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Finally making it official


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I've been lurking for some time now, but I've finally decided to get an account. I'm a fairly recently converted Cosmere fan, (is there an official term used for a member of the fandom?), but I consider myself fairly well versed in the basic cosmology. I have yet to read WoR, which I've been trying to get a copy of for months now. I'll probably end up just buying it, which is what I should have done to begin with.


Anyway, I also fairly recently picked up a obsession with building magic systems. Complete coincidence, of course... ;)

I don't claim to be any good, but I do find it thoroughly enjoyable, and seeing as the best way to learn is through the critiques of those more experienced in the craft, I doubt this forum will escape without at least a few posts regarding my magic systems. Whether anyone else will benefit from such rants remains to be seen. 

Edited by Lindel
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Welcome to the forum! I lurked for nearly a month before finally making an account here.


A universal term for the Sanderson fan base? There are two major terms: "Sanderfan" and "Spike Bunny", depending on how immersed in Hemalurgy you are. :P


We always love seeing creative types here. :) I look forward to seeing what rants you introduce to the forum!

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Thanks for the warm welcome! 


Hemalurgy, unsurprisingly, has always kinda creeped me out, although I can't help wracking my brain for other applications of the art. I've found that it's nothing like Allomancy, where I can sit down for an hour and deduce the last two metals before even starting Alloy of Law. Much more complicated stuff, Hemalurgy. But I guess that's the idea. 

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Hemalurgy, unsurprisingly, has always kinda creeped me out, although I can't help wracking my brain for other applications of the art. I've found that it's nothing like Allomancy, where I can sit down for an hour and deduce the last two metals before even starting Alloy of Law. Much more complicated stuff, Hemalurgy. But I guess that's the idea. 


If it were simple, everybody would do it. And that would be terrible.


Really? You deduced what chromium and bendalloy were? :o

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No, I wish. Though it made perfect sense once they explained it. I'd always wondered where Lerasium fit into the picture, so I appreciated the explanation of the God Metals vs Basic Metals. I did figure out Chronium and its alloy, though. The possibilities I came up with were 1), an enhancement bubble that super-powered Allomancy inside it and a paired metal that could create a bubble to cancel out Allomancy, or 2), an external equivalent of Aluminium and Duralumin. I thought #1 would be awesome, but I decided #2 was more likely. Turns out I was right!  :D


After reading Mistborn, I also came up with essentially the same Feruchemical property that it turns out Chronium has as a sort of "fan-fiction" Feruchemical ability, so it was pretty cool to find out that Brandon had the exact same idea! 

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Welcome to the forums! I hope that we'll see some of your magic systems in the Creator's Corner. I'm not as good at making up magic systems as expanding on how they can be used, but I really like them all the same. 


Stick around, and you'll surely get more upvotes...

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Thanks for the welcome! I'll see if I can get up at least one magic system by tomorrow, so keep an eye out. There are a few in particular that seriously need expanding in that area. Looking forward to seeing your input! 

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Welcome to the forums!
We generally go by 'Sharders' here, but that's for 17th Sharders specifically not cosmere fans in general :P
Glad to hear that you have at least some amount of curiosity about Hemalurgy, we of the Dark Alley rejoice in this art, although we would definitely not use it on a new sharder   :ph34r: 
Would you like a cookie?

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Welcome to the forums!

We generally go by 'Sharders' here, but that's for 17th Sharders specifically not cosmere fans in general :P

Glad to hear that you have at least some amount of curiosity about Hemalurgy, we of the Dark Alley rejoice in this art, although we would definitely not use it on a new sharder   :ph34r: 

Would you like a cookie?


Pay no mind to his signature. It's completely irrelevant.  :ph34r:

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Welcome to the forums!

We generally go by 'Sharders' here, but that's for 17th Sharders specifically not cosmere fans in general :P

Glad to hear that you have at least some amount of curiosity about Hemalurgy, we of the Dark Alley rejoice in this art, although we would definitely not use it on a new sharder   :ph34r: 

Would you like a cookie?

Seriously, take if from someone who should have known better than to take the offered pastry (see my siggy), back away slowly. :P


Also, welcome!! :D

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*Sneaks up behind Traceria*
Oh you don't really believe that do you?
*Spikes in back*
Ruin controlled Traceria: No, Voidus' cookies are awesome and delicious and definitely don't contain concealed hemalurgic spikes.

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*Sneaks up behind Traceria*

Oh you don't really believe that do you?

*Spikes in back*

Ruin controlled Traceria: No, Voidus' cookies are awesome and delicious and definitely don't contain concealed hemalurgic spikes.


* nods in agreement (under duress) *


I question whether we're making a good impression in front of the newcomer. :P

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Just realized that pretty much only Herd members had come to greet you, Welcome Friend! Take two upvotes and a Doughnut :D  My baked goods are not spiked, unlike pretty much everyone else's. Actually anyone with a Newcago Crest in their sig is completely trustworthy, and people with pony profiles should always be checked for spikes. :)

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Thanks much! :D It's nothing personal, but I may still have to slice open the doughnut and check it anyway. It's a compliment, honestly! I won't even touch the cookie Voidus tried to give me.  ^_^

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They're spiking tamales now? My, they're getting clever. I'm always suspicious of baked goods, but tamales... now that's a different matter. I'll have to be more careful.


We don't spike cookies, we sell cookies. Anything you hear differently is slander. Please report any offending parties so that we may spike deal with them in a non-lethal manner.

On the subject of perfectly safe and non-spiked tamales (Which are delicious)  We're also looking to expand into other non-dessert pastries like meat pies. You should try some...

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