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Duralumin Feruchemy


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Idle thought I had on duralumin feruchemy; wondered what anyone else thought.


Basically, I'm trying to think what would happen if you stored "connection" for decades, and then simply used that power, all at once. I will be making many comparisons to feruchemical iron.


Like feruchemcial iron, all of the change is inside of you. Iron changes something inside of you that determines how strongly you are forced downwards. Duralumin changes something inside of you that determines how strongly you forge spiritual connection to others.


Like feruchemical iron, this one primary effect has effects outside your body. If you tap a ton of weight, you will break the floor you are standing on, even though the feruchemy itself isn't directly working on the floor. If you tap a ton of connection, you are presumably much more strongly connected to other people, even though your feruchmy itself isn't directly working on other people.


Like Feruchemical iron, the practitioner seems to have special immunity that nothing else shares. A skimmer can tap enough weight to destroy a building, but that weight will not harm the skimmer's own body. Likewise, it can be conjectured that however much duralumin you tap, you personally will likely remain largely unaffected in the long run.


Like feruchemical iron, the primary effect is temporary, but the secondary effects might remain.


Here's where we start getting very speculative and a little weird, and very abstract. A Skimmer could stand on top of a metal building and tap a ton of weight. In this example, decades of weight are enough to crumple at least a localized part of the building. A moment later, his weight is normal again, but the building remains crushed. It doesn't fix itself just because he no longer weighs enough to do the damage he did.


What, then, of feruchemical duralumin? The phrasing from the Alloy of Law Ars Arcanum specifically calls it a spiritual connection, which I think is at least a decent implication that it affects the spiritual realm, the realm we currently know the least about. We have no idea what properties one's "spiritual connection" might have.


Everything that follows, therefore, is purest speculation.


What if a man had decades of spiritual connection stored up, then stood in a crowded room and called upon all of it, all at once? What might happen?


The first theory is what I will call the boring theory. Nothing happens. You force spiritual connections wide open, and an instant later they simply return to normal, on the assumption that unlike buildings or just about anything else in the world, they have an infinite capacity to suffer damage without the slightest effect.


The second theory is that these connections will suffer permanent changes due to the unprecedented activity. Off the top of my head I can think of three possibilities. One is that they might be forced permanently open, that each of them will have an abnormally strong spiritual connection to the Connector that can never be closed. Another possibility is that it will fry the connections; the energy output will destroy the existing connections and you will spend the rest of your life with no spiritual connection to the person whatsoever. Lastly, it's possible the connection would be somehow warped. That your spiritual connection will, in essence, mutate in a way difficult to predict, and possibly in a way unique to yourself, not shared even by the exact same people who suffered the same event you did.


Reminding everyone that this speculation is about a metal we've never seen used and barely had described which is very likely about a Realm we know next to nothing about, I would like to encourage people to make it clear, as they respond, whether they are discussing something that is an actual supportable fact, or if it's just a conclusion they personally have drawn. If you want to bring up a point, I strongly urge you to cite the text or Word of Brandon, or to make it plain in your comment that it's merely counter-speculation on your own part. As a reminder, just because a bunch of your friends agree with you, that doesn't make it canon.

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I would like to encourage people to make it clear, as they respond, whether they are discussing something that is an actual supportable fact, or if it's just a conclusion they personally have drawn. If you want to bring up a point, I strongly urge you to cite the text or Word of Brandon, or to make it plain in your comment that it's merely counter-speculation on your own part. As a reminder, just because a bunch of your friends agree with you, that doesn't make it canon.

Here stands a man who has been burned by poor scholarship before...


I completely agree with this sentiment.


I'm not here to give an answer, just to "help a brother out" by noting that it's convenient that the MAG puts a limit on tapping, but as is tacitly assumed by your inquiry, there seems to be no limit on what you can pull out of a metalmind in the canon (unless I'm reading this quote wrong):



Interview: Sep, 2012Thoughtful Spurts
If there's really no upper limit to feruchemy for practical reasons* , why didn't Sazed just fill steel at ridiculous levels for a few minutes in WoA, and then go back to running instead of leaving his steelminds there?Say, being some 100,000 times slower than he would normally be for about a minute. Meaning that a feruchemist should be able to fill a given metalmind in very short periods of time if you fill at a high enough rate.
Brandon Sanderson
The low end is bounded. You can pull out tons--but in filling, you can only go so far. I didn't ever explicitly talk about this in the series, but the implications are there. Not all have the same bounds, but in your example, the body just can't slow beyond a certain point. Think of it this way--you can only fill a weight metalmind with as much weight as you have to give. So you can become very, very light--but you only add to a time for doubling your weight. You can't make yourself 100,000 times slower and gain 100,000 times multiplication. You can give up all of your normal speed, and so when you tap that speed out you are at 200% for an equal period. (And that's a theoretical maximum; realistically, you can only go to down around 75% slower or the like.)



Source (29)

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There are diminishing returns, however: the more you tap at once, the more of that energy is actually lost. Eventually, I imagine, there could be a point where you plateau, with very minimal gains in expressed charge no matter how much you tap. Still, you could circumvent that by compounding in conjunction with Duralumin or a Nicroburst to use it all at once without the threat of diminishing returns.

As to the OP's main question, I have no idea. Good question for Brandon.

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If it was the second, duraluminm compounders would basically be able to control everybody!

Or Mutate everybody's Spiritual Connections...

I see a problem with that, awesome though it may be

Note: this is just a thought, vaguely related to the theory

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Since nobody has posted it yet, here are the rules on Feruchemical duralumin from the MAG:

Feruchemists use Duralumin to store their emotional and
spiritual connection to others. While storing, the character
becomes emotionally distant, alienated from his loved ones
and trusted associates. Likewise, he’s found less interesting and
attractive by others, and most passersby would be hard-pressed
to remember him at all.
Tapping connection, on the other hand, makes the character
more empathetic and connected to those around him, and
increases the trust and authority others place in him. In this way a
Feruchemist can use connection to affect casual and profound relationships alike,
“spiking” negotiations and closing deals at important political or social events
while also reinforcing personal friendships and alliances.
Storing in a Duraluminmind: While storing connection, you lose 1
Reputation per charge currently being stored, and also lose 1 die per charge cur-
rently being stored with Charm and Influence rolls relying on your relationships
with others. The maximum number of charges you may store in any hour is equal
to your Duralumin rating or your Reputation minus 1, whichever is lower.
Tapping a Duraluminmind: For each charge you tap, you gain 1 Reputation
and add 1 die with Charm and Influence rolls relying on your relationships with
A Feruchemist who taps huge amounts of connection becomes inhumanly
charismatic and influential, and may also overcome Social Burdens he or she has
suffered (even otherwise permanent ones like exile and manhunts). Some specu-
late that the great fealty afforded the Lord Ruler was partially a result of immense
stored connection, selectively tapped to ensure absolute loyalty of close allies and
advisors. Feats you may achieve by tapping 10 or more charges of Duralumin
Charges Tapped Social Burdens Overcome and Other Examples
10 You lose one Serious Social Burden and turn heads wherever you
go, inserting yourself into any social situation with relative ease.
People are inclined to notice you at first sight and often strive
to emulate you. Likewise, you take a keen interest in everyone
around you and are prone to emulate them
30 You lose all Serious Social Burdens and anyone you spend a few
minutes speaking to in a friendly manner feels a strong connec-
tion to you, as if they’ve known you for years. Old acquaintances
suddenly feel as if you’re their closest friend. Likewise, you have
difficulty betraying anyone other than a sworn enemy — or any-
one you’re speaking with at the moment.
50 You lose one Grave Social Burden and regularly inspire feelings of
love at first sight, often feeling much the same in return. You can
easily befriend anyone who isn’t a sworn enemy and feel sincere
friendship with anyone you let in.
70 You lose all Grave Social Burdens and inspire feelings akin to
worship in anyone who converses with you. No one can attack
you until and unless you pose an immediate and obvious physical
threat to them, or someone they’re protecting. You’re in the same
position, unable to harm those who don’t prove themselves a
clear and immediate danger to you and yours. You feel a profound
love for all humanity.
90 You lose one Mortal Social Burden and are the object of absolute
devotion by all but sworn enemies. Most will lay down their lives
at your word, and happily submit to your every wish — as will you
for them.


From Alloy:

Connecter Ferrings can store spiritual connection in a duralumin metalmind, reducing other people’s awareness and friendship with them during active storage, and can tap it at a later time in order to speedily form trust relationships with others.


I have little to speculate beyond what is written above. The Alloy passage implies that it's not quite like Feruchemical iron, in that the effects of your increased connections don't last permanently (because they go away while you're storing). Perhaps a Spiritual connection simply has a maximum connectivity and past that it hardly matters. But I think the MAG rules are probably close to correct - tap years worth of duraluminminds and you can gain a slavishly devoted cult.


Though, it's not quite a cult, because connections are two-way. You'd die for them, they'd die for you. Still kinda creepy. They should outlaw Duralumin Ferrings. :P

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What I'm about to say is purely speculation from what I understand from the series.

I always imagined that a person has a normal connection with everyone else. Some will notice you, some won't, your charisma and physical attractiveness will add to others noticing you.

Storing connection will lower how much you are normally noticed, and make it difficult to build a relationship with others. While you are storing a good amount of connection, you might walk through a crowd and hardly be noticed, your friends might not have the same warm feelings when they see you, as they would when you are not storing. If you store a lot for some time, you might go around being completely unnoticed until someone works really hard to notice you (think Grey man from The Wheel of Time).

When you tap it, too varying degrees, you may easily get noticed, more will consider what you say. Even if you aren't very charismatic, people might respond to your words and actions as if you were a natural leader or speaker. Taping in high volume might make you light up like a beacon in the crowd (so to speak) you may become the complete center of attention. Letting go, and allowing yourself to go back to neutral, can shut this down, but I think the connections you made, or the influence you had will have a lasting impression. You might not garner as much attention anymore, but how you made others feel about you, they will remember that.

This means to me that a Feruchemical duralumin ferring could be the ultimate assassin. For certain situations, storing might be more beneficial than tapping. You could walk in and out without being noticed at all. Working as a team, you could take the attention off your partner, by tapping, everyone will have difficulty not paying attention to you. Tap enough and, whether it's good feelings or bad, they might have trouble thinking about anything else but what you are doing.

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I am more interested in the points Outis brought up regarding the potential ramifications of tapping a massive reservoir of connection. If we are to keep with the example given regarding a skimmer, then one can only imagine the psychological results for duralumin. Take for instance (and as requested, these are all conclusions I have derived, not canon) the suspicious nature of everyone who interacted with Breeze. Constantly questioning if their actions were their own, or a result of his soothing. Then we have the incredible and oppressive soothing from the Lord Ruler. Such a powerful compounded sooth on an individual regardless if it is stopped, could result in depression, suicidal tendencies, schizophrenia, etc. Now extend that to duralumin. Take for example if this ability was abused (of course we would NEVER think of ways to do that :rolleyes: ) for individual A, to woo individual B from his or her husband/wife. The connection is fabricated, and results in individual B acting unlike they would otherwise. Sustained use in this manner could have horrible mental and emotional results nonetheless if this ability is suddenly stopped. To look back at the skimmer example, a broken metal beam would be paltry compared to the potential damage that this ability could manifest.  

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From Alloy:

Connecter Ferrings can store spiritual connection in a duralumin metalmind, reducing other people’s awareness and friendship with them during active storage, and can tap it at a later time in order to speedily form trust relationships with others.


I have little to speculate beyond what is written above. The Alloy passage implies that it's not quite like Feruchemical iron, in that the effects of your increased connections don't last permanently (because they go away while you're storing).


Imagine a Skimmer standing on a trampoline, at normal weight. The trampoline will be bent in the center from her weight. If she begins storing weight, she will rise up as she is no longer dragging the trampoline down as forcefully. If she then taps the stored weight, she will now descend even farther than she had originally. If she releases her ironmind, she will go back to her standard weight and the trampoline will reset to normal. The effect will not last permanently.


Sometimes, simple effects are impermanent. Yet, like the examples I gave, drawing on years worth of an attribute can have permanent effects. I apologize for not being more clear in my original post.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I suspect that the effects of increased connection are in many ways like emotional allomancy.  According to Breeze, the emotions stop being affected when the Soother/Rioter stops pushing/pulling, but the memories of the emotions are still there, as are the results of the actions taken.  Why should Feruchemical connection be any different?


As for a supercharged (years of storage) connection, lI rather suspect it would be analagous to Straff Venture's response to a duralumin soothing.  A sudden, overwhelming change that affects everything, and then is gone.  And yet the memory remains.


Also, the trampoline analogy is a good one, because, while moderate uses of the powers can leave no lasting effect, you can, as it were, stretch the trampoline beyond its stretching point and do permanent damage.  Such as ripping the fabric of the trampoline in half.  That is rather how I view dumping large amounts of any Feruchemical charge quickly.

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If it was the second, duraluminm compounders would basically be able to control everybody!


By the MAG rules, perhaps, though the MAG prevents anyone from using feruchemical duralumin at the requisite levels.


The canon as stated in Alloy of Law Ars Arcanum suggests that enormous connection isn't automatically devotion, it's just a strengthing of the emotional connection. If someone thinks positively of me and would typically be inclined to give my words weight, tapping a ton would make them devoted to me. If they like me but consider me the pupil to their mentor, they'll adore me, but still be unlikely to do what I say, so much as feel very strongly that I should do everything they say. If we were talking about someone who thought I was somewhat boring and a little pedantic, they'd suddenly find my presence totally unbearable.

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By the MAG rules, perhaps, though the MAG prevents anyone from using feruchemical duralumin at the requisite levels.


The canon as stated in Alloy of Law Ars Arcanum suggests that enormous connection isn't automatically devotion, it's just a strengthing of the emotional connection. If someone thinks positively of me and would typically be inclined to give my words weight, tapping a ton would make them devoted to me. If they like me but consider me the pupil to their mentor, they'll adore me, but still be unlikely to do what I say, so much as feel very strongly that I should do everything they say. If we were talking about someone who thought I was somewhat boring and a little pedantic, they'd suddenly find my presence totally unbearable.

Very good point. Connection is a heightening of what is there, not an imposition of affection.

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Very good point. Connection is a heightening of what is there, not an imposition of affection.


To be clear, this is what seems to be the case based on a short sentence at the end of the very last book. I remain open to additional interpretations.

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To be clear, this is what seems to be the case based on a short sentence at the end of the very last book. I remain open to additional interpretations.

All of this is speculation. We've never seen Feruchemical duralumin  used actively in the books yet. Until we do, it's all just speculation.

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