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Here I Am


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Here is my introduction post, as requested.

I started reading Brandon when Elantris came out in 2005. Ever since then I have snatched up every Cosmere book he's written as soon as it came out, like a bookstore-lurking ninja. And I'm planning to read the Wheel of Time just because Brandon's finishing it.

I've been following you guys since before TWG went down, so even though I'm a new member, I am definitely not new to the Cosmere.

And that's really everything that's important, isn't it?

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Woo, an upvote and a cookie, all on my first day! (That's a mega awesome cookie btw, I can't see that image on my work computer, but now that I'm at home it looks absolutely magical.)

And thanks for the good luck wishes! It's going to be a project, that's for sure, but at least I won't have to wait years between the books. :)

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