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Introducing myself

Severus Snape

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Hi.  I picked Severus Snape for a username here, and also at some online games.  After reading the Halfblood Prince, I already could tell that Snape was working for the right side. 


Brandon Sanderson is awesome!  I have read the Way of KIngs, and I am now reading Words or Radiance.  I thoroughly enjoyed how he wrapped up Robert Jordan's huge epic, Wheel of Time, in those last 3 books.


My other favorite authors are LE Modessit, Terry Goodkind, David Eddings, DavidFarland, and Terry Brooks.  Just a couple hundred pages into Words of Radiance, I feel that Brandon Sanderson may become my most favored author.


I hope he writes 1,000,000 pages!

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Voldymort, Voldymort, Voldy Voldy Voldymort!


Thread Hijack completed. You may now return to you regularily scheduled Introduction.

aww that Ruins all the fun! :P





Edit: Severus/Snape/Sevy: Welcome to the nut house. You're welcome to join in the fun :D

Edited by Delightful
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aww that Ruins all the fun! :P



Edit: Severus/Snape/Sevy: Welcome to the nut house. You're welcome to join in the fun :D

And you forgot...

Snape Harry Snape Harry Snape Harry Snape Harry.... Dumbledore!!!!

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aww that Ruins all the fun! :P





Edit: Severus/Snape/Sevy: Welcome to the nut house. You're welcome to join in the fun :D

I think it Preserves the integrity of the thread, to be honest.

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All of my Odium sounds like a TV sitcom. Like, Odium goes back to Braize after each Desolation, and Hoid is like

"Oh, Rayse! How was work?"

And he's all like, "I killed nine out of ten people, but Bavadin is coming over for dinner!"

And then a laugh track plays and Hoid is like "Oh Odium!"

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*Cut to blackened city, filled with corpses of thunderclasts, soldiers, etc. , pan to wounded mother clutching bundle of burnt cloth and weeping. Laugh track continues, volume & pitch ramping. Cut back to Rayse; close-up of wink. Fade out laugh track.*

RAYSE: I sure left 'em CRYING for more, eh folks?

HOID (chuckling): Classic Odium! Say, this is just like that time you got in a bar fight!

RAYSE (sly): Nah, buddy. This time I left survivors!

HOID (grins, winks): You're losing your touch, pal.

RAYSE (looks at camera. Eyes burn purple, skin begins to smoke, dissolve): Well, Hoid, we'll just have to see about that, won't we.

*Cue laugh track 4. The one with 'xtra screams, +15% cackle' on label. Camera holds Odium's gaze for three seconds, cuts to black. Laugh track continues for three minutes. Burst of red audiovisualstatic in approximate shape of human face for two seconds, end scene*

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YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another Modesitt Fan!!!!


Welcome mate and take a most deserved upvote. Which Modesitt's have you read?


Edit: Snape, Snape, Severous Snape- Oh, they already did that..........

Edited by QuiteLeftInch
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Do we call you Severus, or Snape?


I would suggest you refer to him as "Professor". Five points from Newcago for showing disrespect to a teacher. :P


Welcome to the 17th Shard, Professor Snape. Have an upvote for provoking a sentence I never thought I'd be posting here. :D

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I would suggest you refer to him as "Professor". Five points from Newcago for showing disrespect to a teacher. :P


Welcome to the 17th Shard, Professor Snape. Have an upvote for provoking a sentence I never thought I'd be posting here. :D

Newcago is a royal court, not a schoolyard! What, did you appoint yourself as the Inquisitorial Squad or something?

Besides, we already have a Professor from Steelheart. And our dear friend Snape actually is more likely teenage Snape than teacher Snape, because he doesn't have 'Professor' in his title. 

Fifty points from the Wafflesworn for being presumptious! And agents of Chaos!

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I would suggest you refer to him as "Professor". Five points from Newcago for showing disrespect to a teacher. :P


Welcome to the 17th Shard, Professor Snape. Have an upvote for provoking a sentence I never thought I'd be posting here. :D


Newcago is a royal court, not a schoolyard! What, did you appoint yourself as the Inquisitorial Squad or something?

Besides, we already have a Professor from Steelheart. And our dear friend Snape actually is more likely teenage Snape than teacher Snape, because he doesn't have 'Professor' in his title. 

Fifty points from the Wafflesworn for being presumptious! And agents of Chaos!

Newcago: -5 points

Wafflesworn: - 50 points

By default, that means the Herd wins the House Cup, simply be being the last ponies left standing.


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Ahem. The Lords of Chaos haven't lost any of their points. Some of their members have, but as a whole, we haven't. Thus, I'm taking 51 points from Newcago, and from the Herd, both for being Wrong.

Also, I take x+1 points away from whoever takes points from the LoC.

LoC thread needs to be necroed, so at this point you have no say. :P

I think you'll notice the contents of the hourglasses have not changed according to your point allocation.

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Welcome. I, too, love me some Snape. (The HP puppet pals are quoted nonstop in my home. Our favorite is Harry hitting on Jenny. "You're so hot...like a stove... like a zesty pepper... beautiful like a Thomas Kinkade painting.")

I don't think you will be disappointed by Words of Radiance. Stick around. I think he's just going to keep getting better and better until all of our minds are blown beyond recognition. Your free time is about to be hijacked by All of his books and stories. 

Edited by Tien'sPetLurg
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