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Hey y'all! I'm new here, and thought I'd introduce myself. It's taken me a couple of days, of course, because I am easily distracted by... well, lots of things.

I am a budding... er... struggling freelance artist, Disney-addict, avid swing dancer, and lover of all things vintage. I also quite enjoy baking, crossword puzzles, cryptograms, and NASCAR, among other things. Strange combination, I know.

Anyway, your friendly neighborhood admin, KChan, had been telling me about Mistborn for the longest time, and when I finally gave in to reading it, she bought the trilogy for me for Christmas. I've always preferred to draw than read, but I found myself unable to put the books down. I blew through the first two with surprising speed, considering my life-long aversion to reading, and I'm currently making my way through The Hero of Ages. I'm pretty darn excited to read more once I'm finished! (Suggestions?)

And now, after some encouragement, I'm here. Me and my nerdy self. Should be fun! :D

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Merry is here at last! Wahahahaha! Welcome! :D Have our customary cookie.


As for suggestions, I'd pick Alloy of Law for you next. Then Warbreaker, maybe? Or Alcatraz. Those are fun, and a quick read.

EDIT: Upvoted for the Tobuscus reference.

Edited by KChan
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Welcome! I love your picture. It's fantastic. I hope you enjoy yourself here.

And I second the opinion of Elantris before Way of Kings. Oh! And don't forget Warbreaker. I'd read that before Way of Kings too. (Though Elantris is my favorite of the three. But maybe that's just for sentimental reasons).

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Thanks for the suggestions and the welcomes! Alloy of Law it is (for now). I'll be making another trip to my local Barnes&Noble soon, so now I know what to shoot for! :)

I'm de-lurking in order to welcome you cause you're special. :D Welcome to 17S! And yeah, Alloy of Law...then Warbreaker...then Way of Kings! xD

Yay, I'm special!

Welcome Merry Berry. Bless your face. If you sneezed while writing this intro, bless you. Peace off!

You get a point for that. And thank you, I believe I did sneeze while writing this intro.

I have a feeling I'm going to like it here. XD

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Hey y'all! I'm new here, and thought I'd introduce myself. It's taken me a couple of days, of course, because I am easily distracted by... well, lots of things.

I am a budding... er... struggling freelance artist, Disney-addict, avid swing dancer, and lover of all things vintage. I also quite enjoy baking, crossword puzzles, cryptograms, and NASCAR, among other things. Strange combination, I know.

Anyway, your friendly neighborhood admin, KChan, had been telling me about Mistborn for the longest time, and when I finally gave in to reading it, she bought the trilogy for me for Christmas. I've always preferred to draw than read, but I found myself unable to put the books down. I blew through the first two with surprising speed, considering my life-long aversion to reading, and I'm currently making my way through The Hero of Ages. I'm pretty darn excited to read more once I'm finished! (Suggestions?)

And now, after some encouragement, I'm here. Me and my nerdy self. Should be fun! :D

Hey Mer! Man, you are going to like the end of Hero of Ages. Hurry your butt up :P

I'm Chaos, the forum admin and theory guy. I'm around a lot!

Well hello there miss Berry, great to have you aboard. An obligatory watch out for Eric/Chaos is in order...he likes to stalk the ladies. XD


Hey. Hey. Hey. I do not stalk 17th Sharders, nor do I date 17th Sharders. You're safe.

I date 17th Sharders' roommates. Get it right.

(This is a true story, my girlfriend was roommates with a 17th Sharder. And yes, I say this fully knowing Joe and Eero are going to freaking paste this statement in every girl's intro thread now. Sigh :P)

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You hush! XP I'm hurrying! I can't help that suddenly people want me to do art for them... which means more money for books. And swing dancing. And cupcake ingredients.

I honestly wasn't too worried about you stalking me, but it's nice to be reassured. XD

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Hahahaha! Yes! It needs to happen next time we're in the same county.

Oh my gosh, could you imagine taking Mistborn-themed cupcakes to a Swing Knights dance? People would give us funny looks, I think. "What on earth are all these symbols for?!" Or, they just wouldn't care because, well... it's free food. Swing dancers love free food.

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Either that, or they'd think they're some sort of weird tribal symbols or something. I actually ran across a random RP site that used the Allomantic symbols as the insignia of a collection of Vampire-hunter clans. When asked why, the admin of the site responded that it was because they look cool and no one would recognize them as being from Mistborn. It was really bizarre. o__O

And we'll just have to take pictures so our fellow Sharders can enjoy them too! (Or, you know, said fellow Sharders could come swing dancing with us... :P)

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Or, you know, said fellow Sharders could come swing dancing with us... :P

I might just....*dons shades* swing by

:P also, you full on admitted to stalking ALL the ladies Eric, you cant back down now :P

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(This is a true story, my girlfriend was roommates with a 17th Sharder. And yes, I say this fully knowing Joe and Eero are going to freaking paste this statement in every girl's intro thread now. Sigh :P)

You know it!

I might just....*dons shades* swing by

:P also, you full on admitted to stalking ALL the ladies Eric, you cant back down now :P

And i won't let him forget it.

I stalk all the ladies.

On topic:

Welcome, friend of Kchan! I'm Eero, the general moderator of the forums. You're pretty much clear to ignore/pay no attention to me in general, most of my posts aren't terribly important (or relevant for that matter)

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On topic:

Welcome, friend of Kchan! I'm Eero, the general moderator of the forums. You're pretty much clear to ignore/pay no attention to me in general, most of my posts aren't terribly important (or relevant for that matter)

Thanks for the welcome, Eero! :) See, by giving me the clear to ignore you, I'm pretty much going to try to do just the opposite. XD

Woohoo! A Wild Mer appears! :D Love the choice of username!

Welcome aboard! Can't wait until you get around to Way of Kings, I know you'll love all the book art :3

Yes! A Wild Mer, that's exactly what I am. And thanks. I've been wanting to use it for something for years, but everywhere I try to use it, it's already taken. Darn you, imposter MerryBerries! *shakes fist*

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Thanks for the welcome, Eero! :) See, by giving me the clear to ignore you, I'm pretty much going to try to do just the opposite. XD

Well then you can certainly ignore me completely, as if I dont even exist :P

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