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Fantasy Creatures


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So these are some fantasy creatures I’ve made up for various projects. They’re not fully fleshed out here but I have a better working concept of them in my head for the most part.

Osteolycanthropy is not my best work but it is what it is for now.

(edit: somebody please ask about the orange blood)

Edited by TheSurvivorofDeath
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So you might think “oh it’s a fantasy creature he can just make up whatever color blood he wants.” No. This blood is orange for a reason. You see, in my universe iridium is one of the best conduits for Futuresight, across all worlds if you know what you’re doing. So I figured, give the dragons iridium in their blood, they have an irrefutable reason to have Futuresight. So I had to find a compound that can carry oxygen like hemoglobin because I still wanted dragons to be aerobic. And after about an hour of research and cross checking I discovered Vaska’s complex, or transcarbonylchlorobis(triphenylphosphine)iridium, which is a bright yellow substance that is capable of reversibly bonding O2 in a side on manner, which is different from how hemoglobin bonds O2. When Vaska’s complex is oxidized it turns orange, hence the orange blood. So now I have a scientifically viable (theoretically) form of iridium based blood. Instead of just making up the entire thing all I have to do is assume some fantastic form of evolutionary biology, and it is fantasy after all.

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Dang. The most creative I've gotten with fantasy creatures is a furry tiger-dragon with wings, and selkies that are otters instead of seals in their fey form. And sure, you've definitely been inspired by previously existing ideas, just as I have--but you've really branched out with it, instead of just tweaking one or two things and calling it good. I love the orange blood for the dragons! Sounds like exactly the sort of tidbit I'd want to find in a fantasy novel.

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On 12/7/2023 at 11:33 PM, TheSurvivorofDeath said:

Yeah I’m not the greatest at the actual writing part but boy can I worldbuild.

Edit: Does anyone have any suggestions for other mythological creatures and the like to base more fantasy creatures off of?

I'm a big fan of phoenixes and griffins. It'd be interesting to see how you spin those off. There's a lot of things in Scottish and Irish mythology that are delightfully strange, too; try looking up kelpies sometime.

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4 hours ago, Ookla the Ookla said:

I'm a big fan of phoenixes and griffins. It'd be interesting to see how you spin those off. There's a lot of things in Scottish and Irish mythology that are delightfully strange, too; try looking up kelpies sometime.

I’ll have to try those. I attempted something based off of the wendigo that’s so so. I’ll post it here later. And I’m working on a shapeshifter.

Edit: IMG_2271.thumb.jpeg.9c646f20269362053aeecad526544fe8.jpeg

Edited by TheSurvivorofDeath
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