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Allomantic Grenade Physical Description

J. Magi

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Does anyone know where the description for what the allomantic grenades looked like?

I'm making one for my halloween costume this year (Marasi) and I'd like input on what allomantic symbols/ other details I should put on it. (I've go the cube part down already)

I think there's a part in the books that explains the details but I don't remember where it is . . . Plus I would love other people's thoughts on this.

Edited by Justice_Magician
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1 hour ago, Justice_Magician said:

Does anyone know where the description for what the allomantic grenades looked like?

I'm making one for my halloween costume this year (Marasi) and I'd like input on what allomantic symbols/ other details I should put on it. (I've go the cube part down already)

I think there's a part in the books that explains the details but I don't remember where it is . . . Plus I would love other people's thoughts on this.

Bands of Mourning:


Ch 7:


Something bounced down the hallway and came to a rest on the floor beside Wax, just outside the doorway in which he crouched. A small metal cube. He jumped back, fearing an explosive, but nothing happened. What had that been?

Ch 8:


She’d assumed he was pulling a gun on her, but that hadn’t been the case at all. The object had been far too small. She reached for her gun, and beside it on the floor she was surprised to find a small metal cube with bizarre symbols on it.

Ch 9:


Wax glanced at Marasi, who had remained behind. She held up the little cube, turning it over in her fingers, inspecting the intricate carvings it bore on its various faces.

Ch 17:


She held up the little cube. Suit had asked after this. Could she use that somehow?

Marasi frowned, turning the cube. The sides had little grooves between them. She looked closer, and in the sunlight spotted something she hadn’t seen before. A tiny little knob hidden in one groove. It looked like … well, a switch. Nestled in, where it couldn’t be flipped accidentally.

She used a hairpin to reach in and flip the switch. It moved just as she’d expect it to.

A switch. It seemed so … mundane. 

Ch 18:


He started back up the hallway, but hesitated as he noticed a small storage compartment that had popped open on the wall. There were hundreds of these scattered throughout the ship, containing ropes or weapons or other items. But this one had dropped something to the floor. A small, silvery cube.

His heart leaped in excitement.


Though I don;t think we yet have examples of the Malwish writing system - perhaps you could use the Steel Alphabet?

Hope that helps.

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21 hours ago, Justice_Magician said:

Does anyone know where the description for what the allomantic grenades looked like?

I'm making one for my halloween costume this year (Marasi) and I'd like input on what allomantic symbols/ other details I should put on it. (I've go the cube part down already)

I think there's a part in the books that explains the details but I don't remember where it is . . . Plus I would love other people's thoughts on this.

I just remember they they're cubes. But I'm also Marasi for Halloween this year!!! That's cool

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20 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Bands of Mourning:

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Ch 7:

Ch 8:

Ch 9:

Ch 17:

Ch 18:


Though I don;t think we yet have examples of the Malwish writing system - perhaps you could use the Steel Alphabet?

Hope that helps.

Thank you so much! I will probably end up using the steel alphabet, simply to make it more recognizable

1 hour ago, Morningtide said:

I just remember they they're cubes. But I'm also Marasi for Halloween this year!!! That's cool

That's awesome! 

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