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Vin is a Stoneward


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I know posts like this have been made before but I haven't seen anyone suggest this order which I think is a crime considering how well it fits.

Vin is a Stoneward.

Her whole deal in Well of Ascension is about accepting that she's an assassin, the sword of the new empire. Her personal struggle is about her having to accept that she is more than her duty as a Mistborn. Like, she's not zealous about it, but Stoneward just fits, especially in HoA when she has accepted both parts of herself and trying to save the world. There's even this bit in HoA where the Tolkien guy is asking if she'll live up to the legends and turn the sun yellow again and she says that she has to try.

"I will stand when others fall" that's an oath that we don't know which order it belongs to for sure, but most agree that it's Stoneward.

That is literally the climax of the Final empire

Kelsier falls and Vin has to stand.

Speaking of,

Kelsier is a Willshaper

Elend is a Bondsmith 

Sazed is a truthwatcher

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35 minutes ago, AtuimMisting said:

I know posts like this have been made before but I haven't seen anyone suggest this order which I think is a crime considering how well it fits.

Vin is a Stoneward.

Her whole deal in Well of Ascension is about accepting that she's an assassin, the sword of the new empire. Her personal struggle is about her having to accept that she is more than her duty as a Mistborn. Like, she's not zealous about it, but Stoneward just fits, especially in HoA when she has accepted both parts of herself and trying to save the world. There's even this bit in HoA where the Tolkien guy is asking if she'll live up to the legends and turn the sun yellow again and she says that she has to try.

"I will stand when others fall" that's an oath that we don't know which order it belongs to for sure, but most agree that it's Stoneward.

That is literally the climax of the Final empire

Kelsier falls and Vin has to stand.

Speaking of,

Kelsier is a Willshaper

Elend is a Bondsmith 

Sazed is a truthwatcher

A person can fit more than one Radiant Order. Early Vin, TFE or WoA Vin, would fit well with Lightweavers, as there were a lot of "truths" she had to accept during those times - that she can be safe, she can trust, she can love and be with Elends, be herself. She would be a very good Windrunner, she wants to protect people, all of them, even to the point of self-sacrifice (she was chosen by Preservation, she was most fitted to Preservation, because of her will to protect others, best seen during the siege of Luthadel). She would also fit Dustbringers a bit - whole idea of self mastery and learning to control her destructive powers. I'm not so sure about Stonewards - it fits a bit but I'm not sure it fits the most. Windrunners would probably be the best fit.

Sazed would be a great Edgedancer, the whole remembering people would be focused on him remembering religions and knowledge of the past. He would be a good Willshaper too, freeing Terris people from captivity. A Truthwatcher fits for him only during HoA, trying to find the ultimate truth about religions, which one is the true one. But the very end HoA Sazed would fit Bondsmiths too - uniting two Shards together, keeping the world at peace.

Elend would fit Elsecallers - both as a scholar and a leader, trying to reach his true potential. Bondsmith too as of HoA. Skybreaker would fit him as well - he created laws of the new kingdom and obeyed them even when he had a chance to hide the truth to remain in power.

Kelsier, WoB answered this better than I can:



If Kelsier managed to get his hands on a spren to bond with, which Order would he naturally gravitate toward in terms of personality and morals?

Brandon Sanderson

This is a really good question. I have trouble answering these cause I feel like I need to take the quiz as Kelsier and check all the boxes. Where is Kelsier gonna be? Maybe I need to start eliminating Orders. So Skybreaker, probably not. Windrunner, close but no. Edgedancer, maybe. The whole "I will listen," and the whole recover the past, it's really more a Mare thing that Kelsier kind of picked up on, but it's where he found his center, so I would give him a partial hit on Edgedancer. Dustbringer is a good hit also, this whole idea of self mastery and pushing himself and things like this, is gonna be a good Kelsier fit. Bondsmith is gonna be an okay Kelsier fit, with the kind of bringing together the crew and pulling off some big thing. Lightweaver, not as much as you would think. I don't think Kelsier is there on the Lightweaver thing. What have I missed? Stoneward, no. Willshaper, he'd be a good Willshaper. Willshaper's high on the list, but I think Edgedancer might win, maybe. But he's kind of borrowing that. It's a tie between Edgedancer and Dustbringer, probably. Willshaper's up there too, three way tie. I'd have to answer the questions from the thing and see where we go.

YouTube Spoiler Stream 4 (June 16, 2022)
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