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The ' on the coppermind

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Some pages on the coppermind (T'Telir and Kalad's Phantoms for example) use ' instead of a regular apostrophe ‘. This really messes with my head, because anytime I try and make a link to these pages it doesn’t work because I use a regular apostrophe. I also can’t seem to find this special apostrophe, leading to me having to copy and paste it every time. 

Is this special apostrophe somewhere in the book? Because I couldn’t find it. If not then can it be fixed?/shall I fix it?




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11 hours ago, Nightstar The Bright said:

ome pages on the coppermind (T'Telir and Kalad's Phantoms for example) use ' instead of a regular apostrophe ‘.

I can't say for certain what their reasoning was, but I would like to note:

  • ' is a normal Wiki character, while ’ is what is called an Escape Character (meaning it cannot be used in URLs and is represented by a code instead)
  • You can access the extended character map from the WIki Editor itself - right at the top (see picture below)



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4 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Alright thanks.

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Is... the default when you type in the editor with apostrophe's not the straight quote? Yes, it is our style guide to not use curly quotes, because of issues like this, but it seems odd to me that you are having issues with this in... creating links? The standard ''' is what you do for, say, bold and italic in wikitext, so this is a little confusing to me.

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8 hours ago, Nightstar The Bright said:

Well, if I type [[T’Telir]] it doesn’t work as a link (it becomes a new page)  but if I type [[T'Telir]] it does work.

Are you on a standard QWERTY keyboard, or are you using a non-standard /multi-lingual keyboard? There might be some confustion because on a standard QWERTY keyboard the ' key (next to Enter/Return) is standard as the straight single quote - and an editor has to jump through some hoops to even find the curly quote (single or double).

However, it sounds like your keyboard has the curly quote as its default - or has a key for both versions and you just habitually use the other key. @Chaos or another admin might be able to redirect both spellings to the same page, but you can also use the [[T'Telir|T’Telir]] construction if you want to display T’Telir but link to T'Telir.

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