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Happy Pub Day! Sunlit Man Retail Cover Figures


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Happy Publication Day to the retail version of Sunlit Man from Tor!

After a quick search I didn’t see any posts talking about the figures on the cover.

Starting in the middle, it’s obvious we have Nomad, to his left is Rebeke, to the right Elegy. The top two are the less obvious, but the top right figure is probably the Cinder King, as he’s the only important Male Charred we meet.

The real question is which of the non-charred Male Threnodites is on the top left? I don’t remember any character described with glasses, but I’ll probably find something on a re-read. It’s likely Thomos, but I’ll hold out hope that it could be Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually.


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3 minutes ago, Etedbert said:

The real question is which of the non-charred Male Threnodites is on the top left? I don’t remember any character described with glasses, but I’ll probably find something on a re-read. It’s likely Thomos, but I’ll hold out hope that it could be Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually.

Looks like Confidence, one of the three leading old women from Beacon. She has glasses, hat and even the same hairstyle as the one on the cover.

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4 hours ago, alder24 said:

Looks like Confidence, one of the three leading old women from Beacon. She has glasses, hat and even the same hairstyle as the one on the cover.

You’re totally right! I forgot that Confidence has glasses. Makes me wonder about the state of artisanry on Canticle, especially with specific material requirements like lenswork.

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10 hours ago, Etedbert said:

Makes me wonder about the state of artisanry on Canticle, especially with specific material requirements like lenswork.

The Chorus just made them. They can make jet engines so simple glasses won't be a problem for them.

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15 hours ago, alder24 said:

The Chorus just made them. They can make jet engines so simple glasses won't be a problem for them.

I know, but I mean the idea of artistry in general. The creation of art, or notably the lack thereof given the hellscape of Canticle

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9 hours ago, Etedbert said:

I know, but I mean the idea of artistry in general. The creation of art, or notably the lack thereof given the hellscape of Canticle

There is some art on Canticle. The Cinder King's ship is ornamented for example. TSM ch 15:


So he watched keenly, instead of asking for more information. And well that he did, for he soon spotted a ship coming to check on the fallen scout. A single vessel, larger than most—perhaps the size of a small bus. Its ornamented sides glowed golden in the ringlight.
Rebeke gasped as he pointed it out. “That’s the Cinder King’s own ship!”


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