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I guess you can call me Brassmind. ("That girl who wants a brassmind" might be more accurate… I get cold. I think storing heat and tapping it later would be handy. I was flipping through the Alloy of Law Ars Arcanum while trying to think up a user name and, voila!)

Anyway, I'm an almost-22-year-old college student who happens to like fantasy novels. Somebody uploaded a draft of Warbreaker to my favorite free e-book site way back in 2008. It got featured on the main page, I downloaded it, and the rest is history. I've now read all the (published) books except the Alcatraz series, plus a noticeable amount of stuff from Brandon's website, which is how I ended up here earlier today.

I would just like to say that while I knew there was an overarching Cosmere universe and that Hoid somehow showed up in all the worlds (I actually started my own file of notes on clues left in the notes and annotations the other day), I promptly got information overload when I started poking around here. I guess the collective knowledge and theorizing abilities of a whole bunch of Sanderson fans would do that. I hope you guys are friendly. :-)

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Hey there miss Brassmind :) great to have you here. And indeed the crazy theorizers we have here are quite overwhelming :D especially watch out for Eric, he stalks people....and then spikes them XD

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I've got a question. Were you the one that was asking about Hoid at the Orem Barnes and Nobles? The one that I talked to about the worldhoppers in Way of Kings?

If you are, cool! If not, Welcome! Glad to meet you! What college do you go to, out of curiosity? If you want a jumping off place, I recommend the Cosmere 101 thread, which will give you what you absolutely need to know to get started (even though I need to make an Alloy of Law update to it).

Also, we'd love to see your notes. It's amazing some of the things people find sometimes.

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@ Joe: thanks for the warning :-)

@ Zas: No, definitely not. I'm rather sorry I wasn't! I've never been to Orem. For that matter, I don't think I've ever met another Brandon Sanderson fan in the flesh. Someday, though. My school name is probably not identifying info, but it's one of those things I don't like to post on internet forums. I'm weird that way.

I looked at the Cosmere 101 thread and have been poking around the wiki and the rest of the forums. My own notes are pretty sketchy thus far — mostly things that have struck my interest on recent rereads of Elantris and Mistborn 1, or things I saw in the annotations, with a couple of conjectures/theories/questions/"this seems similar to this"-type notes. I've been compiling it for less than a week. I hadn't even gotten to the Adonalsium thing, which it appears is pretty basic to this... B) I'll keep adding to it though. I figured maybe if I wrote down all those little links — the ones I can actually see in the books, mostly — and organized them, the big picture might eventually snap into place.

Perhaps, after I finish my reread of all Brandon's books, I'll make threads about a few of those little things...

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