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Telcontar, at your service


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* Way of King Spoilers in this post

Moin moin!

it's been about a month since I finished WoK and I've already begun my second read. I suppose that's why I decided to join you. If there's a book which makes me read it a second time almost directly after I first finished it, then it's pretty good.

Well I picked up Mistborn back when I wanted to try out that guy who was going to write AMoL. I have read Warbreaker as well. Elantris is still on the list, mostly because I'd like to read it in english and to do so I would have to command it and I'm the type of reader who loves to go to a bookstore and pick up books.

There's another reason I joined: when I started with WoT I was amazed at how many discussions there are on all those fansites (theoryland, tar-valon.net, that kind of stuff) and I regretted that I had not been there from the start. I do have that possibility now with the Stormlight Archive and WoK proves to be a pretty good start.

And of course there's some questions to which I hope I'll get the answers. One day... :)

- I had the impression that the place where the heralds met in the prelude is an earlier version of the Shattered Plains. Just not shattered yet.

- who would kill somebody and let people know you did it? in our world the only people I can think of is terrorists. But those have or pretend to have political goals. I don't think the Parshendi have those, so if you let the Alethi know, you did it, it's to get pursued. So I believe the Parshendi intended to be besieged on the Plains. One reason could be to leave Alethkar unprotected or destabilized. (there are more, but this is just the introduction... ;) )

- but somehow I don't believe the Parshendi are the "bad guys"

- Did Aragorn have a copy of "The Way of Kings"?

There's more, of course, but this is enough for an introduction. I suppose.


If you have problems to understand what I'm trying to say, don't hesitate to point it out. I'm no native speaker, so just ask, I'll try to be more precise next time.

Edited by Telcontar
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Hey there Telcontar (Tel for short?) awesome name btw :D is there some meaning to it?

First off your command of English is awesome.

Second, your theory about the Shattered Plains, nice idea. My personal (just thought up this minute) theory is that Urithiru was sited there, and was either destroyed by the shattering of the plains, or is located under it, leading to the Parshendi either living in the submerged city or just scavanging the leftovers. Also Taravangian may just want to consolidate some serious power on the plains to trigger some event of some form (Szeth, Kaladin, Dalinar, Shallan and Jasnah, and even Ekholar (sp?) are powerhouses...).

Welcome, and watch out for the staff, they like to spike people XD

I hope you enjoy yourself here, its a great place.


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yeah, Tel will do very well.

And yes, there is a meaning. There is a scene, at the end of the Lord of the Rings where Aragorn explains that Telcontar will be the name of his house. It is in fact the translation of his Ranger name "Strider" in Quenya. His name as king of Gondor and is Elessar Telcontar.

as to my idea about the shattered plains, I wouldn't call it a theory yet, I have to consider that thought a little bit more for that, but eventually I will come up with my ideas.

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Glad to see you here Telcontar! Can I ask you to do one thing? Could you put "Way of Kings spoilers" in the title? That way someone who hasn't read it yet won't have anything spoiled.

*Way of Kings and Well of Ascension spoilers!

- I had the impression that the place where the heralds met in the prelude is an earlier version of the Shattered Plains. Just not shattered yet.

This is possible. Maybe the Herald's Shardblades (or Dawn Shards, or Honorblades, whatever they have), have been pulled down by gravity, and as they did, they slowly sliced and sliced until "CRACK" the land split. Erosion took care of the rest as the Highstorms always ran down these cracks, and the shardblades went down further and further, and the land cracked more and more.

- who would kill somebody and let people know you did it? in our world the only people I can think of is terrorists. But those have or pretend to have political goals. I don't think the Parshendi have those, so if you let the Alethi know, you did it, it's to get pursued. So I believe the Parshendi intended to be besieged on the Plains. One reason could be to leave Alethkar unprotected or destabilized. (there are more, but this is just the introduction... ;) )

Yeah, there's something going on with the Parshendi that we don't quite understand. Why are they so honorable on the battle field, but then only make a treaty to break it? Does it have something to do with the Dark Sphere that Gavilar had? Is it to draw attention to the Shattered Plains? What is it?

<br style="background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">- but somehow I don't believe the Parshendi are the "bad guys"

I think there's a couple people that believe that. After all, just because Jasnah and Shallan believe that the Parshmen are Voidbringers from the records doesn't mean that the Parshendi are bad, or even that the Parshmen are bad. We've already seen a Shard (Ruin) manipulate the words of records, and although I don't think Brandon would do the same thing twice, he might.

<br style="background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">

- Did Aragorn have a copy of "The Way of Kings"?

Only if Hoid gave it to him ;)

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Welcome, Telcontar! I love the username. :D

Zas has done a great job of answering your questions, but I have one of my own: if you don't mind my asking, what's your native language? I love languages, so I'm curious.

Also, have a cookie!


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  • 1 month later...

hey, thanks for the cookie.

Sorry I didn't see this earlier, I spent most of my time formulating strange ideas about tWoK.

I'm german, but I have only read the Mistborn trilogy in german, for all the others I did not want to wait for the translation, or the translated book would be way too expensive (you see, they split TWoK in two parts, each one costing about 25€, which is about 30$, depending of the currency rate, of course.) So I prefered to get my english paperback copy of tWoK for 6 euros instead.

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Alyssa, at *your* service

Welcome to the boards, nice to meet you!

By the way, I am in German at my highschool. My grammar is pretty terrible, but it is a really cool language (though you probably already know that)

Bis später

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