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I actually just got one. Whew. But I was planning to beg and plead for one from you... Haha. Yep, I'm FeatherWriter over there as well, though all I have is an unfinished Avengers fic that I'm in the middle of.

Oh gosh you and the whole internet. Are there things to write about Avengers that aren't slash? I feel like we live in different worlds.

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Quoting my girlfriend, who was looking over my shoulder as I checked the post:

Because it's awesome. And there's never gay things in anything mainstream and why shouldn't there be? Heterosexuality gets boring. Because not everyone is. And also queer readings of mainstream things are valuable. It challenges the way you observe as the norm. Not every narrative has to be about straight things. Because sometimes I'm a little bit gay, even thought I'm mostly straight. It's alienating for people. If everyone is straight in everything you read or watch, you're missing out on a huge part of reality. If it's actually on a TV show, I'm so weirded out. But I shouldn't be. It shouldn't be remarkable. It shouldn't even be notable. It should be as normal as it is in real life. And also it's awesome.

I can't quote her hand gestures and shouting.

Personally, I've just never encountered an Avengers fanfic that hasn't been about gay. I'm not even making that up for the sake of argument.

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I should clarify that I have no problem with slash on principle, my problem is that most slash fics I've seen feel very contrived, like someone just figured "these two characters are awesome, so having them in a relationship would be even more awesome!" without regard for their personalities and interactions in canon like the endless Harry/Draco Malfoy fics. Granted a lot of hetro relationship fics have the same issues, if writers decide to disregard canon pairings and invent their own, but it seems more common with slash.

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So it sounds like your issue with slash is that it violates canon and you hold non-canon het ships to the same standard.

I think it comes down to where you think the power lies when it comes to the relationship between the author, the work, and the readers. But then, that's a literary discussion, not a shipping one.

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Funny you should mention non-slash Avengers fics, because that's exactly what mine is actually. I'm not much of a shipper, and I'm even less of a slash fan. Maybe it's because I'm heterosexual, and I've never actually been in a romantic relationship, but that kind of story just doesn't appeal to me. I'm okay with canon relationships - like there's a bit of Black Widow/Hawkeye in my fic, but it's very minor background stuff. Certainly not the point of the story.

I actually classified mine as Humor and Action/Adventure. It's multiple chapters and over 10,000 words so far. Basically, Loki's managed to get away from the Avengers, but he needs to make plans quick. When he stumbles upon an all-girl's school with a serious case of Loki fever, might he have found the army he needs?

It's just a silly bit of fun that I'm writing mostly for myself, though I've gotten some really nice reviews on it. Loki's definitely got the most screen time, though all the Avengers show up eventually. I try very hard to keep the characters as canon and in-character as possible, because I hate reading things that are OOC. I'd love to hear you guys' thoughts on it if you checked it out.

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