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its set in a kind of weird place. imagion like old england surrounded by an eternal everstorm. no one can enter it and leave alive. the magic system in this world is all about bonding with winds and blights and gaining powers from them



BOREAS wind of ice and snow

ZEPHYROS wind of spring and plants

NOTOS wind of fire and heat

EUROS wind of rain and storms

NOSOI blight of disease and plage

Achlys blight of poison

Phthisis blight of decay

Mefitis blight of toxin.


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1 minute ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

its set in a kind of weird place. imagion like old england surrounded by an eternal everstorm. no one can enter it and leave alive. the magic system in this world is all about bonding with winds and blights and gaining powers from them

Sounds cool! When you say co-write, how are you thinking of dividing the work? What are your ides so far for plot/story (if you have any)

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Just now, The Sibling said:

Sounds cool! When you say co-write, how are you thinking of dividing the work? What are your ides so far for plot/story (if you have any)

im realy open to anything. the plot would revolve around a character who would not be a vewpoint character. i was thinking that everyone who joins would write a difrent viewpoint character. 

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5 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

im realy open to anything. the plot would revolve around a character who would not be a vewpoint character. i was thinking that everyone who joins would write a difrent viewpoint character. 

Oooh I love this idea! I definitely want to participate. I have lots of ideas, but since this is your plan maybe you could post all the thoughts that you have so far so that I"m able to start brainstorming? Also, if this is going to have a more fleshed out world, can I make the map? I love making fantasy maps, so that would be a fun project.

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I don't really have many ideas apart from the magic system. i do know that the book will be set in a city that looks and feels like old london. exsept it kind of glows with a golden light. this golden light attracts winds and repels blights. if you bonded with a wind you can use the light to form small objects like a cup or a plate or a knife. 

i would love to see some maps and hear any of your ideas @The Sibling.

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2 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

i would love to see some maps and hear any of your ideas @The Sibling.

Well, I've recently wanted to write something in an academic setting, so even if it's not the sole focus of the story, can we come up with some kind of university or school in the city? 

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3 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

ooh that sounds intresting. it would go nicely in an old london setting i believe. 

Also, I think it could work pretty well with your idea of having the plot revolve around a character who is not a POV character. We could have a friend group with a character who is sort of the unofficial leader of the group, and then we have the POV characters who are the rest in the group. We could also use this to bring up themes of feeling unimportant or even feeling like you're not the main character of your own story.

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I think it's important to think of what kind of age range we want. Having it be a school/university sort of locks us into like, a kids or young adult kind of thing, but based on your idea for the setting I was imagining a darker story that would probably work better with older characters. Maybe we could have them be in their mid to late twenties, somewhere around there? So it's not too outlandish to imagine them in a school, but we can still explore darker topics and have some more self aware characters.

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yeah i like the idea. when you fist mentioned university the first thing i though of was the name of the wind and its age rating/world/university. personally i think that aiming for a slightly older group might be nicer as it was kind of what i was going for to start with.

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