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Twinsouls powersuit

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The suit was pretty dang big.  I get that investiture formed and powered this suit.  

How does it stack up to other things?  

While I don't think it is cannon I have seen 1 picture of twinsoul in his roseite suit.  He is sitting in the abdomen with his legs crossed like he is meditating.  That means that investiture powers everything about that suit.  It must be moving in a way that is closer to Kalads Phantoms than a human driving forward in shardplate right?  Are there even gaps in that armor?  

Could you grow it around yourself still using investiture to move it, only your limbs are what are directing all movements?  

There must be a lot of strength going into that thing to lift a massive mace around as well. How much would a 2 handed mace being held by a 12 foot golem weight?  I image the head of that thing is a boulder unto itself.  And the suit seemed to swing it with ease.... 

Would you put that mace in a shardhammer size range or bigger?  

I would guess that if you are running enough investiture into a roseite golem to allow it to reach 12 foot tall you could probably out wrestle most of the strength builds in the cosmere.  

But is that strength just given in relation to a 12 foot tall person?  Would that strength outperform a shardplate suit? Would it squish a pewter arm / ferring / compounder?  How do you folks think twinsoul would hold up in his powersuit against a 12 foot koloss?  Or some of kalads phantoms?  

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Have you read Aether of Night? Are there Cosmere titles you have not yet read?

51 minutes ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

The suit was pretty dang big.  I get that investiture formed and powered this suit.  

  1. How does it stack up to other things?  
  2. While I don't think it is cannon I have seen 1 picture of twinsoul in his roseite suit.  He is sitting in the abdomen with his legs crossed like he is meditating.  That means that investiture powers everything about that suit.  It must be moving in a way that is closer to Kalads Phantoms than a human driving forward in shardplate right?  Are there even gaps in that armor?  
  3. Could you grow it around yourself still using investiture to move it, only your limbs are what are directing all movements?  
  4. There must be a lot of strength going into that thing to lift a massive mace around as well. How much would a 2 handed mace being held by a 12 foot golem weight?  I image the head of that thing is a boulder unto itself.  And the suit seemed to swing it with ease.... 
  5. Would you put that mace in a shardhammer size range or bigger?  
  6. I would guess that if you are running enough investiture into a roseite golem to allow it to reach 12 foot tall you could probably out wrestle most of the strength builds in the cosmere.  
  7. But is that strength just given in relation to a 12 foot tall person?  Would that strength outperform a shardplate suit? Would it squish a pewter arm / ferring / compounder?  How do you folks think twinsoul would hold up in his powersuit against a 12 foot koloss?  Or some of kalads phantoms?  
  1. I don't think we have much Canon data for comparison yet
  2. I don't think the bolded part is entirely accurate
  3. Based on Canon, unknown. Based on other sources, this is likely possible (maybe even probable and Prasanva's version being the more advanced/difficult version because he is compensating for his age and physical degradation)
  4. Keep in mind that Roseite is a crystalline structure, so size-to-mass might be a bit misleading. We don't have solid data yet, but I would guess that a Roseite Golem version of a Thunderclast might weigh half as much as the stone does.
  5. By shardhammer, you mean the Warhammers designed for Rosharans in dead shardplate, or do you mean a Radiant using their spren as a Warhammer? EIther way, this would likely be larger as it is meant for a 12-foot golem, rather than a (roughly) 8-foot Shardbearer (7ish feet after conversion from Rosharan feet, plus an extra foot~ish of height from the Shardplate)
  6. Again, not really enough data to compare. Is a 12 foot Roseite Golem stronger than a 12 foot Koloss? Maybe - maybe not.
  7. Again, we don't have much data - but what we have is implied to be similar to a Feruchemist tapping Iron - enough strength to be functional in the size/form being created (as opposed to some multiplicative strength-to-size increase).

Keep in mind that the way Prasanva and Siljana are depicted in TLM is not entirely normal to how an Aetherbound might utilize the Aether in a natural setting (rather than through DorJars)

I don't want to speculate too far without knowing if and where your spoiler line(s) might be - but AoN, Tress and (to some extent) White Sand may all have facets that apply to this conversation (off the top of my head).

Edited by Treamayne
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36 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Have you read Aether of Night? Are there Cosmere titles you have not yet read?

  1. I don't think we have much Canon data for comparison yet
  2. I don't think the bolded part is entirely accurate
  3. Based on Canon, unknown. Based on other sources, this is likely possible (maybe even probable and Prasanva's version being the more advanced/difficult version because he is compensating for his age and physical degradation)
  4. Keep in mind that Roseite is a crystalline structure, so size-to-mass might be a bit misleading. We don't have solid data yet, but I would guess that a Roseite Golem version of a Thunderclast might weigh half as much as the stone does.
  5. By shardhammer, you mean the Warhammers designed for Rosharans in dead shardplate, or do you mean a Radiant using their spren as a Warhammer? EIther way, this would likely be larger as it is meant for a 12-foot golem, rather than a (roughly) 8-foot Shardbearer (7ish feet after conversion from Rosharan feet, plus an extra foot~ish of height from the Shardplate)
  6. Again, not really enough data to compare. Is a 12 foot Roseite Golem stronger than a 12 foot Koloss? Maybe - maybe not.
  7. Again, we don't have much data - but what we have is implied to be similar to a Feruchemist tapping Iron - enough strength to be functional in the size/form being created (as opposed to some multiplicative strength-to-size increase).

Keep in mind that the way Prasanva and Siljana are depicted in TLM is not entirely normal to how an Aetherbound might utilize the Aether in a natural setting (rather than through DorJars)

I don't want to speculate too far without knowing if and where your spoiler line(s) might be - but AoN, Tress and (to some extent) White Sand may all have facets that apply to this conversation (off the top of my head).

Yeah I haven't read any of those.  Please bring on spoilers.  I honestly don't think I ever will have time to read all of the cosmere between family, work, trying to finish school and all other responsibilities.  There just isn't enough time.  It took me nearly 2 years to make my way through the first 3 SA, warbreaker and TLM. (Okay and there were a couple Alcatraz books in between).  Either way.  I don't see myself hitting these others anytime soon. My to do list is edgedancer, dawnshard, RoW and then Elantris. Then I will see what else is out there.  

I only read for the magics and to give some form of basis to some headcannon homebrew RPG stuff. 

I get that there isn't much to go on as of yet. I am curious what people think are worlds with the investiture fields needed to keep structures and constructs made of Aether.  Would Roshar or Nalthis be a decent candidate?  What about shadesmar or other spaces in the cognitive realm?  


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7 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

I am curious what people think are worlds with the investiture fields needed to keep structures and constructs made of Aether. 

Okay, with spoilers~ish. This is why I bolded the part above: (Tress-White Sand-AoN)


Aethers are shown to use a Luhel Bond - which does not run on investiture. We do not yet have the full details on how an Aetherbound like Prasanva works yet, but what we do know of the Luhel Bond:

  • Luhel Bonds form with the sharing of water from the person to their bonded.
    • Our current (incomplete) understanding is that the way the Nahel Bond trades Sapience for access to Investiture; the Luhel Bond forms when the Sand Master (WS)/ Sprouter (TotES) in exchange for control over the medium (Sand / Aether Spores)
    • We know that the Aether Spores in Tress differ in "significant ways" from normal Aethers (like Prasanva's bonded Siljana); but we do not know what those significant ways are
    • We do know that Prasanva's bond is, at least in part, a Luhel Bond (or something greater that also includes a Luhel bond) since TLM Ch 42 mentions the dehydration commanding Aethers causes.
  • White Sand
    • In White Sand we learn that not just anybody can Master Sand, so children petitioning the Diem For membership (around age 10) are tested for the abililty. The strength of the bond determines how much sand can be controlled and how powerful the Sand Master is
    • Moisture provides teh control of the sand, but the sand is invested and the power to move and lift things comes from Investiture released by the sand
      • Mastered sand turns black after use and requires at least four hours to recharge in sunlight - since the light of the sun is the "vehicle" for Autonomy's investiture on Taldain - constantly from AisDa (the large star) on Dayside, and a weekly pulse from Ridos (the small star) on Darkside
    • A major plot point of the story is if/whether this baseline can be improved, and how to do so
    • There was no indication on if this also applies to Sprouters in TotES and we have no data on it's application, if any, to true Aetherbound
    • Overmastery (allowing yourself to become dehydrated enough to damage your body or pass out) runs the risk of burning out your ability to form Luhel Bonds at all
    • Overburning is when you exchange all remaining water in your body, and your Innate Investiture, for one last explosive effect
    • Luhel Bonds were never mentioned by name in White Sand, it was only after teh explanation in Tress that allows us to look back and confirm that Sand Mastery is some kind of Luhel Bond, but not quite the same as it is shown in Tress.
  • Tress
    • Most Spores don't actually require a Luhel bond, just water (meaning even a single spore touching a drop of sweat on your body, or saliva in your mouth can kill you though uncontrolled growth)
    • However, at least some spore's growth can be controlled through a weak luhel bond, but by providing external sources of water (e.g. an eye-dropper of water and as the Verdant Aetherspore grows, you touch it, form the bond and help direct how it grows)
    • Each type of Aether "grows" differently, Verdant grows Vines (that are edible if not appetizing), Crimson grows spikes (that may have some correlation to Carapace), Zephyr releases air (and breathable oxygen), etc. We only saw a few of the spores in Tress, not all twelve.
    • Midnight Aether is shown to have at least some correlation to SA's Midnight Essence - except with Midnight Aether a Luhel Bond is required.
      • The Sprouter provides an external source of water to start the process, forms the Bond allowing the construct access to the water in their body in exchange for control
      • The Aether then grows into a construct whose form is dictated by the imagination of the Sprouter
      • The Spouter then experiences the world through the Aether Construct's senses and risks dehydration since they are not experiencing their own body's sense at the same time. It is unknown if experience would allow a Sprouter to keep track of both bodies and contineur to drink water while controlling the Aether to mitigate this risk
      • There is some way to create Midnight Aether Constructs that are semi-autonomous - given a set of Commands but not controlled as those commands are carried out. This implies the normal problem of an inability to react to situations beyond those the Commands coverand we do not know how this is accomplished (only that the Big Bad was able to make it work)
    • Spores can be insulated by Aluminum, and can be killed by silver and salt
      • It is unknown if the silver and salt interactinos also apply to Sand Mastery or Aetherbound
    • After growth, further control is not shown to require investiture (but it is not Jossed either)
  • Aether of Night
    • Obviously not Canon anymore - but Brandon has said that most of the Magic as seen in this story is still unchanged (so far) except that the number of Aethers has grown from the six used in AoN to at least 12.
    • AoN shows that, like Sand Mastery, the strength of the bond that one can form determins how much of a given Aether can be grown and controlled.
    • It's implied that the growth stage is the only part that requires <something>, but if that something is investiture, water, a combination or something else is unclear.
    • Aethers are separate and distinct from the Investiture of Adonalsium and pre-date the Stattering.
      • What this means in modern Realmatics is unclear.

Hope that helps, and maybe you'll be able to carve out some more time for reading these great stories. I keep books with me and read every time I have to wait - when most people would waste time on their devices (games, surfing, videos, etc. on their phone/tablet) I'm reading something - stagnant traffic, waiting in line at the bank, filling the gas tank, etc.

7 hours ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

My to do list is edgedancer, dawnshard, RoW and then Elantris. Then I will see what else is out there.  

If Emporer's Soul is not in the Complete column, then it should be on this list (before or after Elantris). It's a short novella (like Edgedancer and Dawnshard) and is the first story for a character you saw in Lost Metal.

Edited by Treamayne
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