they won't be since he had failed to protect Tien'. I also wonder how Lirin and Hasina will react to Kaladin behind a shardbearer and a Knight Radiant. On the possibly negative side, Vorin views of Radiants, coupled with Shards being a tool for killing, which Lirin opposes as a surgeon. On the positive side, higher social level. I think overall, however, they will be happy to see him again.

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My dark Elhokar theory? I have more then one :ph34r:


Mostly, it revolves around the idea Elhokar will self-proclaim himself a Radiant based on the shadows he sees. He commanders the Honorblade, as he is the King and Dalinar will obliged him because what Elhokar wants, Elhokar gets.


But he is not a Radiant. The shadows he sees are not Radiant sprens, but they start to influence him, in a bad way. Elhokar starts to realize holding the honorblade gives him extra power, it makes people fear him, which he'll mistakes for respect. He'll grab this new found power and bath in it.


Dalinar will be proud if him, thinking he is finally finding his way.... but Adolin will through it and will try to warn his family (he's perceptive, remember). By that time, the truth about Sadeas's murder will have been uncovered. Nobody will listen to Adolin (not that they did before, but it'll be worst). They'll call him jealous, petty and envious, but he isn't. He's just got this deep down feeling something is not right.


Eventually, the shadows will convince Elhokar to do something for Odium. Now insert here whatever idea you may have... Uncover some locked power, fetch and give away some powerful artifact, lead a battle that would end in a trap, really anything would do. The idea is Elhokar will get so consumed by his power, he'll start to actively work for Odium, without actually working for Odium.


Adolin will talk louder and louder about his conviction that something is wrong. Dalinar will chose his nephew over his son and agree Adolin needs to quiet down.


Heart-broken, Adolin will take matters into his own hands.


The end result is Adolin ends up in a horrible situation where he'll literally sacrifice himself in an act of pure bravery to save the day and uncover Elhokar's machining.


Dalinar finally sees the truth. Elhokar is not Radiant. He was twisted by Odium and there is pretty much nothing left of Elhokar inside his body.


Dalinar kills what's left of Elhokar to save his son. The family stands united once again.


Another one is Elhokar decides he needs to be king and to assert his authority. He'll stop listening to Dalinar and he'll try to make his own decision. As king, he'll be the judge of Adolin's trial. He'll strip his cousin of his shards, his rank and he'll banish out of Alethar, for life, pending the death penalty if he is to ever set foot in Alethar (or Urithiru) again. Dalinar and Navani will stand dumbfounded in disbelief. Adolin will be dragged away out of the city in the matter of a few minutes and he'll be abandoned in the Frostlands (or whatever place they see fit), without any money, food, nor weapon.

I love the first theory, in fact that's more or less what I thought. With all the respect Radiant's are getting for what they did (Kaladin and Shallan mostly) Elhokar will try anything to prove that he's one of them to gain more respect... And knowing him to see shadows in the mirror he would propably claim those as his spren. And he is the type to demand the Honorblade, I'd only hope for Dalinar to be more assertive (not that it could be the case... he may not even see any problem with that). I think that having such power would make him a tyrant who loves the power and fearful respect too much and only then he will truly fall into Odium's hands. And yeah, I see Dalinar being stupidly proud of him. Adolin would see something is wrong but I believe Renarin would too (Truthwatcher, remember? :) ), but I guess Renarin is too timid to be brave enough to voice his concerns. Adolin won't have such problem and he would speak to anyone willing to listen and I guess only Kaladin would believe him - obviously not Dalinar, I doubt Navani would too (Elhokar is after all her son...) and Shallan will have too many things on her head with the Ghostbloods and everything that she won't really pay attention.


But I rather see Elhokar attempting to do something very bad and Adolin confronting him then personally, trying to stop him. He succeeds in stopping Elhokar right then but gets severely punished for it (thrown into prison or maybe even sentenced to death if already twisted Elhokar gets his way - I imagine it'd be after Adolin suffered the consequences of Sadeas' murder). Then Kaladin tries to take Adolin's side but Dalinar refuses to listen. Kal may or may not use examples of Amaram and/or Sadeas to prove to him that he should react and in the and he will claim he must do what is right and that is saving/freeing Adolin and stopping the king. But Elhokar manages to succeed on the second try and Adolin is like "I told you dad!". But Dalinar wouldn't bring himself to kill Elhokar, no matter what. He would insist on trying to deal with his madness somehow (putting him in Rosharian equivalent to mental hospital). But it won't help. Elhokar escapes the custody and does something that almost destroys everything, but at the last moment he's stopped by Kaladin/Adolin/Jasnah/some yet unknown Radiant after Dalinar has the chance to kill him but he can't bring himself to it (he still sees Elhokar almost like his son or as the last memento of his brother) and must be saved. Prefarably, Adolin does the deed but nearly dies in the process. And now - enter Renarin with healing powers, brothers get reunited and everyone is happy.

Dalinar becomes the regent for Elhokar's son (assuming the child is still alive) but many people (ardents, Ialai...) are unhappy with it as they don't really trust a Radiant - and that's the new conflict to solve :lol:

The only little problem with this theory (both mine and yours) is that Elhokar claimed that the shadows from the mirror disappeared because of Kaladin... But they may always return ;)



As for the spren, I dunno. I have always picture it as a she, but I no reasons for it. I tend to see her as little daredevil, outspoken and brash. And she does not get along with the Stormfather.




He'll probably loose his title as the Kohlin's heir and shrink down to the third dahn, but I do not see Dalinar outright trusting out of the household. Quite the contrary, he'll want to keep his son very, very close to him, so he can watch him, but that is if Dalinar does not banish him....


I think Kal and Adolin will find other occasions to bound. I can of see Kal as one of the only person who'll actively support Adolin's actions. Adolin was willing to stand up for him when no one else would. He believed him without demanding proof when no one else did. Kal will return the favor or perhaps it is him that go down to the other end of the world to find him and bring him back, probing he ends up banished.


I actually see this spren as timid and scared, more broken than Adolin himself. I believe that's how anyone (spren or person) would become after so many years of unending torture. She will open up a bit and decide to try again and give Adolin a chance to prove that there are humans worthy of the bond, but she won't be very confident and deep inside still scared that her misery will repeat itself.


I imagine Kal coming back to Urithiru from Kholinar and finding Adolin a bundle of nerves on the verge of paranoia over his guilt (honestly, something like Macbeth - he would see blood on his hands and fear that everyone else see it as well). With Renarin already further away from his brother Kaladin will be the only one to help Adolin somehow. He will figure it out or maybe Adolin will tell him what he did and Kal will understand - he was there after all (or almost there...). It will also be good way for Kaladin to deal with his own depression as he will try very hard to support Adolin (kind of like an older sibling tell the younger one that there is nothing to be afraid of during the storm and suppressing their own fear for the sake of the other - if you know what I try to say). With the rift between the Kholin brothers I see Adolin drifting more towards Kaladin as it's obvious that he has never really been friends with any of the lighteyes. And Kal could also use a real friend, somebody who sees him as a person not as a hero (he himself complains that Bridge 4 looks at him like on a hero or something), especially after the stunt Moash pulled...

By the way, I imagine Adolin bonding with the whole Bridge 4 as everyone there would want to buy him a drink for killing Sadeas :ph34r:



I think forgiving Roshone will be a great character growth for Kaladin as it means he is finally letting the past go. Horrible things happened, but he can't let them lead his life anymore.


I pictured Tarah with brown hair she cut short to pass as a boy... She is 17, but she claimed to be 15. Kaladin, newly squadleader, sees her/him and buys her/him into his squad to protect him/her. After a while, he realizes it is not a he, but a she. They start a clandestine relationship, in the night, in the dark. He loves her, but he does not say so. He never tells her how he feels and when she is uncovered, he fails at asking her to stay, as his wife.


I'd like to see her taken up a role into the rebellion and having Kal meet up with her again. I love the idea of a fighting women and I kind of decided Tarah was the one :ph34r: Quite silly.

The part with cutting hair and pretending to be younger is actually the only way it would be possible. I just really like the concept of Iriali with their golden hair, so in my headcanon this is how I see her :) And SA really need a fighting woman. I hope Tyn wasn't the only we could get... Also I hope we won't have to wait for Lift to become a kick-chull warrior during the back five :ph34r:

Kaladin may fear to ask Tarah to stay with him because of the whole mess that's going on when it comes out she's a woman. Or maybe she gets imprisoned and he fails to get to her or convince somebody in command not to punish her (with exile). The second option actually seems better ;)

But I'd rather think he did tell her how he feels but later somehow failed to keep her with him which lead her to doubt his love and be heartbroken over it. That would lead to some additional drama during their meeting and I like the idea of seeing Kal try his hardest to prove to her how much she means to him :wub: And about that I have 2 scenarios: either he risks his life to save her (I know, cliche...) or (also cliche) after the rebellion she's to leave with some associates of hers and he runs after them to stop her, claiming that he's not going to let her go ever again. I would really like to see the romantic side of Kal :wub: He must have it in him! And if not, then maybe Syl could give him soem pointers :ph34r:



Yes, Rock's stew. And they get married following the Horneater tradition as Shallan is part Horneater :o Horneater's wedding involves the groom to take part into a Horneater drinking contest featuring Horneater beer a few days prior to the wedding. Poor Adolin gets so drunk and so sick over this, it is not even funny.


As soon as I realized Shallan's mother had twins, I pictured Shallan would have twins as well. I figured the first kids would be one set of twins: a boy and a girl. Then a girl, then another set of twins, two girls and one last little boy and perhaps another girl in the middle. All the other ones would little quick witted Shallans :ph34r: After the last kid, Navani has a talk with Shallan. She mentions a certain thing called a "drynet". The older twins and Kal's son would be the new unbeatable trio ^_^ and yeah, I sort of picture his first son would either be named Dalinar or Aredor.....


You have no idea of crazy it gets in my head.... This is nothing :ph34r:


Storms, the Horneater wedding... I imagined some traditional Horneater dances that would surely include things like tossing the woman upwards and catching her :ph34r: If Adolin took part in the drinking contest (tradition says it should be against the bride's father or other male family member, but due to th luck of such Rock would stand up for his cousin) there would be bridgeman around him betting on how long will he hold :ph34r: And arguing who is going to carry the princeling to his room :ph34r:

Speaking of weddings... Assuming for the purpose of the discussion that Kal will marry Tarah, I imagine every single member of the Bridge 4 wanting to dance with their captain's new wife. Add to this the Kholin brothers and maybe someone else and poor Kal will barely have a chance to have her for himself. So he gets fed up with it and lashes himself and Tarah to the ceiling so they could escape the others ^_^ I imagine him being rather possesive :ph34r:


The unbeatable trio... The greatest nightmare of Urithiru/Kholinar/wherever they live. Always getting themselves into trouble. The kind of kids of 5-7 opening the stables and letting all of the horses free which ends up with them wreaking havoc all around because horses need to exercise and they just wanted to help :ph34r:


BTW, we have name for Adolin's son, what about Kaladin's? I honestly have no idea, maybe Dallet after Kal's friend from the army (because it shouldn't be Tien - that would be rather depressing for Kal) :D


You know... I only post the sanest of my ideas on-line... The others should better stay in my head :ph34r:

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I think it would be interesting to see Szeth's flashbacks. He has very different views on society than the rest of the world compared to Vorinnations especially, but probably the rest of the world as well.

I keep wondering what Kaladin's reunion with his parents will be like. I imagine they will be happy to have their son back, though Kaladin may think they won't be since he had failed to protect Tien'. I also wonder how Lirin and Hasina will react to Kaladin behind a shardbearer and a Knight Radiant. On the possibly negative side, Vorin views of Radiants, coupled with Shards being a tool for killing, which Lirin opposes as a surgeon. On the positive side, higher social level. I think overall, however, they will be happy to see him again.

I'm not personally so curious about Szeth himself as of the Shin society as a whole. That will definitely be an interesting contrast to ever-present Vorinism :) So Szeth's flashbacks are very welcome as they will surely uncover some of the Shin myseries to us (for example their association with the Heralds - why the Honorblades are there? and why no-one knows about it?).

Kal's reunion with his parents will be hard. They will be happy to see him again, but he will feel guilty over Tien and Lirin won't exactly approve of who Kaladin has become (because Lirin won't accept that it's possible to save by killing... and that's mostly what Kaladin does to an extent). But hopefully Hesina will try to mend the relationship between her son and her husband :lol: I think they won't give a damnation about the higher social level, they will only be happy to have their boy back. Overall, for their reunion I expect many tears, hugs and apologies ;)

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I love the first theory, in fact that's more or less what I thought. With all the respect Radiant's are getting for what they did (Kaladin and Shallan mostly) Elhokar will try anything to prove that he's one of them to gain more respect... And knowing him to see shadows in the mirror he would propably claim those as his spren. And he is the type to demand the Honorblade, I'd only hope for Dalinar to be more assertive (not that it could be the case... he may not even see any problem with that). I think that having such power would make him a tyrant who loves the power and fearful respect too much and only then he will truly fall into Odium's hands. And yeah, I see Dalinar being stupidly proud of him. Adolin would see something is wrong but I believe Renarin would too (Truthwatcher, remember? :) ), but I guess Renarin is too timid to be brave enough to voice his concerns. Adolin won't have such problem and he would speak to anyone willing to listen and I guess only Kaladin would believe him - obviously not Dalinar, I doubt Navani would too (Elhokar is after all her son...) and Shallan will have too many things on her head with the Ghostbloods and everything that she won't really pay attention.


Poor Dalinar.... He can be so naive at times.... Another alternative... As Adolin gets more and more vocal about his feelings towards Elhokar's new behavior, the King gets nervous. What is that miserable wretch of a cousin manages to convince someone? Better to silence him now while he can, so Elhokar starts claiming Adolin is being possessed by Odium. Adolin is over-stressed. He has lost the confidence of his father and the trust of his family. He is the only non-Radiant in the family: he feels alone, but he tries to keep it up. However, he can't shake the gut wrenching feeling he has down there that everything is wrong. It is eating him alive. He gets more and more brash, outspoken, abrasive, reckless.... Bottom line is he acts more and more as if Odium truly had taken hold of him, so when Elhokar accuses him of such thing: Dalinar believes him.




But I rather see Elhokar attempting to do something very bad and Adolin confronting him then personally, trying to stop him. He succeeds in stopping Elhokar right then but gets severely punished for it (thrown into prison or maybe even sentenced to death if already twisted Elhokar gets his way - I imagine it'd be after Adolin suffered the consequences of Sadeas' murder). Then Kaladin tries to take Adolin's side but Dalinar refuses to listen. Kal may or may not use examples of Amaram and/or Sadeas to prove to him that he should react and in the and he will claim he must do what is right and that is saving/freeing Adolin and stopping the king. But Elhokar manages to succeed on the second try and Adolin is like "I told you dad!". But Dalinar wouldn't bring himself to kill Elhokar, no matter what. He would insist on trying to deal with his madness somehow (putting him in Rosharian equivalent to mental hospital). But it won't help. Elhokar escapes the custody and does something that almost destroys everything, but at the last moment he's stopped by Kaladin/Adolin/Jasnah/some yet unknown Radiant after Dalinar has the chance to kill him but he can't bring himself to it (he still sees Elhokar almost like his son or as the last memento of his brother) and must be saved. Prefarably, Adolin does the deed but nearly dies in the process. And now - enter Renarin with healing powers, brothers get reunited and everyone is happy.

Dalinar becomes the regent for Elhokar's son (assuming the child is still alive) but many people (ardents, Ialai...) are unhappy with it as they don't really trust a Radiant - and that's the new conflict to solve :lol:

The only little problem with this theory (both mine and yours) is that Elhokar claimed that the shadows from the mirror disappeared because of Kaladin... But they may always return ;)


I prefer the idea Dalinar kills Elhokar................... It would sort of close the loop on his guilt induced feeling Elhokar is the greatest man in the world...


I like the idea of Dalinar favoring Elhokar to the point he ends up endangering his son's life and I like the idea Dalinar would eventually come to realize Adolin is actually quite often right. Kaladin would be a nice one to try to point it out as Dalinar has dismissed Adolin on every single occasions he's ever tried to warn his father about something.



But I'd rather think he did tell her how he feels but later somehow failed to keep her with him which lead her to doubt his love and be heartbroken over it. That would lead to some additional drama during their meeting and I like the idea of seeing Kal try his hardest to prove to her how much she means to him :wub: And about that I have 2 scenarios: either he risks his life to save her (I know, cliche...) or (also cliche) after the rebellion she's to leave with some associates of hers and he runs after them to stop her, claiming that he's not going to let her go ever again. I would really like to see the romantic side of Kal :wub: He must have it in him! And if not, then maybe Syl could give him soem pointers :ph34r:


I think he never told her... The little conversation he had with Adolin about girls sort of imply it... I love the idea of a romantic Kal :wub: Tarah would run away with miscreants. After initially letting her go, Kaladin will find out they are up to no good and will launch himself after her to rescue her. He'll beat himself up as he'll fear he failed at yet protecting someone, but once he catches up, he'll find Tarah, spear in hand and few dead bodies... He'll ask her what happened and she'll answer that they tried to take advantage of her, so he took advantage of them. She'll ask him what he is doing here, to which Kal will foolishly answer he was trying to protect her. "Protect me?" she would laugh back, "As if I need protecting from you.". Kal would smile, for once. They'll leave together.



Storms, the Horneater wedding... I imagined some traditional Horneater dances that would surely include things like tossing the woman upwards and catching her :ph34r: If Adolin took part in the drinking contest (tradition says it should be against the bride's father or other male family member, but due to th luck of such Rock would stand up for his cousin) there would be bridgeman around him betting on how long will he hold :ph34r: And arguing who is going to carry the princeling to his room :ph34r:


And they are all standing around the table raising the stakes. Adolin is too stubborn to give up so he really tries, but soon he gets so drunk Kal has to put a stop to it. He'll then help carry Adolin who, after throwing once or twice :ph34r: , would not stop claiming how "Kaladin is my beeeest friend eeeeeeeeeeever". Over and over again.



Speaking of weddings... Assuming for the purpose of the discussion that Kal will marry Tarah, I imagine every single member of the Bridge 4 wanting to dance with their captain's new wife. Add to this the Kholin brothers and maybe someone else and poor Kal will barely have a chance to have her for himself. So he gets fed up with it and lashes himself and Tarah to the ceiling so they could escape the others ^_^ I imagine him being rather possesive :ph34r:


Good one :D



The unbeatable trio... The greatest nightmare of Urithiru/Kholinar/wherever they live. Always getting themselves into trouble. The kind of kids of 5-7 opening the stables and letting all of the horses free which ends up with them wreaking havoc all around because horses need to exercise and they just wanted to help :ph34r:


BTW, we have name for Adolin's son, what about Kaladin's? I honestly have no idea, maybe Dallet after Kal's friend from the army (because it shouldn't be Tien - that would be rather depressing for Kal) :D


You know... I only post the sanest of my ideas on-line... The others should better stay in my head :ph34r:


Yeah, the terrors of Urithiru: the Kohlin twins and the Captain's son. And their fathers are losing their hair trying to figure out what to do with them, but on the inside, Adolin is laughing out loud as he once was the terror of Kohlinar. He has to resist the urge to give them pointers on how to avoid getting caught :ph34r:


I like Tien... or Lirin? How about Cem after that boy in Wok?


Geee, I have hordes of ideas I am not sure I would dare publish..... but this is fun :D

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I actually see this spren as timid and scared, more broken than Adolin himself. I believe that's how anyone (spren or person) would become after so many years of unending torture. She will open up a bit and decide to try again and give Adolin a chance to prove that there are humans worthy of the bond, but she won't be very confident and deep inside still scared that her misery will repeat itself.


I imagine Kal coming back to Urithiru from Kholinar and finding Adolin a bundle of nerves on the verge of paranoia over his guilt (honestly, something like Macbeth - he would see blood on his hands and fear that everyone else see it as well). With Renarin already further away from his brother Kaladin will be the only one to help Adolin somehow. He will figure it out or maybe Adolin will tell him what he did and Kal will understand - he was there after all (or almost there...). It will also be good way for Kaladin to deal with his own depression as he will try very hard to support Adolin (kind of like an older sibling tell the younger one that there is nothing to be afraid of during the storm and suppressing their own fear for the sake of the other - if you know what I try to say). With the rift between the Kholin brothers I see Adolin drifting more towards Kaladin as it's obvious that he has never really been friends with any of the lighteyes. And Kal could also use a real friend, somebody who sees him as a person not as a hero (he himself complains that Bridge 4 looks at him like on a hero or something), especially after the stunt Moash pulled...

By the way, I imagine Adolin bonding with the whole Bridge 4 as everyone there would want to buy him a drink for killing Sadeas :ph34r:


I imagine the spren being overexcited at being free again... She'll be very protective of Adolin as she has risked everything once again to bond him. When Adolin won her, at 16, in her few moments of consciousness, she caught a first look at him and thought, this time, she was being bonded to a storming kid... As the years go by, she slowly start to their is such thing as time because the storming kid had actually got bigger and stronger. She can feel it by the way he swings her. And he talks and talks and talks. All the time. Eventually, she starts to wish for him to summon her, even if it hurts, even if the bad memories come back, just to hear him talk again. When he is forced to break the down: she yells. She pushes through the bond and manage to make a coherent thought: her name. Perhaps he heard her....


I imagine Adolin being run down to the ground. He'll keep it up, but on the inside, he'll be burning with stress. I kinda of see him going through some sort of burnout ultimately. They all break: Kaladin is depressive, Shallan forgets, Renarin closes himself, Adolin crumbles under the stress. Just speculation.

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Poor Dalinar.... He can be so naive at times.... Another alternative... As Adolin gets more and more vocal about his feelings towards Elhokar's new behavior, the King gets nervous. What is that miserable wretch of a cousin manages to convince someone? Better to silence him now while he can, so Elhokar starts claiming Adolin is being possessed by Odium. Adolin is over-stressed. He has lost the confidence of his father and the trust of his family. He is the only non-Radiant in the family: he feels alone, but he tries to keep it up. However, he can't shake the gut wrenching feeling he has down there that everything is wrong. It is eating him alive. He gets more and more brash, outspoken, abrasive, reckless.... Bottom line is he acts more and more as if Odium truly had taken hold of him, so when Elhokar accuses him of such thing: Dalinar believes him.




I prefer the idea Dalinar kills Elhokar................... It would sort of close the loop on his guilt induced feeling Elhokar is the greatest man in the world...


I like the idea of Dalinar favoring Elhokar to the point he ends up endangering his son's life and I like the idea Dalinar would eventually come to realize Adolin is actually quite often right. Kaladin would be a nice one to try to point it out as Dalinar has dismissed Adolin on every single occasions he's ever tried to warn his father about something.


I don't think Elhokar would say that Adolin is possesed/influenced by Odium, but he would surely feel insecure and try his hardest to get his cousin into trouble. He'd rather try something along the lines of "Adolin is jealous that he's not a Radiant  and he wants MY throne for himself because he's soo greedy and thinks himslef so much better than anyone! you see what he's trying to do? he wants you all to turn away from me so he could have me killed!" That's more like Elhokar than intelligent plot of using an argument of Odium's influence. Besides I have a headcanon in which ever since childhood Adolin was always making fool of his cousin by constantly pranking him and he was much better with sword training so Elhokar was always jealous and angry with his cousin and dreamed of the opportunity to get back at him.  :ph34r:  Adolin may or may not have also been more popular among pretty girls at the court... :ph34r:


As for Dalinar killing Elhokar... Yes, maybe. But I see it more like this: Dalinar can't bring himself to do this and Adolin saves him, fighting Elhokar by himslef. But Adolin is not a Radiant (yet) and gets badly injured. Elhokar proceeds to kill him and only then Dalinar sees that there is nothing left of his nephew as he knew him (or imagined him to be...) so he manages to kill him. But Adolin seems to be dead already and Dalinar starts angsting over how stupid he was not to trust his own son and how it lead him to lose his firstborn, but then Ranerin comes and saves the day by healing his brother. :lol:


I think he never told her... The little conversation he had with Adolin about girls sort of imply it... I love the idea of a romantic Kal :wub: Tarah would run away with miscreants. After initially letting her go, Kaladin will find out they are up to no good and will launch himself after her to rescue her. He'll beat himself up as he'll fear he failed at yet protecting someone, but once he catches up, he'll find Tarah, spear in hand and few dead bodies... He'll ask her what happened and she'll answer that they tried to take advantage of her, so he took advantage of them. She'll ask him what he is doing here, to which Kal will foolishly answer he was trying to protect her. "Protect me?" she would laugh back, "As if I need protecting from you.". Kal would smile, for once. They'll leave together.


I'd rather have him letting her go and feeling stupid because of this, as in only after she left he realized how much a fool he has been to let her go (again) and decides to go after her and ask her to stay with him. On his way he finds out she may be in danger and doubles his efforts to reach her on time. He's focused on protecting but for this relationship to work I believe that Kal must understand that there are other important things in life not only duty, and one of them is love. :wub:



Alright, something is wrong with my computer, that below is a quote as well...


And they are all standing around the table raising the stakes. Adolin is too stubborn to give up so he really tries, but soon he gets so drunk Kal has to put a stop to it. He'll then help carry Adolin who, after throwing once or twice :ph34r: , would not stop claiming how "Kaladin is my beeeest friend eeeeeeeeeeever". Over and over again.




Good one :D




Yeah, the terrors of Urithiru: the Kohlin twins and the Captain's son. And their fathers are losing their hair trying to figure out what to do with them, but on the inside, Adolin is laughing out loud as he once was the terror of Kohlinar. He has to resist the urge to give them pointers on how to avoid getting caught :ph34r:


I like Tien... or Lirin? How about Cem after that boy in Wok?


Geee, I have hordes of ideas I am not sure I would dare publish..... but this is fun :D


Quote ends, the rest are my own ramblings :D


And Adolin will be forever and ever reminded of this situation by the bridgemen... :lol: They are not going to let it go, too much fun for them to embarass the princeling like this. And Kaladin carries him thinking "Storms, what have I gotten myslef into..." :ph34r:


I guess Kal wouldn't mind his son terrorising the Urithiru as long as no-one gets seriously hurt... He would look at his antics and smile, being happy that his child can have such a happy and carefree childhood. I imagine him even protecting the boy form Tarah's anger when she decides he needs a good scolding. But as I said, as long as no-one gets hurt, because Kaladin is sure to teach his boy from early years how important it is to care for others and help them instead of hurting. I actually see the boy as one trying to help everyone so hard that he causes trouble...


But Adolin's kids are just mischievous spirits and it does rub on Kal's son as well... Adolin has a very hard time trying not to encourage them. But I also imagined at least one of Adolin's children being a proper little lady (influenced mostly by auntie Jasnah) who scowls at her brother and his bestest friend and tries to lecture them (kind of like Hermione was doing to Harry and Ron in Harry Potter ). That would be hilarious to see them ignore her and maybe even prank her even more for that...


Cenn not, because if Kal were to give a name of someone to his son then it would be a name of someone that was once very close to him. He barely knew Cenn but Dallet was his most trusted friend in the army. Tien would make the poor boy too much of a replacement for a brother Kal lost. It's enough that he has Tien's personality and ability to make Kaladin smile, he should have different name in my opinion.

If Tarah pretended to be a boy then she propably went by a false name. So maybe that's how their son would be named for the sake of the old times? ;)

Edited by Kyats Rani
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There's a lot of good stuff in this thread.


I agree with maxal that Renarin is going to be the one to find out that Adolin killed Sadeas. I think that Adolin will be able to keep a lid on it but that Renarin will eventually have a vision that shows what happened. That vision will then make him have to choose whether to out his brother or to protect him. I think that Adolin's killing of Sadeas and what will follow will be enough to break him to the point where he can bond a spren or hopefully to awaken is sword's spren.


I think that Dalinar will be the one to keep the honorblade, though he won't use the surgebinding aspects of it - just have it as a regular blade. The Stormfather was very specific that he'd be a Radiant with no Shards, so the honorblade wouldn't count.


I kind of want to know why the Shin hold stone to be so sacred.



Now on to the more outlandish theories.


I think that Elkohar's wife will go crazy as a result of what's happening in Kholinar and kill her children and herself. This would leave Elkohar without an heir and he'll work it out with Dalinar to have Adolin be his heir until he has another legitimate child. Shortly after officially naming Adolin his heir, the truth of Sadeas' death (I can't call it murder, because I don't think it was) will come to light and he'd be stripped of that role of heir. Elkohar would probably eventually go towards making a Radiant (or Radiant in training) his heir, so would have Renarin as his official heir (because Renarin would probably make a pretty good king). Adolin would be returned to his role as heir of the Kholin family, though the relationship with his father would be somewhat strained.


I think I had another, but I can't remember at this moment.

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I don't think Elhokar would say that Adolin is possesed/influenced by Odium, but he would surely feel insecure and try his hardest to get his cousin into trouble. He'd rather try something along the lines of "Adolin is jealous that he's not a Radiant  and he wants MY throne for himself because he's soo greedy and thinks himslef so much better than anyone! you see what he's trying to do? he wants you all to turn away from me so he could have me killed!" That's more like Elhokar than intelligent plot of using an argument of Odium's influence. Besides I have a headcanon in which ever since childhood Adolin was always making fool of his cousin by constantly pranking him and he was much better with sword training so Elhokar was always jealous and angry with his cousin and dreamed of the opportunity to get back at him.  :ph34r:  Adolin may or may not have also been more popular among pretty girls at the court... :ph34r:


As for Dalinar killing Elhokar... Yes, maybe. But I see it more like this: Dalinar can't bring himself to do this and Adolin saves him, fighting Elhokar by himslef. But Adolin is not a Radiant (yet) and gets badly injured. Elhokar proceeds to kill him and only then Dalinar sees that there is nothing left of his nephew as he knew him (or imagined him to be...) so he manages to kill him. But Adolin seems to be dead already and Dalinar starts angsting over how stupid he was not to trust his own son and how it lead him to lose his firstborn, but then Ranerin comes and saves the day by healing his brother. :lol:


I have the exact same head cannon!!!! Are you sure you are not reading into my mind? In my head cannon, little Adolin is a very mischievous over eager boy who won't stop bouncing around and being one of the only child around, he gets bored, so he compensated by doing pranks. Big cousin Elhokar is, of course, his favorite target as he gets so ridiculously angry. And Adolin started sword training years before his time and showed strong promise which unnerved Elhokar as his own father won't stop marveling over his little cousin's talent.


Actually, we have a quote stating Elhokar is quite popular amongst the girls, so I do not think he would hold that against his cousin. He's also much older and by the time Adolin got old enough to date, Elhokar was already married.


I have more or less the same idea with this head cannon... Adolin nearly kills himself trying to take matters into his hands, no matter how he ends up doing it. Dalinar takes a ridiculously long amount of time to react as he cannot bring himself to strike his nephew, but in the end, the old rage rise up in him as he sees his son being injured. The Blackthorn rises again and Adolin gets one last glimpse of his father's glory days before he passes out. Next time he wakes up, he is in his bed surrounded by his brother and his father's stern and concerned faces, but he's fine, thanks to Renarin.



I guess Kal wouldn't mind his son terrorising the Urithiru as long as no-one gets seriously hurt... He would look at his antics and smile, being happy that his child can have such a happy and carefree childhood. I imagine him even protecting the boy form Tarah's anger when she decides he needs a good scolding. But as I said, as long as no-one gets hurt, because Kaladin is sure to teach his boy from early years how important it is to care for others and help them instead of hurting. I actually see the boy as one trying to help everyone so hard that he causes trouble...


But Adolin's kids are just mischievous spirits and it does rub on Kal's son as well... Adolin has a very hard time trying not to encourage them. But I also imagined at least one of Adolin's children being a proper little lady (influenced mostly by auntie Jasnah) who scowls at her brother and his bestest friend and tries to lecture them (kind of like Hermione was doing to Harry and Ron in Harry Potter ). That would be hilarious to see them ignore her and maybe even prank her even more for that...


Kal won't stop antagonizing Adolin on how his kids are being a bad influence on his kid. The two would bicker endlessly over this as they shared their weekly beer at the Captain's barrack.


All of Adolin and Shallan's kids share a mix of golden and red locks in various proportion, which will become the trademark of the royal family. One of the girls does take after aunt Jasnah. Strongly. Too strongly.


Edit: I'll come back from more ramblings... You have no idea what I came up with today at work :ph34r: However, in the mean time, I have to stroll the streets with a pink unicorn and a fox to gather endless amount of candies :lol:

Edited by maxal
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There's a lot of good stuff in this thread.


I agree with maxal that Renarin is going to be the one to find out that Adolin killed Sadeas. I think that Adolin will be able to keep a lid on it but that Renarin will eventually have a vision that shows what happened. That vision will then make him have to choose whether to out his brother or to protect him. I think that Adolin's killing of Sadeas and what will follow will be enough to break him to the point where he can bond a spren or hopefully to awaken is sword's spren.


I think that Dalinar will be the one to keep the honorblade, though he won't use the surgebinding aspects of it - just have it as a regular blade. The Stormfather was very specific that he'd be a Radiant with no Shards, so the honorblade wouldn't count.


I kind of want to know why the Shin hold stone to be so sacred.


Renarin's vision are about future events, so I doubt he'll have a vision explicitly telling him about his brother's deed. However, he may get a vision of a potential grim future for his brother, one where he ends up dead or lost to them. I am quite sure his visions are not obvious and can be interpreted. I thus think it is quite possible he'll get visions telling him something is going wrong and his brother is at the center of it all. I am thinking he may misinterpret this vision, at first. This would be reinforced by his initial impression his brother is turning away from him and is rejecting him for his visions. He'll think his brother is really turning into a spiteful angry person subdued by Odium, but at some point, he'll realize his visions are possibilities, not certitudes and deep down his brother needs help, not scorn.


I am thus quite sure Renarin may be the one who'll puzzle out the "Adolin issue", but it won't until after the breaking point as I do think there'll be one. The next book will feel as if events are piling on Adolin, one after the other, and he'll take the blow without a word up, he'll keep up the facade up until he can't hold any longer. Then insert whatever trigger you may think of to make the mountain crumble. Preferably in a battle.... I keep thinking Adolin's faith is tied to battles and duels.


If Dalinar ends up in possession of the honorblade, I think the possibility of him handling it to Elhokar is extremely high. Dalinar must be the only person to wear a complete blind eye when it comes to his nephew. He even called him a strong king and a great man, which he isn't. Elhokar has the potential to be a decent king given a strong team of trustworthy advisers in a time of peace. In a time of war, he just won't do. He is not inspiring and he'll never be the person others rally to. They may come to respect him enough to accept his authority, but he'll need to be more then that to face the Desolation. So I do think Dalinar is a strong candidate to believe Elhokar needs the extra help the honorblade would give him. He must also think the king need to be involved in this Radiant business.


I think we are bound to learn the mysteries of the Shin in the next book... Stones... Could be because there are surges that would turn them to dust?



I think that Elkohar's wife will go crazy as a result of what's happening in Kholinar and kill her children and herself. This would leave Elkohar without an heir and he'll work it out with Dalinar to have Adolin be his heir until he has another legitimate child. Shortly after officially naming Adolin his heir, the truth of Sadeas' death (I can't call it murder, because I don't think it was) will come to light and he'd be stripped of that role of heir. Elkohar would probably eventually go towards making a Radiant (or Radiant in training) his heir, so would have Renarin as his official heir (because Renarin would probably make a pretty good king). Adolin would be returned to his role as heir of the Kholin family, though the relationship with his father would be somewhat strained.


I think I had another, but I can't remember at this moment.


I like the idea of Elhokar's wife killing herself and her child. Quite grim. I certainly do not wish any harm to a poor helpless baby. I doubt Elhokar would make Renarin heir though... I disagree he would make a good king: he can hardly speak up in public, he is awkward and he does not have a strong presence. Not to mention such a position would probably make him most uncomfortable and anxious. He is smart, so I think he would do best as the king most trusted adviser. Adolin is the one with the strongest king potential as he has shown good leadership skills, strong initiative, good military strategy and his perceptiveness makes him hard to influence. He's also quite popular amongst the regular soldiers, so he could end up being a very well loved king by the common people.


Now place beware of the huge amount of rambling that will follow... Read to your own risks and perils... :ph34r:  I'll even put it in spoiler modes, but please know these are completely useless ramblings.


The Fashion at the Weddings :lol:


Adolin and Shallan's Official Alethi Wedding


Navani secretly talks Dalinar out of forcing Adolin to wear the Kohlin's army uniform to his wedding. Upon learning he is actually allowed to wear anything he wants for his wedding, after spending so many years in an unfashionable uniform, Adolin goes ridiculously ecstatic. He promptly grabs Renarin by the hand, before he has time to bold back and hide  :ph34r: , and goes into a shopping spree. As he is being dragged along, Renarin silently mouths a "help" to his father with pleading eyes.


Dalinar soon regrets his decision as he is plagued by nightmares into which Adolin absurdly chooses a puffy flashy orange outfit garnished with an astronomic amount of lace and decorated with scarfs harboring all the colors of the rainbow on the pretext "it is the latest fashion father". He wakes up in cold sweat and tries to convince himself it was just a dream. It works up until he remembers the bright yellow outfit incident........... That day, his 15 years old son, when they still were in Kohlinar, before the Vengeance Pact, had walked out of his room wearing bright yellow clothing of an awkward shape. He dimly recalled how both he and Renarin could hardly conceal their laughter at the ridiculousness of the said outfit. Adolin had scold them down claiming they had no eye for fashion, to which little Renarin had answered that "perhaps they did not have an eye for fashion, but they weren't the ones looking like an over sized fluffy yellow chicken.". This time, Dalinar had failed to retain himself and had burst into laughter. Insulted, the teenager had stormed out of the palace and yes, he did went out in public wearing this humiliating clothing. As Dalinar also remembers how much the horror had actually cost, he soon jumps out of bed to go pray the 10 Heralds his son's sense of fashion has matured since the last time he has been allowed to choose his clothing.


When he sees the actual wedding outfit, Dalinar lets out an immense and audibly loud sight of relief as it is neither orange nor yellow nor puffy nor fluffy. He was pleasantly surprised his son actually chose a decent, elegant, classic outfit of deep Kohlin blue and white embroidery  (double sight of relief for Dalinar). There is indeed a scarf, but it actually looks nice.


Adolin asks his father why he seems so relief to which Dalinar answers he was afraid he'd chose something yellow. "Yellow? Yellow went out of fashion years ago, really father, you should be paying more attention".


Dalinar secretly thinks the Kohlin's army uniform could use a scarf... or two, but he would NEVER admit it to anyone, much less his elder son.


In the mean time, Shallan gets really sad. She watches her husband happily talking about clothes which only emphasis the fact she had nothing short of appropriate to wear for her on wedding. She secretly wishes she still had a mother. Jasnah frowns at her former ward's behavior and drags her mother along. They talk.


A week later, both women drag Shallan into Navani's rooms where they open a box that had just arrived. Inside, lays a dress of pristine white fit for a queen. Navani's own wedding dress and has Jasnah claims she will never marry, they both insist Shallan wears it. Shallan cries as this is the kindest thing anyone had ever done for her and she'll happily wear the gorgeous gown for her own wedding.


Kaladin and Tarah's Wedding


Upon learning his friend is finally getting married, Adolin asks him what he plans on wearing. Surprised by the question, Kaladin simply points his Kohlin's army uniform. Adolin lets out a shiver of disgust and claiming this would not do, he drags Kaladin along saying they need to go shopping. In the way out, Adolin grabs Renarin with his other hand claiming he'll need help. Renarin scolds thinking "not again".


Upon hearing the word "shopping", Drehy promptly insists he and Skar should be on guard duty to watch over the Kohlin boys as they try on clothes. Skar raises a suspicious eyebrow at this, but fail to escape as he do, ends up being drag along.


They are soon by Rock, running behind and screaming: "Wait for me you airsick lowlanders".


Kaladin is completely discouraged at the prospect of being forced into ridiculous lighteyes' outfit by the princeling. To add to his anguish, Renarin diabolically tells him about the "bright yellow outfit" incident. Kaladin starts to sweat.


As they try on clothes, Kaladin scolds the whole time, alternating between grunts and pouts. Rock weeps as it is such a grant moment. Surprisingly, Drehy astonishes everyone by actually having an opinion on... fashion. He and Adolin soon see eye to eye and both start pulling out outfits over outfits for Kaladin to try while excitedly talking about the merit of.... the color yellow. Upon hearing the dreaded word, Kaladin nearly runs out of the shop, but he is stop by weeping Rock claiming he has never been more proud of him the now.


Renarin and Skar sit in a corner. Renarin plays with his little box and sometimes offer the voice of reason when his brother appears to divert towards the more ugly outfits. Skar asks him how he can manage this, to which Renarin answers: "You should have seen him when he was younger........".


In the mean time, Jasnah asks Tarah what she intends on wearing for her wedding. Tarah promptly points her stained tattered breaches and her over sized coat. Jasnah wrinkles her nose claiming that would not do. She politely asks for Navani and Shallan assistance as the girls calmly walk of the tower to the shopping street.


It turns out, Adolin is not the only fashionata in the family. Who would have thought cold and stern Jasnah actually entertains such an interest for clothing fabrics? As they tried to find something suitable for Tarah, it does not escape Shallan's notice that Jasnah is actually trying on a few things on her own.


They end up buying one gorgeous gown for Tarah and five new dresses for Jasnah :ph34r:


On the day of the wedding, Kaladin puts on the outfit chosen by the Adolin/Drehy fashion team. He will never admit to anyone alive, last of all the princeling, but it actually looks nice. In fact, it looks so nice, Kaladin cannot stop looking at himself in the mirror saying: "Aren't handsome today?". And he grins. Big wide grin, but don't tell it to Adolin.




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I kind of want to know why the Shin hold stone to be so sacred.



Now on to the more outlandish theories.


I think that Elkohar's wife will go crazy as a result of what's happening in Kholinar and kill her children and herself. This would leave Elkohar without an heir and he'll work it out with Dalinar to have Adolin be his heir until he has another legitimate child. Shortly after officially naming Adolin his heir, the truth of Sadeas' death (I can't call it murder, because I don't think it was) will come to light and he'd be stripped of that role of heir. Elkohar would probably eventually go towards making a Radiant (or Radiant in training) his heir, so would have Renarin as his official heir (because Renarin would probably make a pretty good king). Adolin would be returned to his role as heir of the Kholin family, though the relationship with his father would be somewhat strained.


I think I had another, but I can't remember at this moment.

The Shin are generally interesting in my opinion :D Their deal with stones as well (and why they consider the ones in Urithiru to be different?).

Aesudan going crazy - I think she's already there or at least very close. But I hope she won't kill her son, poor little thing... I'd imagine Kaladin appearing right on time to save the child. As for the rest... Read my and maxal's theories on Elhokar somewhere above - that's how I see it happening, but your idea isn't bad - I just can't picture Renarin as a good candidate for a king or a highprince. His talents lie elsewhere. :) And I do picture Elhokar as someone who would not name anyone his official heir because he loves the power too much and would feel threatened having someone that could take his place. 



By the way, I created a special thread to ramble about weddings, little Kholin's and the child(ren) of Kaladin and Tarah (as it became a topic living it's own life regardless on the subject of this thread). It's here: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/19925-ideas-and-ramblings-on-the-future-of-sa-characters/ Sorry for the format, I couldn't find out how to put tle link in a better way. 

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There HAS to be some sort of battle between Adolin and the Darkness for killing Sadeas. It will be a massive epic battle and Adolin will nearly get killed, but Renarin will heal his Shardblade injuries and Kaladin will drive Darkness away (they can both fly, remember?).

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There HAS to be some sort of battle between Adolin and the Darkness for killing Sadeas. It will be a massive epic battle and Adolin will nearly get killed, but Renarin will heal his Shardblade injuries and Kaladin will drive Darkness away (they can both fly, remember?).


Like the idea, but I'm afraid Darkness (Naln) is too busy chasing proto-Radiants to care for a mere Alethi prince... And Darkness cannot fly without his Honorblade. But that would be an epic battle indeed :lol: Especially if Szeth came as well with Nightblood.

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Like the idea, but I'm afraid Darkness (Naln) is too busy chasing proto-Radiants to care for a mere Alethi prince... And Darkness cannot fly without his Honorblade. But that would be an epic battle indeed :lol: Especially if Szeth came as well with Nightblood.


Darkness is after surgebinders, so unless Adolin starts to actively manifest the sign of becoming one, there is few chances he'll go after him. However, Nalan may go after Dalinar and/or Shallan. Then Adolin may would try to get involved, to protect them but honestly, he is no match for him. He'll get tared apart in a few minutes.... He was completely unable to fight Szeth: he'll do even worst against a Herald. The only way I could see him doing some good there is if he gets injured right away, then dismissed as a not a threat only to manage to staggered unnoticed to knife an inattentive Nalan...


That could be a nice one, Adolin nearly killing himself to save the father who has rejected him for murdering Sadeas.

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Darkness is after surgebinders, so unless Adolin starts to actively manifest the sign of becoming one, there is few chances he'll go after him. However, Nalan may go after Dalinar and/or Shallan. Then Adolin may would try to get involved, to protect them but honestly, he is no match for him. He'll get tared apart in a few minutes.... He was completely unable to fight Szeth: he'll do even worst against a Herald. The only way I could see him doing some good there is if he gets injured right away, then dismissed as a not a threat only to manage to staggered unnoticed to knife an inattentive Nalan...


That could be a nice one, Adolin nearly killing himself to save the father who has rejected him for murdering Sadeas.


But do we know anything about Heralds' abilities without their Honorblades? Besides immortality? Adolin was unable to fight Szeth because Szeth was Surgebinding, otherwise he would propably do much better. So if Nalan has nothing to offer besides Surgebinding of the Honorblade (which he doesn't have at the moment I believe) Adolin may stand a chance to fight him off at least for some time (if he has his Blade that is, without Shards I doubt his chances).

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But do we know anything about Heralds' abilities without their Honorblades? Besides immortality? Adolin was unable to fight Szeth because Szeth was Surgebinding, otherwise he would propably do much better. So if Nalan has nothing to offer besides Surgebinding of the Honorblade (which he doesn't have at the moment I believe) Adolin may stand a chance to fight him off at least for some time (if he has his Blade that is, without Shards I doubt his chances).


I am not sure... I think they must have other abilities not linked to their Blade. I would suspect Nale to be a pretty much difficult opponent to face. Adolin is good duelist, but against foes with divine abilities, he has proven to be completely outclassed. I suspect a fight between Adolin and Nale would end with Adolin being severely beaten down in the matter of a few minutes, with or without his Blade.

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