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What would you do if you had a shard for one day


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So you have been miraculously been chosen to take up a Shard's power for just one day when they go and have a vacation. What shard would it be and what would you do with it?



I personal would be Preservation and then grant Brandon Sanderson the power to be a Bendalloy misting with a lot of bendally so he could finish all of the books in ALL of his sires. 



What about YOU?

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So I think this thread is supposed to to introduce me so here I go.

I REALLY LOVE BRANDON SANDERSON in a non creepy fan sort of way. I've been reading Brandon Sanderson since four years ago when I saw one of my friends reading a BIG book-aka Way of Kings. Since then I have been addicted. I'm fairly new to this. I made an account but didn't do anything with it until a few days ago. So here I am.

By the way I LOVE DRAGONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




not just silver ones 

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I would be Odium... because I would be allowed to completely destroy things for no good reason, there would be nobody to stand against me and I wouldn't be limited by any of the other shards. And yeah, have a doughnut. Whatever flavor frosting and toppings you wish. And welcome to the 17th shard 

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  • 2 months later...

Hmm... Tough one.


I would probably be Harmony, as...


Mistborn 3 Spoiler

I will hatch a nefarious plan. I will get Hemalurgic Spikes, use them on Sazed (and everyone around him if I can help it), and compel Sazed to let me keep the Shard forever.


From there, I will discreetly give Allomantic Powers to people like Dalinar, who are working against other Shards, and the moment they succeed, I will pick up the Shards, slowly combining them, until I am Adonalsium once more. Then, everyone will all have a jolly time, because I say so, so long as you don't misplease me...

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