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Mistborn Adventure Game is out! (Possible Spoilers)


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Woohoo! I'm reading the PDF now. Oh so many wonderful answers... There is a chart that lists how long each metal lasts per gram (roughly per gram, anyway). Oh, there's the answer to one of my hemalurgy questions!

1. Could a spike recipient use the metalminds of feruchemists killed to create his/her spikes, assuming s/he has the appropriate feruchemical ability? It seems possible, given the description of how hemalurgy works (stealing a part of the victim's soul and tacking it on to the recipient's) and given what I've seen on the concept of Spiritual DNA.

"[A] character who gains Feruchemy may use metalminds that belonged to the person killed by the spike..." That's so creepy cool.

Also, props to AranFan! You totally called this one:

"When a Feruchemist gains a spike granting Feruchemy, he or she gains no benefit other than [the one quoted above]."

Bit of a bummer, but way to go!

Ask me questions! Obviously I can't give mega details about the system (but it's a pretty smooth-looking system) or reproduce charts and stuff (I'm even chopping those quotes down as much as possible to keep to fair use), but I'll do my best for those of us who aren't gamers looking for a new fix. ;)

Oh, and here's one sad spoiler:

"The Alloy of Law era supplement will talk about how to manage [Compounding]..."

So that's something I can't answer, even though I think it's pretty much the big set of questions right now. Sorry.

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Actually, Nicrosil is flat out broken, even with what I presume to be the imperfect understanding of the Terris people detailed in the book. Oh my god is it broken. It fully explains how the Lord Ruler overcame the diminishing returns. We saw it right there in the first book and would never have known: he was storing warmth, sitting right by the fire. That was the next secret.

For those without the book:

investiture is the raw power, not of Feruchemy, but of the metalminds. You can convert other storages into investiture, which becomes a wildcard for any attribute you tap. By storing warmth, weight, or other non-vital attributes, then converting them into age, the Lord Ruler could double or triple up on his age compounding.

It's speculation, but it fits with what the book details.

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What. You can do what.

This would also explain the million-dollar question of why TLR had less nutcase healing than Miles: He was offloading most of his compounded health into age and thus could not laugh off decapitation by healing the entry wound before getting the exit wound.

Wait... That's how he kept down his Atium consumption! He wasn't compounding age at all! He was compounding everything else and transferring the result into his Atiumminds!

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Fascinating about investiture! Does the RPG go into any detail about the previously-unknown Hemalurgic properties of certain metals (like electrum, chromium, bendalloy, etc)?

It only confirms that Aluminium and Duralumin steal the allomantic temporal powers and feruchemical spiritual powers, while gold steals feruchemical temporal metals. That's it I'm afraid.

It also states that Atium steals Allomantic Atium and the allomantic temporal metals. I thought that we knew Atium could steal any Hemalurgic property; is this the case? Have we got a quote for that?

It also calls Presevation's metal Larasium; I think this is the first time it has been mentioned in text . Do you reckon this is official spelling? It was Lerasium, right?

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It's good to know about Investiture. That was pretty much what was said on some other topic, about how the Lord Ruler enhanced his Allomancy with Feruchemy. It stores generalized power. I always assumed you could store the power "burning brass", have it in his metalmind, then Compound it again later. So since that's basically how this describes Investiture, that's pretty awesome.

However, the part that implies that the Lord Ruler would store the Well of Ascension in nicrosilminds... yeah, my mind was blown.

This would also explain the million-dollar question of why TLR had less nutcase healing than Miles: He was offloading most of his compounded health into age and thus could not laugh off decapitation by healing the entry wound before getting the exit wound.

Wait... That's how he kept down his Atium consumption! He wasn't compounding age at all! He was compounding everything else and transferring the result into his Atiumminds!

I'm pretty sure he Compounded age, guys. I'm not sure what this obsession is with trying to insist that wasn't what he did, when the canonical description works best.

Fascinating about investiture! Does the RPG go into any detail about the previously-unknown Hemalurgic properties of certain metals (like electrum, chromium, bendalloy, etc)?

Nope, sadly.

^I believe that Brandon has said that while Atium can be used to steal any trait, the Steel Ministry believes that it steals temporal allomancy. Whether this is a legitimate mistake or deliberate misinformation from TLR I don't know. Anyone know the direct source for this info off the top of their head?

The Steel Ministry, as far as we know, do not know that atium can act as a Hemalurgic wildcard.

It has been spelled different ways at different times.

Yeah, I'm actually very certain that it's spelled "lerasium". For example, this image is woefully outdated (note that cerrobend was replaced a long time ago). I have the actual, limited edition of the Table of Allomantic Metals, and it is lerasium there. Unless it changed back since then, I guess, but I'm staking out that it's lerasium until Peter explicitly tells me otherwise.

Speaking of which, if you find typos, post them here. I'm going to send CraftyGames an email about it.

Could someone lay down what exactly Chromium and Aluminum do? Specifically, how does Chromium function?

I'm not sure what you mean. From the description of aluminum:

A Misting who can burn Aluminum is called an Aluminum Gnat. Due to the peculiar potential of this metal, this hapless Allomancer gains no benefit from his or her "ability."

Burning Aluminum instantly burns (consumes) all other metal stored in the Allomancer's system. This is only useful for Mistborn and Hemalurgists who can burn both Aluminum and another metal.


Chromium functions exactly like Aluminum, except that when burnt it drains the Allomantic stores of anyone the Leecher touches, rather than those of the Allomancer. With a supply of Chromium, a character can quickly stymie an Allomancer with a single touch. The only defenses are to avoid the character's touch, or burn Chromium and touch the character first.

Hope that helps.

My first impressions? Wow, this is really freaking cool. The short story on the Eleventh Metal... spectacular. It's so awesome having Kelsier viewpoints again. We see Kelsier now more nobleman than the hero in Mistborn 1. Looking into his mind after he leaves the Pits of Hathsin is very enlightening.

Oh, and then there's the real key about Kell found the Eleventh Metal:

Gemmel was spiked. Whoa.

Other than that, I have yet to delve deeply into the game mechanics. For example, I totally missed that when Hemalurgy steals a Feruchemical powers, you can access the person's old metalminds. Which is awesome. Good job for people guessing that beforehand.

Brandon's notes are great on how he both illuminates Scadrial, and helps new players get into the game.Hey, speaking of aluminum, on the Feruchemy side... a note from Brandon said this:

That said, however, consider the implications of Aluminum in Feruchemy. With proper manipulation, it might be theoretically possible to tap someone else's metalminds.

Aluminum is identity, and holy cra[.

What else? Inkthinker's art is incredible. If you're reading this, Ink, holy crap dude, you're awesome. (I also like the kandra named "BenSween", haha)

And there's new Feruchemical symbols for the metals. They are triangular, as Isaac has said before. So cool. I wonder what Hemalurgic symbols could possibly even be...

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I assume they would involve a grid shape, evoking Bind Points associated with the metal's use.

That's a really good idea.

At the Alloy release, Isaac said that the triangular symbols are a Terris thing. So, if the Allomantic symbols evoke "Imperial" culture, and Feruchemy evokes Terris, I don't think I want to know what Hemalurgic symbols look like.

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At the Alloy release, Isaac said that the triangular symbols are a Terris thing. So, if the Allomantic symbols evoke "Imperial" culture, and Feruchemy evokes Terris, I don't think I want to know what Hemalurgic symbols look like.

That's a good point - it wld be the Ministry codifying it, so they would probably really odd to people who are used to seeing with Light, rather than metal lines.

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That's a really good idea.

At the Alloy release, Isaac said that the triangular symbols are a Terris thing. So, if the Allomantic symbols evoke "Imperial" culture, and Feruchemy evokes Terris, I don't think I want to know what Hemalurgic symbols look like.

Kandra society maybe? Or some as yet undiscovered civilization that fully practices hemalurgy?

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Well, there are the people on the other side of Scadrial...

I think you're right on with this Chaos.

1) This is part of the manipulation Ruin did during the classical era on Scadrial, before the coming of the Lord Ruler. Piercings, and Hemalurgy, were part of the world before the coming of Allomancy in its modern form. Then, they were seen as a means of communicating with deity--which, indeed, they were. Ruin manipulated this to make sure any Hero of Ages who came would be under his influence.

So the people of Scadrial knew about Hemalurgy before the Ascension. I imagine that the Lord Ruler suppressed this knowledge in the Northern Hemisphere so that no one would understand how Inquisitors were made. But in the Southern, this knowledge would never have been lost. If anyone would have symbols like this it would be them. (or maybe the Kandra like someone said above)

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Could someone lay down what exactly Chromium and Aluminum do? Specifically, how does Chromium function?

I'm not sure what you mean. From the description of aluminum:

That said, however, consider the implications of Aluminum in Feruchemy. With proper manipulation, it might be theoretically possible to tap someone else's metalminds.

Aluminum is identity, and holy cra[.

Sorry, I meant how the Feruchemical aspect of those metals worked. Sorry for the lack of clarity.

Speaking of clarity, how exactly could storing or tapping your identity allow you to access someone else's metalminds? :blink:

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Yo. Found some more awesome stuff.

On copper's Hemalurgic power (it steals Mental Fortitude):

Copper spikes store intelligence and memory. They're very rarely used on humans due to the terrible dementia and frequent insanity produced as shards of a stored soul shred a recipient's mind.

Kandra with the Blessing of Presence sport a pair of copper spikes, which sharpen their mind without mental instability.

Ironic that stealing "mental fortitude" makes you go insane.

Iron turns a human in a koloss. Tin also causes physical deformations and "possibly madness or memory loss." Zinc also "warps recipients," but doesn't specify how.

Electrum, chromium, and nicrosil don't specify Hemalurgic abilities. Duralumin steals Feruchemical Spiritual powers. It's description is... interesting:

Depending on where a Duralumin spike is driven in, it steals, stores, and transfers a single Feruchemical Power derived from any one of the four Enhancement Metals (e.g. the ability to store or tap identity, connection, fortune, or investiture). Each spike may store only one Power.

Because the abilities stored in Duralumin are so personal, these spikes can be very dangerous. A character receiving one may wind up permanently sharing his head with the spike's previous victim, or worse, find their own personality completely overridden.

This one seems a little more out there. I'd expect this more from stealing a human attribute. I don't immediately see why stealing a Feruchemical power--essentially hacking the Spiritweb--actually brings the other attributes of the person with it. I'll have to RAFO until that comes out in a book, or until I have more explanation.

(By the way, the RPG uses the convention of capitalizing metals for the purposes of the game. This is intentional on their part, though it really annoys me.)

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You ninja'd me. I'll double post (because I can do that.)

Aluminum is identity, and holy cra.

Sorry, I meant how the Feruchemical aspect of those metals worked. Sorry for the lack of clarity.

Speaking of clarity, how exactly could storing or tapping your identity allow you to access someone else's metalminds? :blink:

There's no information how that aluminum could work. I have no freaking clue.

Really, the info on chromium and aluminum is exactly what you expect. Storing luck makes you unlucky, and you get your luck later. Aluminum makes you mildly forgetful, emotionally pliable, and they become more flexible. Tapping identity makes you a more fully realized version of yourself, reinforcing convictions and boosting self worth.

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You ninja'd me. I'll double post (because I can do that.)

There's no information how that aluminum could work. I have no freaking clue.

Really, the info on chromium and aluminum is exactly what you expect. Storing luck makes you unlucky, and you get your luck later. Aluminum makes you mildly forgetful, emotionally pliable, and they become more flexible. Tapping identity makes you a more fully realized version of yourself, reinforcing convictions and boosting self worth.

I sense a double standard for double posting. B)

Thank you. As to luck, I was hoping there was a mechanism for how your luck expressed itself, as in: will storing luck make it more likely that a meteor hits your house, while tapping it makes you win the lottery? I guess there isn't definite info on stuff like that, though.

Aluminum also sounds suspiciously similar to electrum, as far as I can tell.

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On copper's Hemalurgic power (it steals Mental Fortitude):
Copper spikes store intelligence and memory. They're very rarely used on humans due to the terrible dementia and frequent insanity produced as shards of a stored soul shred a recipient's mind.

Kandra with the Blessing of Presence sport a pair of copper spikes, which sharpen their mind without mental instability.

Ironic that stealing "mental fortitude" makes you go insane.

Sounds like a good recipe for a mad scientist to me. Maybe if you got some Emotional Fortitude to counteract it... Edited by ulyssessword
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Sounds like a good recipe for a mad scientist to me. Maybe if you got some Emotional Fortitude to counteract it...

Unless that causes you to get bits of the donor's emotions...

Really, I should stop reading this thread, to preserve the surprise when I do get my copy.

Time will tell if I, myself, have the Mental Fortitude for that, however.

-- Deus Ex Biotica

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So a quick thought about using Aluminum metalminds to steal other people's metalminds.

First, I've always assumed that when you try to use Person A's metalmind the metalmind says "I belong to Person A, you are not Person A, you can't use my stored resources."

But what if the metalmind is instead looking to see if your Person B, C, D, etc? Obviously it seems less effective, especially since I anthropomorphized the metalmind. But if the metalmind is looking to see if you're Person B, then using Aluminum makes sense.

You just store up enough of your identity that the metalmind no longer recognizes you as Person B anymore. It doesn't recognize you as a person at all, but you still are a Feruchemist and able to use metalminds, and perhaps that is how one uses someone else's metalmind.

I also have an idea about stealing spiritual powers and getting someone else's personality/voice/identity along with it. But it is late and I'm not sure I'd make enough sense for that one. Plus I need to know if Spiritweb was akin to Spiritual DNA, which I feel lIke I've heard before.

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It's good to know about Investiture. That was pretty much what was said on some other topic, about how the Lord Ruler enhanced his Allomancy with Feruchemy. It stores generalized power. I always assumed you could store the power "burning brass", have it in his metalmind, then Compound it again later. So since that's basically how this describes Investiture, that's pretty awesome.

Except you can only do it with metalminds, not with Allomancy, as far as I can tell from the text.

EDIT: Yeah, as far as the Adventure Game text is concerned, it's strictly applied to Feruchemy. "In this way investiture is the most potent enhancement available in Feruchemy, a reserve of pure, universal power that can amplify nearly any Feruchemical effort."

I'm pretty sure he Compounded age, guys. I'm not sure what this obsession is with trying to insist that wasn't what he did, when the canonical description works best.
We think he was Compounding his Age multiple times, using multiple metalminds via Nicrosil.

This one seems a little more out there. I'd expect this more from stealing a human attribute. I don't immediately see why stealing a Feruchemical power--essentially hacking the Spiritweb--actually brings the other attributes of the person with it. I'll have to RAFO until that comes out in a book, or until I have more explanation.

Seems easy enough to explain: it's the Identity and Connection of the person killed to make the spike, not the users. Terrifyingly simple.

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