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First Sanderson?  

1255 members have voted

  1. 1. Which was your first Sanderson book/series?

    • Mistborn (The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension and The Hero of Ages)
    • Stormlight (the Way of Kings and Words of Radiance)
    • Elantris
    • Warbreaker
    • The Rithmatist
    • Steelheart
    • Legion
    • The Emperors Soul
    • Other?

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Hey guys guess what I was reading WoT one time (surprising, yeah?) and heard that RJ died. Now, if there's one thing I didn't like about RJ, it was the fact that his writing really just wasn't all that good. His storytelling was amazing, though, but it seemed to me that people who knew how to write in order to keep you intrigued in a book never told a satisfying story..

So when I found Sanderson, I was like holy crap how have I not been enlightened by his awesome before. It's amazing goodness was only paralleled by the Door Within trilogy that I had read like six years prior to that.

Anyway, I can say I'm thoroughly hooked on Brandonium. Waiting for Elantris (the only Cosmere book I haven't read) to be delivered, since somebody here in Apopka loves B.S. as well since all of his books are checked out just as I'm about to read them. So I had to order it from the Orlando library and it's taking a long time for some reason.

Edited by Gela
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  • 4 weeks later...

I was doing some search on Obsidian Entertainment and there I learned that they were planning on making a WoT game, I searched that and came to know that it was Jordan's work and Brandon was finishing the series. I opened Branson's wiki entry and saw the books that he wrote, I was thinking about where to start so I started with The Way of Kings and I became his fan after that and with the exception of the Alcatraz and Infinity Blade I read all of his works.

Right now I'm busy reading WoT series in the middle of the second book right now, I really want to finish the remaining books before AMoL.

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Yeah, I found Brandon a few years ago when I heard that Robert Jordan died and there was going to be some new guys replacing him. I didn't read any of his books though, until after Towers of Midnight came out. After the job he did on that book, I decided that I was going to give his books a shot. I LOVED Stormlight Archive and Mistborn, and I quite enjoyed his other works too. I know that Wheel of Time is coming out next January (so long!), but when is the next Stormlight book coming out? Sometime this year or next year?

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Yeah, I found Brandon a few years ago when I heard that Robert Jordan died and there was going to be some new guys replacing him. I didn't read any of his books though, until after Towers of Midnight came out. After the job he did on that book, I decided that I was going to give his books a shot. I LOVED Stormlight Archive and Mistborn, and I quite enjoyed his other works too. I know that Wheel of Time is coming out next January (so long!), but when is the next Stormlight book coming out? Sometime this year or next year?

It'll be after AMOL, so most likely a 2013 release.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually read Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians before Mistborn, and loved the book. Much later my sister introduced me to Mistborn, and I read the first couple of pages, but no more. Later I looked up the later books in the Alcatraz series and was (very) surprised to learn that it was the same author. I got into Mistborn and the WoK after that when that same sister took me to one of Brandon's book signings.

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Well I'm another one of those WOT converts. Jumped on to Mistborn after ToM and found myself enamored by the lore, action, characters and story of the Mistborn universe. After finishing the first trilogy I couldn't help but love how epic Brandon makes his books. He's not afraid to do flashy, over-the-top type antics in his books. (Read: A muscled up talking wolf, or summoning 6ft swords that rip souls out of their victims.) What astounded me the most was the cyclical nature of his writing. EVERYTHING has a place, not a word is wasted, and everything comes back around in the end. The foreshadowing was amazing because it tickled my mind and didn't just spoon feed me. There were many times when I had a "feeling" and I would note "This is going to be important later on, but I don't know how." Then later on finding it coming back, but different and more creatively than I could have imagined. He also builds a good set of rules for his magic systems and I enjoy that he sticks to them.

It wasn't until I lurked here that I noticed that the books are in some way related by the shards, which I'm still learning about. That sort of attention to detail is what I admire and find myself continually drawn to.

Not to mention, this guy can pump books out like a print factory set on overdrive.

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Well, for me my aunt got me Elantris fir my birthday a few years back, not only because it was a good book but because my mom's family grew up with Brandon. I hadn't heard f him at that point but the fact that it was a published author that my family knew intrigued me. So I read Elantris and it made me want to read his other stuff. So Mistborn was next, this waas back when Hero of Ages was stil onlly in Hardback. After Final Empire there was no turning bac. Not only amI anavid fan but with Brandon having grown up in the same town as me, he's a huge inspiration as a writer as he's the living proof it can be done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Like may other in the topic my journey to Brandon's works began throught WoT, My friend in 10th grade science class heard I was reading and he told he was reading a WoT and was on the book Winter's Heart. He lent me the first book and in a month i had read the entire series(he is still on the Winter's Heart even though now i have re-read the series 3 times and its 3 years later). I heard RJ had passed away and I was curious about this Bradon Sanderson who was to step into RJ's shoes. I read Mistborn and i thoroughly enjoyed it and I became a fan. It all changed when I read The Way of Kings, as reader I thrive on story and experiences of the charecters but in TWoK its was like Brandon's prose distilled the pure story along with emotion and injected it into my viens like my own brand of heroin. He left just enough hints for me to crave that next hit. Now I can't stop thinking about TWoK and this is why I am here.

P.S Sorry if i got a little intense about my experience with TWoK but thats how I feel.

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  • 1 month later...

I got the first Alcatraz book for birthday. I read it and found it hilarious. At that time I was looking for a large fantasy epic to get into. As I noticed that there was the Mistborn trilogy by the same author I didn't wait any longer. The Final Empire is still my favorite book of all time, although nearly each other Cosmere book could be a close second. ;)

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I had learned about the news that Brandon would be completing the Wheel of Time series. I wanted to see how well this guy could write, so I took out a few of his books from the library, first Elantris, then Mistborn: The Final Empire. I thought he was amazing, and devoured the rest of his books from then on. I ended up preferring his books over WoT. XD

Edited by Strawberry Eggs
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  • 3 weeks later...

My best friend said that he had read a book from some guy called Sanderson that was really good. He said I would love it, so I started reading Elantris. I got hooked instantly, in a matter of a month I had read Elantris, the Mistborn trilogy and The Way of Kings and I just couldn't get enough. Then I heard, that there was this gigantic epic called The Wheel of Time, that Sanderson would be completing, so i thought "Phew, a little more to read!". Little did I know, there were 13 (!) books, not counting the prequel, so i got to reading. And I must say, although The Wheel of Time is an amazing book in its own right and R. Jordan is to be commended for a work of such proportions, I really loved the way Sanderson handled Gathering Storm and Towers of Midnight. I have been a fan ever since, although I have yet to read the Alcatraz books.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I was looking for cool fantasy books to read and stumbled with a recommendation by amazon about Mistborn. I bought the box set and loved the books! Then, I bought The Way Of Kings and it has become my favorite book ever, it's so perfect, I can't wait for the second part. Then a few days ago I finished Elantris and loved it as well. Next order I make, I will get Warbreaker <3

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I'm confident that I first heard of Brandon's Mistborn trilogy within the "Other Books" discussion in www.terredange.net. I'd not known of Brandon's work beforehand, but as soon as I read Mistborn, I was hooked! The Mistborn trilogy remains one of my favorites amongst fantasy series that I've read.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've always been into fantasy books and came across his debut novel, Elantis, a few years ago. I didn't buy it, however, until I received my Kindle last Christmas. When I did finally get around to downloading it, I couldn't put it down! I remember reading the last third or so in one night! It had been years since a book had made me feel quite so absorbed and excited.

A month or two later, I picked up Warbreaker in Waterstones using a voucher. Once again, I was drawn deep into a glorious world with a fantastic, original magic system, strong female characters and an excellent cast. The writing is pretty flawless.

I am now working through his Mistwalker trilogy!

Ah, how I would love to be in one of Sanderson's classes. :)

Edited by Salmakia
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I was walking around the Dallas Library, amazed at my first time in this massive seven story behemoth of a building whose sole purpose was to contain the various tomes of authors with goals to both entertain and inform.

As it was my virginal entry to the building, I thought it appropriate to find a book by an author I had not yet discovered. After a few minutes of searching I found several options as well as, what was soon to be one of my favorite stories to date, Mistborn.

I flew through that series, and soon started on (and completed) Elantris, and then Warbreaker. I was smitten (if such a term can be applied to an author one has met only through his writings. Plus I'm a dude so I don't think it would work out anyway. Sorry Brandon.).

Roughly a year later, I came upon what is my favorite book to have ever had the pleasure to take in, The Way of Kings. The anger my significant other felt every time she had to repeat my name in order to get my attention, and the consequences suffered thereafter, were worth every moment I spent reading that book.

Eventually(read:today) I made my way to his website to find out more information about his various books and series' and, as a forum junkie, figured I would sign up here Nd bore you fine folks with my tale.

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I love hearing personal stories and hearing people's opinions and comments on them, so I wold like for all of you to leave an account on how you first heard about Brandon Sanderson and what kept you with him as his career has taken off.

I was a Wheel of Time fan for many, many years and was devastated when Robert Jordan passed away in 2007. Not just because the WoT was unfinished, but because the loss of the man himself was so very tragic. Shortly thereafter, I learned that Brandon had been chosen by Harriet to finish the series.

Long story short (you can check out the long version on a recent blog post of mine, if you're interested, and also learn about how Brandon already knew me when I finally met him!), after the announcement about Brandon, I picked up Elantris and Mistborn: The Final Empire in paperback while visiting some friends I'd met online via Dragonmount.com's Yahoo Group. I had to check this guy out, don'tcha know, to be sure he would do the end of my beloved series justice.

Yeah, I was one of those. *hangs head in shame*

So I read Elantris first, since it was a standalone and whoaaa.... it blew me away. It was unlike any fantasy book I'd ever read. It was fantastic. I wanted to read it again right away but I just HAD to see what Mistborn was all about. Again. Mind blown. So from the get-go, I was a hard and fast Brandon Sanderson fan and since then, I buy whatever he publishes as soon as (and sometimes before) it's published.

I would love to go into what a fan I've become but I've already detailed that in the blog post I mentioned earlier. Do check it out!

Edited by paigevest
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Well I was looking for a new book to read, find myself doing that a lot actually. Since I read a lot of fantasy I get a lot of recommendations on Amazon, and this stand alone fantasy called Elantris was recommended to me, and I was surprised since that's almost nonexistent in the fantasy genre. It had apparently won some award, though I don't recall what it was now, but that actually put me off a little bit. A lot of award winners tend to be artsy pieces with lots of political statements and such and I was just looking for a good story. Anyway, after a bit of debating I decided to buy the book anyway and it was one of the best fantasy books of the last 10 years. I've been reading Brandon ever since.

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I definitely started with Wheel of Time. (Which totally blew my mind, being my first fantasy novel - I remember wondering, "Are all fantasy books so detailed?!") And, I was a bit worried that Brandon Sanderson wouldn't be able to live up to the challenge of completing the series, so I went to the library immediately and checked out the first Mistborn.

I immediately fell in love with it. He became one of my favorite authors immediately. And every other book of his that I've read is absolutely amazing in my eyes. Definitely - in the weirdest way - glad I questioned his abilities, because they completely surpassed my expectations.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ha, I remember i like yesterday...

One day, I was browsing the kindle store, and I found Elantris. I read it, liked it, and started looking at reviews. Everyone was recommending a book called "Mistborn". Unfortunately, buying Elantris was the only thing I had money for. About a month later, I happened upon all 3 books of Mistborn at my library. I almost didn't check them out, but I hadn't found anything else, so I thought, might as well. I read them all in about 6 hours. Straight. No breaks. I was so blown away. Before this, I had read some fantasy, but it all had seemed derivative of Tolkien and Jordan, so I had almost given up on it it. Discovering Mistborn and all the other books by Mr. Sanderson gave me enough faith in fantasy to keep going, and to become the rabid fantasy reader that I am today. I owe Brandon Sanderson for helping me avoid a horrifying future without fantasy books. Mistborn still holds a special place in my heart.

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My introduction was relatively random. I do childcare at my church and one of the moms often stayed in the nursery to either help out, or take care of one of her daughters. Turned out we had fairly similar tastes in books and she told me about Mistborn and insisted I try it. I remember the "burning metals in your stomach" being very odd when I heard about it, but the idea of the prophesied hero choosing to take over the world instead of saving it sounded amazing.

I was blown away by the first book, immediately went and read the second, and waited with bated breath for the third to come out. It took me a while to get around to reading Elantris, but I bought and read all of his Cosmere related books as soon as they came out (didn't know there were cosmere). Eventually got tired of waiting for his next book and read the entire wheel of time series to be able to read a couple more of his books :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't believe I've never seen this topic lol. Okay, I was walking through Borders, and one of the associates saw me looking at the sci-fi/fantasy books. He decided to talk to me, the way they do... and he asked if I saw Mistborn.

I had to ask him what he said about 300 times before he just grabbed the book and showed it to me lol. He explained tat it was a great story, so I read the back of the book.

I bought it, with no idea if I'd like it, but I started it when I got home and then went back the next day for parts 2 and 3. I couldn't put Mistborn down, and my mom was dying to read it. :)

Now, it's my favorite book, Thank you Borders associate, whoever you are.

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