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Anniversary Game 10/Anonymous Game 14: Tyrian Falls Apocalypse

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Just now, Amethyst Scorpion said:

Oh wait so they are a rioter lol

Or does that mean they’re definitely not

My brain can’t even with this rn >>

vote disappeared! 

wasn't Lion! 

So wait um actually it... was Swan! 

This is confusing. Kill them all. 

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17 minutes ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

Oh wait so they are a rioter lol

Or does that mean they’re definitely not

My brain can’t even with this rn >>

it might mean they're a rioter but it also might not bro idk is there any other vote manippers alive

just like


but yeah they are if there aren't other vote manippers alive


but like yeah i confused myself because i was trying to think if it could be a situation where like, they claimed rioter onto meerkat to try and deflect blame or something. but it doesn't make sense because there's no other vote manip and I didn't manip swan

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12 hours ago, Chartreuse Penguin said:

... I wasn't Smoking Meerkat.

... @Salmon Meerkat, you got an explanation here?

nope. i have no idea. truly. a reputation for honesty is what im looking for right now.

5 hours ago, Oxblood Beagle said:

Nice. I was beginning to think I’d lost my touch. 

Lion, why didn’t you soothe Swan to help prove their “role”? 

I distrust Swan still after the rioter claim, for what it’s worth. It feels very convenient. Could be a mistborn? 

@Salmon Meerkat what’s your role? 


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*crocs gun*




Or how about no! Y'all are just going to have to flip one of them anyway! Croc clearly didn't cause the phantom vote removal! Swan says they tried to Riot, so we flip them! If they're honest, Meerkat did mess with them via Smoking and we flip Meerkat next! It's a clear dichotomy we need to test eventually, so why not start now! 

*uncrocs gun*

*shootout in the OK Coral Swan intensifies*

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Something else: it could also be another Smoker who happened to target Meerkat. I didn’t want to say that immediately in case Meerkat didn’t notice, but it might be not Meerkat.

I think it’s more likely to be Meerkat, though - I don’t know why an Elim Smoker would be tossing around Copperclouds when they knew they could get uncovered between me, Smoker!Swan, and Lion. Honestly E!Mistborn!Meerkat would explain most of it.

Swan dying to clear things up would help, though I suspect less and less that they’re going to flip Elim. A Kangaroo or Meerkat shot could be informative, though it becomes risky to get too wide in a search.

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Last elim surely is just in [Swan, Meerkat, Kanga, Croc]. I just looked through D4 for edge cases but just found that Beagle pushed Alb over Penguin (I am assuming v!Penguin here, they’d be next in the PoE) and Alb pushed Lion. We already had this PoE, of course, but it’s nice that a check confirmed it I guess :P.

Later I’ll do the math to figure out if we can lose to e!Penguin here but I don’t think so.


It's a 9v1 now. If e!Penguin--

  • ZNK Swan, NK Zebra (7v1)
  • Exe Meerkat, NK me (5v1)
  • Exe Croc, NK Beagle (3v1)
  • Exe Kanga, NK Lion (1v1)
  • Coinflip (because if Cham loses the exe they get NKd)

So short answer is actually yes, but I just realized this is all probably meaningless because we know either Swan or Meerkat is lying so the logic follows that one of them is evil.

Edited by Amethyst Scorpion
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Day 6: Swan Song

Never in all his years as a thief had Ananame been in a tighter spot. Thievery used to be just a game for him, back when his noble status guaranteed him a comfortable, even easy life. Between his family name and talents for subterfuge, lying, and rioting, he could get his hands on just about anything and talk his way out of trouble on the rare occasions he got caught. Ever since The Lord Ruler died though, he’d become more desperate, stealing not just for pleasure but in a futile attempt to claim by pilfering what he could no longer obtain by force. With that came real consequences for the first time in his life, ones he’d been running from ever since.

Over two years later, Anemone found himself ducking under a section of stone fortifications that hadn’t yet been carried to its proper place on Tyrian’s borders, listening to his heart beating almost as loudly as the clips pinging off the stone. He’d never been less pleased to hear money coming in his direction. He groaned. If it had been Barney or Sasha, he almost could have accepted it. He had stolen that beautiful coral piece from Barney’s home province, and maybe caused a little fire fleeing. And Sasha before her death had been on his tail ever since that Ministry break-in that hadn’t been his fault but if it had been, surely he deserved those bronze vials more than whoever had made off with them.

But no, instead it was that puffed up Coinshot Zee hunting him down just because his Rioting hadn’t worked properly. Barney must have been the one to encourage them, he decided. The thought of the Coinshot who’d rid him of an implacable enemy turning on him now made him course with anger. Twice his divine right to rule had failed him, but surely it would succeed this third time. Drawing a deep breath, he lunged out from his hiding place, burned zinc, and hit Zee with the strongest blast of obedience he could.

Ruin was having a great time watching Zee try, and thus far fail, to kill the elusive Ananame. “Yes, my minion! Shoot him down! A little to the left! Oh, there he goes!”

Zee did their best to ignore their godly passenger, following Ananame through the dizzying array of tight turns, narrow crevices, and numerous obstacles that composed the fortification construction site. Listening to Ruin had gotten Iguana killed, Iguana who they hadn’t taken the time to reconsider after the Lurcher claim, Iguana who’d saved their life and been killed for it.

“You’re making the same mistake with Ananame,” a little voice in their head whispered, but it was drowned out by Ruin’s overpowering cacophony. 

“There he is! Kill him!” 

Automatically, Zee reached his senses and shot coins at Ananame, who was hiding now instead of running. So be it. Zee flew around to the other side to get a clear shot at the thief, only for him to jump out of his own volition. Zee was about to shoot him and end this wearying chase when a new emotion smashed into him with the force of a million coins.


Zee looked at Ananame anew and saw not a fleeing victim but a nobleman used to absolute deference, the kind of man who’d be elevated above virtually the entire town if the New Empire succeeded in conquering them. He raised his hands in surrender and was about to drop to his knees when Ruin’s voice echoed once more in his mind.

Kill him!

Zee flinched, suddenly seeing Ananame as he currently was, a man who’d used up every last advantage and now stood in front of him, defenseless. Mind completely calm, they burned steel and pushed their entire bag of coins into their target, figurine of a coral swan falling from his hands as he fell to the ground.

“Fool!” hissed the little voice in their head. “Ruin wouldn’t have helped you kill his last servant!”

The bubble of calm instantly burst, Zee scrambling to the ground to search Ananame’s body, looking for any signs that he’d been Ruin’s creature. Ruin himself was laughing. “You have done well, Zee. You are no longer needed.”

Zee slumped, their frantic energy draining away. They’d been fooled. Again. When the obsidian axe cleaved them in half from shoulder to hip, they felt almost grateful that Ruin wouldn’t be able to manipulate them again. 

Coral Swan was killed! They were a Village Rioter!
Quartz Zebra was killed! They were a Village Coinshot!


If Mauve Crocodile does not post by the end of this turn, they will be removed from the game.

Day Six has begun! The turn will end on Friday, January 19th at 6:00 PM PT/ Saturday, January 20th at 2 a.m. GMT / 1 p.m. AEDT.

Player List


Amber Vulture Sasha de Vries, Detective Spiked Thug
Amethyst Scorpion Barney Detective
Azure Mouse Maihler, Meme Artist Village Tineye
Charcoal Hyena Hobbyist Village Smoker
Chartreuse Penguin Murph, Carpenter/Armorer
Coral Swan Ananame, Noble Thief Village Rioter
Cream Tuatara Spiked Rioter
Emerald Falcon Tune, Graffiti Artist Village
Fuchsia Ostrich Endsayer, Endsayer Village
Indigo Weasel Quagmire, 3 "Weasels" in a Trenchcoat Village Smoker
Ivory Dragonfly Bartleby, Witch Doctor Village Mistborn
Magenta Albatross Grandiose Verbosity Spiked
Mauve Crocodile
Melon Dingo Barrrrrrrg, Obligator Spiked Seeker
Mint Heron Stray Dog Villager
Onyx Flamingo M, Orator + Researcher Village Tineye
Opal Lion
Oxblood Beagle
Pearl Chameleon Samwise, Obligator
Plum Rhinoceros Nalthian Village Soother
Quartz Zebra Zee, Accidentally Spiked Village Coinshot
Saffron Iguana Village Lurcher
Sage Kangaroo Leo, Amnesiac
Salmon Meerkat Sal, Loyalist
Sapphire Elephant Forgetful Village

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4 Years Ago

"This will be so much easier if you all simply cooperate," the Inquisitor said.

Murph didn't move. The Reserve Guard had been assembled in a line in the keep grounds. In front of them were four individuals. One was Captain Hart, who'd stepped forward when asked. The Inquisitor was the second, standing just to the side of Willam Erikell. Lord Willam, as the brat so desperately insisted they call him. He was Lord Tarries' nephew, and looked ever so pleased with himself and with the situation he'd undoubtedly had his conspirators devise.

Lord Tarries Erikell was the fourth figure. He was hanging by a hook through his throat.

"These are all of your soldiers?" the Inquisitor asked, voice grating but deceptively calm.

"Yes, sir," Hart replied. "All the ones under my command."

"Hmmm," the Inquisitor said, scanning the assembly. Murph couldn't meet the eyes of anyone, much less those steel circles. "And they are all Allomancers?"

Captain Hart paused, looking to Lord Tarries' corpse as if for permission before quickly switching to Willam, then the Steel Inquisitor. "No, sir. Benthe and Harmon are trainers, skilled fighters but no abilities. But most are Mistings, yes."

"And you?"

"Yes, sir. Rioter, sir. Helps keep the troops in line. Sir."

The Inquisitor's face didn't budge. "Hmmm. Very well. Do not speak again until addressed." Captain Hart choked down what was clearly going to be another yes-sir and instead gave a quick salute. The Inquisitor turned to Murph and the guard.

"I understand that Willam Erikell may not have informed you on what has occurred. I will enlighten you. There are many Mistings in the guard of House Erikell, a fact that has been noticed by many. By the other Houses, as you may have seen from increasing concern from the other noble houses. By Willam Erikell, one more inclined to search for a reason, perhaps. And by the Steel Ministry. By me."

"Tarries Erikell has been judged and found guilty of abuse of Allomancy. He has located, harbored, and employed Mistings from among the skaa instead of reporting them as mandatory. He has been sentenced accordingly. But, there are still skaa among you all."

No one said a word, for a moment. Willam looked very pleased indeed. An obligator handed the Inquisitor a small sheet of metal. A few other guards - members of the Ministry - filtered in through the gates.

"Where is Seidre? The Tineye?" the Inquisitor said, as if it was the simplest deal in the world.


"I thought I told you not to speak," the Inquisitor said to Hart, barely missing a beat before turning to the Reserves. "Where is Seidre?"

No one said anything, and the Ministry guards began to move their hands towards scabbards.

"She died. Six months ago," Murph said, voice heavy. He still couldn't meet the Inquisitors eye-spikes. "During one of the attacks on the keep. Sir," he hastily added.

The Inquisitor stepped forward. "Hmmm. And you are?"

"Murph. Sir. Master Archer, although our archers are... it's a title, little more. My father is in the Lord Ruler's army. My mother owns a shop in the Northern District."

"Hmmm. You knew Seidre?"

"Yes sir."


There was a lot in that simple question. Murph had no idea if Seidre was a skaa. They'd worked together. A Tineye as a sniper was useful, and a Smoker to hide the Tineye was a good foil to prevent detection. But he did know Seidre didn't trust him with everything. He didn't exactly put on a trustworthy disposition - trained to fill people with crossbow bolts didn't support that. But he knew Seidre sometimes talked in private with other members of the guard... members like...

Murph banished that thought. "We fought together. No more."

The Inquisitor seemed to ponder that, not even giving a grunt. He stared at Murph's face with those steel-filled sockets. Murph didn't move. He had forgotten to say Sir, but it was too late now. Other things were happening in the background - at least one Reserve had been grabbed by the obligators, and a few were being looked at. Willum had taken a pale look, and the Inquisitor's hand gently rested on their shoulder, still staring at Murph.

"You killed Arnam Tekiel, did you not?"

Murph flinched. That wasn't what he was expecting. "I... I've killed a lot of people, sir. For most of them I didn't know their name."

The Inquisitor looked almost amused. "The Mistborn who attacked you, last year."

"Ah. Yes, I did."

"And you are a Misting yourself, yes?" If Murph could still read expressions on an eyeless face, the Inquisitor seemed almost... hungry.

"Yes. Smoker, sir."

The interest vanished from the Inquisitor's expression.

"Hmmm. I imagine the Steel Ministry will have more words for you all. But I have more important things to oversee." He turned to leave.

"Aren't you going to announce-" started Willum.

There was a crack, and then the would-be House Lord fell to the ground, crutching his collarbone where the Inquisitor's hand had lay. That hand was now a fist.

"No, I think not," he said simply, and walked away, a contingent of obligators and doomed Allomancers behind him. Murph and the others were left to see what was left of House Erikell.

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