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Ardent Soulcasters


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So, we've seen what happens to regular humans that over-use soul casters and how they eventually become the essence they create.

I've always wondered, could the affliction of the ardent 'Soulcasters' be reveresed by a particularly skilled Elsecaller?
I mean, the person still sees themselves as human, could you use Soulcasting and bunch of stormlight to have them change to the form they already see themselves as?
You don't even need to convince them.
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Welcome back to the forums. Do you mind sharing which books, if any, you have not yet read?

7 hours ago, Gnmish said:
So, we've seen what happens to regular humans that over-use soul casters and how they eventually become the essence they create.

I've always wondered, could the affliction of the ardent 'Soulcasters' be reveresed by a particularly skilled Elsecaller?
I mean, the person still sees themselves as human, could you use Soulcasting and bunch of stormlight to have them change to the form they already see themselves as?
You don't even need to convince them.

Doubtful. What we saw in Kaza's interlude is an example of Soulcasting Savantism, last seen in (Mistborn spoilers)


Spook in HoA. Which required Shardic intervention to repair.

Because savantism is a warping of the Spiritweb due to having been over-stretched by extended, repeated use of kinetic invstiture - there is no actual "damage" to heal. The physical ramifications are simply the body trying to mirror the spiritweb through the filter of the person's cognitive aspect. So, it's not a matter of seeing themselves as human or not, it's that identity has become tied to their essence, and as the Savantism warps their soul - that connection changes them. WoBs:



[Us discussing savantism off to the side and Brandon overhears us]

Brandon Sanderson

What am I going to change?


Something about savantism and how it works.

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, savantism I’m tweaking. It’s not going to mean anything to most people, but if you are studying savantism, watch how it evolves in future books. There is an interlude from a savant viewpoint in Oathbringer, though.


A Radiant savant?

Brandon Sanderson

A soulcasting savant.



Hero of Ages, Harmony in the epigraphs says that brass and copper Allomancers can become savants and never even notice. I know that generally savantism is supposed to have really extreme effects, so how does that work that they do not notice?

Brandon Sanderson

So, most savanthoods have extreme effects, some of them it's just not as noticeable. It can warp your soul without you really even paying that much attention to it. I kind of have a push and pull on how debilitating it is in some ways versus others. In this case, those are two that you can become that it would not be very debilitating in your life.


Hope that helps.

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3 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Welcome back to the forums. Do you mind sharing which books, if any, you have not yet read?

Doubtful. What we saw in Kaza's interlude is an example of Soulcasting Savantism, last seen in (Mistborn spoilers)

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Spook in HoA. Which required Shardic intervention to repair.

Because savantism is a warping of the Spiritweb due to having been over-stretched by extended, repeated use of kinetic invstiture - there is no actual "damage" to heal. The physical ramifications are simply the body trying to mirror the spiritweb through the filter of the person's cognitive aspect. So, it's not a matter of seeing themselves as human or not, it's that identity has become tied to their essence, and as the Savantism warps their soul - that connection changes them. WoBs:

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Hope that helps.

Thanks Treamayne, I didn't think about it as a form of Savantism before.

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It's still an interesting Question.  You cannot "Heal" savantism because it's part of a new Spiritual Definition instead of Damage.

But you could almost certainly Forge the Savantism away, since that's making an external modification (and a likely one at that, just the timeline where you Didnt overuse the power). 

And if you are skilled and realmically aware enough, you can likely Soulcast it away too, because when an Elsecaller offensively Soulcasts a person into Fire, for example, it's pretty much just a hostilely inflicted Savantism, where the Platonic self has been re-defined as fire (or smoke or whatever).  

Edited by Quantus
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/31/2023 at 9:36 AM, Quantus said:

It's still an interesting Question.  You cannot "Heal" savantism because it's part of a new Spiritual Definition instead of Damage.

But you could almost certainly Forge the Savantism away, since that's making an external modification (and a likely one at that, just the timeline where you Didnt overuse the power). 

And if you are skilled and realmically aware enough, you can likely Soulcast it away too, because when an Elsecaller offensively Soulcasts a person into Fire, for example, it's pretty much just a hostilely inflicted Savantism, where the Platonic self has been re-defined as fire (or smoke or whatever).  

I’ve never thought of soulcasting a person as forceful savantism, but it makes sense

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