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Hello, I'm Flick from England and I managed to stumble on this after Googling several times trying to find the fandom! I have to say, you all seem to know the books wayyy better than me, having browsed some of the forums, so I think I might lurk for quite a while.

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Ah! Another Englishman, welcome! You know, I've always been disappointed that the universe saw fit to conspire to have Brandon Sanderson be born in the US. If he'd been born in Britain he might actually have spelt Honour correctly! *runs away and hides*

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Ah! Another Englishman, welcome! You know, I've always been disappointed that the universe saw fit to conspire to have Brandon Sanderson be born in the US. If he'd been born in Britain he might actually have spelt Honour correctly! *runs away and hides*

How about we just say he should have been born in Canada, then he'd spell it correctly, and he'd come to my city for signings more often, it's win-win!

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Nah, that's what we have a cadaver lab for! They just don't tell outsiders that they don't start out that way wink.gif.

And unless you know someone, or have a bajillion credits, it's really really hard to get into Brandon's Writing class.

And if you're overwhelmed, you might want to start with the Cosmere 101 thread. It has the information you need to get a grasp on what we're talking about, and you're more than welcome to ask any questions you wish there. Though it does need to be updated....

But welcome! And don't be afraid to come out and say a comment or two.

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