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Sigzils next spren


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Ok so random thought just wanna put it out and hear your thoughts…

so i mentioned in another post that i believe adolin will die in stormlight 5 by giving his life essence to maya and making her back alive- as we see he already gave her some of his…. Life essence or whatever you wanna call it- read the part where theyre all in shadesmare carefully and you’ll see what i mean…

this will leave maya alive but to who should she bond?!?!

aux had the opposite here where he gave up his life essence to save the one who bonded him so it’ll be super super cool if those two find their way to each other!!!

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1 hour ago, Zackarcanum said:

Ok so random thought just wanna put it out and hear your thoughts…

so i mentioned in another post that i believe adolin will die in stormlight 5 by giving his life essence to maya and making her back alive- as we see he already gave her some of his…. Life essence or whatever you wanna call it- read the part where theyre all in shadesmare carefully and you’ll see what i mean…

this will leave maya alive but to who should she bond?!?!

aux had the opposite here where he gave up his life essence to save the one who bonded him so it’ll be super super cool if those two find their way to each other!!!

Maybe Shallan or her child 

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Counter: Imagine the sheer delight of delving into the labyrinth of their symbiosis; it’s a spectacle that promises to intrigue. To further add to this merry misfit, we have both his paterfamilias and his dear aunt, two storming bondsmiths! A veritable feast for the gods of irony, wouldn't you agree?

But, jesting aside, let us not forget that spren are no mere wisps of power, but sentient portions of investiture. I believe our illustrious Sanderson once mentioned (permit me a moment’s artistic license in paraphrasing) that a self-aware sliver of a Shard could very well possess the resources and the will to return to the realm of the living.

My hope, you see, is for a rebirth of their bond, conceived in fresh oaths, perhaps heralding a new, evolved order. Quite the romantic vision, don’t you think?

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