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I just finished Elantris for the first time, and one unanswered question in the book stood out to me. Raoden wonders why the Aon Rii (wealth) is scattered with seemingly random dots. I think these stand for gold mines or something similar. Could somebody in Utah ask Brandon, please?

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  • 1 month later...

The only Aon that Brandon's talked about in the Database is Aon Mea, the one with an amazing wealth of information.


What is the X in Aon Mea? Is it one of the Shard-pools?


Afraid not. Aon Mea references the expanded region within which the "Elantris Effect" will create Elantrians. The X is fertile valley with a high density of life, a place with a lot of cognitive activity. (Cognitive as defined by Realmatic Theory includes the 'thoughts' of all things that exist, not just human beings. The more complex the life form, the stronger its presence on the Cognitive Realm.)

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I don't think he mentions it in the annotations either, at least nowhere I can find it. Raoden thinks about the Aon Rii and wonders what the dots are for, but that's all I've ever heard mentioned. Here's the quote:

Why was the Aon Rii specked with two dozen seemingly random dots?

Personally, I don't believe the dots mark Gold mines. I think if any Aon did, it would probably be Aon Deo, meaning gold or metal. It could be something else having to do with wealth or affluence though. Maybe the location of gem deposits? It would have to be something subtle, for Raoden to not notice a connection between the locations.

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  • 3 months later...

Would it have to be subtle or would it just have to be things they didn't know were there, if one of the locations was a gold mine, or any other sort of mine and the others were unfound deposits he would have no reason to connect the locations with the dots, and in their society its quite possible they didn't know how to find the deposits of whatever source of wealth was there, I've lived in a mining town where almost 100 mines sprang up at once around 1880, and then less than 10 years ago they found a massive new deposit that they never knew about less than 30km from all of these massive mines, finding ore deposits with their technology would be as much luck as anything.

That said I really think that any mine would be worth a fortune to them, so it wouldn't necessarily be gold, but it does make a lot of sense for the dots to correspond to sources of wealth of some description.

The real question I think is what would the impact on the aon be if those unidentified sources of wealth were used up, eg: the gold all mined...?

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WHy would the wealth represent gold mines? I agree there could very likely be something there, but gold is a human centric issues. If the elantrians coould create food from stone, surely it could have made other valuable material. THose sites would be considered valuable by the elantrians, seona or the dor. Possibly material that has a unique relationship to the power of the dor.

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  • 1 month later...

Argh...I feel like there's a connection right in front of me, and I'm completely missing it....

Is there any known material that can enhance AonDor? It never specifies what it's a wealth of, so it could be a wealth of stone, wood, magic, gold, anything. If we're talking wealth like numbers that is. If we mean the "richness" meaning of wealth, I honestly can't say. Maybe bits of Devotion (Wealth of power there I say) that took physical form?

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Shoad seems to be Devotion's Lerasium. Makes me wonder if you could concentrate it into solid form.


Dilaf's wife turned into a sickly Elantrian due to failed Aons. Could a special kind of "God Aon" turn people into Elantrians?

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I don't think she was turned into an Elantrian. She was simply the target of a bad Aon, just like the Elantrians.

She fell off a wall and didn't die, and is described as similar to the nasty Elantrians, so we can assume all Aonic effects do that if made incorrectly. That says to me that the Shaod is an Aonic effect, and therefore reproduceable.

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Falling off the wall and living doesn't make her an Elantrian. Raoden explains that they are frozen in time, unable to heal or die because whatever Aon is acting on them isn't finished. Their bodies don't realize that time has passed. Regular Elanrians could die like anyone else. If one jumped off a wall, they would die. There may be an Aon that could be used to create an Elantrian. Perhaps a Rao, with the right modifiers? Anyways, it doesn't seem possible for the regular Shaod to be the effect of an Aon. If it chose the first Elantrians, then no one was there to draw it.

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Falling off the wall and living doesn't make her an Elantrian. Raoden explains that they are frozen in time, unable to heal or die because whatever Aon is acting on them isn't finished. Their bodies don't realize that time has passed. Regular Elanrians could die like anyone else. If one jumped off a wall, they would die. There may be an Aon that could be used to create an Elantrian. Perhaps a Rao, with the right modifiers? Anyways, it doesn't seem possible for the regular Shaod to be the effect of an Aon. If it chose the first Elantrians, then no one was there to draw it.

I mean that whatever causes the Shaod (Probably Devotion splinters) follows the laws and rules of Aons, and as such can be replicated in effect by an Aon. The Aon recipe for amazing power is Rao, Spirit. Shards are mostly part of the spiritual realm, so it's probably connected.

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