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Magnets and Metalborn

Tamriel Wolfsbaine

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Okay I did a quick (not super thorough look) for WoBs and none of them said anything that I saw. So I will ask the community. 

Magnets and Mistborn?  Do you think that magnets can be pushed and pulled on as other metals do? 

I want to say yes. I also want to say that they would all have their own lines attached to them. 

Picture in my mind that makes me want to ask? I picture some mistborn with a necklace comprised of magnets, that can all easily break away from them and be used as many different sized projectiles. Spheres ranging anywhere from 0.5 inches in diameter out to 2 or even 3 inches in diameter.  I know the heaviest ones would be insanely heavy but I like the idea of carrying heavier projectiles on me at once.  

My next question is about burning magnets?  If they were made with iron could you burn the magnet like normal iron? 

Could you store attributes into magnetized metals as a ferring? 

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3 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Magnets and Mistborn?  Do you think that magnets can be pushed and pulled on as other metals do?

I say yes. They are metal, and not Invested nor aluminum, they should be pushable/pullable like any other metal.

3 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

 I also want to say that they would all have their own lines attached to them.

Why would they have their own lines? The lines are spiritual Connection created by burning metal, not magnetic forces.

3 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

  My next question is about burning magnets?  If they were made with iron could you burn the magnet like normal iron?

Iron magnets could be burned, it is still just pure Iron.

3 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Could you store attributes into magnetized metals as a ferring? 

If they are feruchemically viable metals/alloys yes. Being magnetized should not affect it.

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1 hour ago, therunner said:

I say yes. They are metal, and not Invested nor aluminum, they should be pushable/pullable like any other metal.

Why would they have their own lines? The lines are spiritual Connection created by burning metal, not magnetic forces.

Iron magnets could be burned, it is still just pure Iron.

If they are feruchemically viable metals/alloys yes. Being magnetized should not affect it.

Awesome. Thanks. 

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