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Finding another passage



I need to find a passage from somewhere in Oathbringer or Rhythm of War, I believe, to use for a citation. As I am struggling to find it. 

There was some scene where Renarin was being mocked for not living up to the traditional masculine ideals forced upon him by society, which pissed Dalinar off enough that he went to a meeting with him to give him solidarity and such. I am like, 99% sure it was somewhere in RoW. 

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12 minutes ago, Firesong said:

I need to find a passage from somewhere in Oathbringer or Rhythm of War, I believe, to use for a citation. As I am struggling to find it. 

There was some scene where Renarin was being mocked for not living up to the traditional masculine ideals forced upon him by society, which pissed Dalinar off enough that he went to a meeting with him to give him solidarity and such. I am like, 99% sure it was somewhere in RoW. 

Why not reply to the last post with this request? Anywho - it's Oathbringer Ch 44:


As the stormwardens settled down farther around the ring of seats, Shallan noticed Renarin standing in the doorway. He shuffled, peeking in, but not entering. When several scholars turned toward him, he stepped backward, as if their stares were physically forcing him out.

“I…” Renarin said. “Father said I could come … just listen maybe.”

“You’re more than welcome, Cousin,” Jasnah said. She nodded for Shallan to get him a stool, so she did—and didn’t even protest being ordered about. She could be a scholar. She’d be the best little ward ever.

Head down, Renarin rounded the ring of scholars, keeping a white-knuckled grip on a chain hung from his pocket. As soon as he sat, he started pulling the chain between the fingers of one hand, then the other.

Shallan did her best to take notes, and not stray into sketching people instead.


“What was that, Renarin?” Navani asked.

“It’s not like that,” he said softly. “They’re not fabrials. They’re a fabrial.”

The scribes and scholars shared looks. The prince … well, he often incited such reactions. Discomforted stares.

“Brightlord?” Janala asked. “Are you perhaps secretly an artifabrian? Studying engineering by night, reading the women’s script?”

Several of the others chuckled. Renarin blushed deeply, lowering his eyes farther.

You’d never laugh like that at any other man of his rank, Shallan thought, feeling her cheeks grow hot. The Alethi court could be severely polite—but that didn’t mean they were nice. Renarin always had been a more acceptable target than Dalinar or Adolin.

Shallan’s anger was a strange sensation. On more than one occasion, she’d been struck by Renarin’s oddness. His presence at this meeting was just another example. Was he thinking of finally joining the ardents? And he did that by simply showing up at a meeting for scribes, as if he were one of the women?

At the same time, how dare Janala embarrass him?

Navani started to say something, but Shallan cut in. “Surely, Janala, you didn’t just try to insult the son of the highprince.

“What? No, no of course I didn’t.”

“Good,” Shallan said. “Because, if you had been trying to insult him, you did a terrible job. And I’ve heard that you’re very clever. So full of wit, and charm, and … other things.”

Janala frowned at her. “… Is that flattery?”

“We weren’t talking of your chest, dear. We’re speaking of your mind! Your wonderful, brilliant mind, so keen that it’s never been sharpened! So quick, it’s still running when everyone else is done! So dazzling, it’s never failed to leave everyone in awe at the things you say. So … um…”

Jasnah was glaring at her.

“… Hmm…” Shallan held up her notebook. “I took notes.”


“I can see him!” said a voice to her side.

Shallan jumped and turned to find Renarin staring at her skirt and the pattern there, which blended into her embroidery. Distinct if you knew to look, but easy to miss.

“He doesn’t turn invisible?” Renarin said.

“He says he can’t.”

Renarin nodded, then looked up at her. “Thank you.”


“Defending my honor. When Adolin does that, someone usually gets stabbed. Your way was pleasanter.”


“Apologies for my tardiness.” He glanced at his wrist, and the forearm timepiece that Navani had given him. “Please don’t stop because of me.”

“Dalinar?” Navani asked. “You’ve never attended a meeting of scribes before.”

“I just thought I should watch,” Dalinar said. “Learn what this piece of my organization is doing.” He settled down on a stool outside the ring. He looked like a warhorse trying to perch on a stand meant for a show pony.

They started up again, everyone obviously self-conscious. She’d have thought that Dalinar would know to stay away from meetings like this, where women and scribes …

Shallan cocked her head as she saw Renarin glance at his father. Dalinar responded with a raised fist.

He came so Renarin wouldn’t feel awkward, Shallan realized. It can’t be improper or feminine for the prince to be here if the storming Blackthorn decides to attend.

She didn’t miss the way that Renarin actually raised his eyes to watch the rest of the proceedings.


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Just now, Firesong said:

Physical Copy and the Summary pages on Coppermind. 

Ouch - explains things. Well, if you* have eBooks, or eventually start down that path, then I recommend Calibre. It's freeware (donations accepted) that has some very potent capabilities. Win, Mac, Linux / Install, Portable / Manage, read, edit push, pull, etc. Plug-ins supported. We also discuss it in threads like Pimp my Aether and ebook Projects.


*Note: Plural inclusive "you" - yes, including you you - the person reading this that is not Firesong, but may be interested in ebooks. . .

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22 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Ouch - explains things. Well, if you* have eBooks, or eventually start down that path, then I recommend Calibre. It's freeware (donations accepted) that has some very potent capabilities. Win, Mac, Linux / Install, Portable / Manage, read, edit push, pull, etc. Plug-ins supported. We also discuss it in threads like Pimp my Aether and ebook Projects.


*Note: Plural inclusive "you" - yes, including you you - the person reading this that is not Firesong, but may be interested in ebooks. . .

Okay, another question, what chapter was it in RoW where they discovered that there were more reasons for the Recreance besides learning about the truth of their foes and Ashyn? I need that chapter to give a citation. I can't find it on the summary. Outside of that one epigraph that implies something, but I remember it was also mentioned in the main book, around the end. 

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1 hour ago, Firesong said:

Okay, another question, what chapter was it in RoW where they discovered that there were more reasons for the Recreance besides learning about the truth of their foes and Ashyn? I need that chapter to give a citation. I can't find it on the summary. Outside of that one epigraph that implies something, but I remember it was also mentioned in the main book, around the end. 

Hard to judge on less data, but possibly one of these:


RoW Ch 94:


He cut off as Maya pointed at him and released a terrifying screech, her jaw lowering farther than it should. Sekeir put his hand to his chest, eyes wide as her screech transformed into words.

“You. Cannot. Have. My. SACRIFICE!” she shouted. “Mine. My sacrifice. Not yours.” She pointed at the crowd. “Not theirs.” She pointed at Adolin. “Not his. Mine. MY SACRIFICE.

“You knew what was going to happen when the Radiants broke their oaths,” Adolin said. “They didn’t murder you. You decided together.”

She nodded vigorously.

“All this time,” Adolin said, his voice louder—for the audience. Everyone assumed you were victims. We didn’t accept that you were partners with the Radiants.”

“We chose,” she hissedThen, belting it loud as an anthem, “WE CHOSE.

Adolin helped her step over to the first row of benches, and the honorspren sitting there scrambled out of the way. She sat, trembling, but her grip on his arm was fierce. He didn’t pull away; she seemed to need the reassurance.

He looked around at the crowd. Then toward Sekeir and the other eldest honorspren seated near the judge’s bench.

Adolin didn’t speak, but he dared them to continue condemning him. 


Blended asked. “For centuries, my kind told ourselves an easy lie, yes. That humans had been selfish. That humans had murdered. But easy answers often are, so we can be excused.

This truth, though, means a greater problem is. Thousands of spren chose death instead of letting the Radiants continue. Does this not worry you more? They truly believed that—as humans claimed at the time—Surgebinding would destroy the world. That the solution was to end the orders of Radiants. Suddenly, at the cost of many lives.”

“Did you know the full cost, Maya?” Adolin asked, the question suddenly occurring to him. “Did you and your Radiants know that you would become deadeyes?”

Adolin felt Maya searching deep, pushing through her exhaustion, seeking … memories that were difficult for her to access. Eventually, she shook her head and whispered, “Pain. Yes. Death? No. Maybe.”

Adolin sat beside her, letting her lean against him. “Why, Maya? Why were you willing to do it?”

“To save … save…” She sagged and shook her head.

To save us from something worse,” Adolin said, then looked to Blended. “What does it mean?”

“It means we’ve had all of this terribly wrong for much time, Highprince Adolin,” she said. “And my own stupidity is. I have always thought myself smart.” She shook her head as she stood before them, arms folded. “What an effective test. Very effective.”

“This?” Adolin said, waving to the empty forum. “This was a complete and utter farce.”

“I meant a different test,” Blended said. “The true trial—the one you’ve been engaging in for the last few years: the test for this spren’s loyalty. She was the only judge who ever mattered, and today was her chance to offer judgment.” Blended leaned forward. “You passed.”

RoW Epigraphs to Chs 94,96,97:


"Nevertheless, I’m writing answers for you here, because something glimmers deep within me. A fragment of a memory of what I once was.

I was there when Ba-Ado-Mishram was captured. I know the truth of the Radiants, the Recreance, and the Nahel spren."

"I tell you; I write it. You must release the captive Unmade. She will not fade as I will. If you leave her as she is, she will remain imprisoned for eternity."

"As one who has suffered for so many centuries … as one whom it broke … please find Mishram and release her. Not just for her own good. For the good of all spren.

For I believe that in confining her, we have caused a greater wound to Roshar than any ever realized."

RoW Ch 113:


Navani kept humming until the smoke dissipated.

You have performed a kindness, the Sibling said in her head.

“I feel awful.”

That is part of the kindness.

“I am sorry,” Navani said, “for discovering this Light. It will let spren be killed.”

It was coming to us, the Sibling said. Consequences once chased only humans. With the Recreance, the consequences became ours as well. You have simply sealed that truth as eternal.

Navani pressed her forehead against Raboniel’s as the Fused had done for her daughter. Then she rose, surrounded by exhaustionspren. 

RoW Ch 115:


And Shallan had not one Shardblade, but two.

She still had questions. Things about her past didn’t completely align yet, though her memory was no longer full of holes. There was much they didn’t understand. For example, she was certain that, during the years between killing Testament and finding Pattern, her powers had still functioned in some small ways.

Some of this, Kelek said, had to do with the nature of deadeyes. Before the Recreance, they had never existed. Kelek said he thought this was why Mraize was hunting him. Something to do with the fall of the singers, and the Knights Radiant, so long ago—and the imprisoning of a specific spren.


If it was not one of those, do you have more data to vector the search?

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