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*apologizing in advance for Midnight!Szeth’s inevitable stupidity*

So, everyone keeps saying that the two stormstriders are the same. But why do we think that?


Light came from above, too steady to be lightning. Something was <color =purple>glowing</color> on the plateau. Something that <color=purple>moved</color>. It was hard to see, since water streamed off the side of the plateau above, falling in a sheet before their refuge. He swore he saw <color=blue>an enormous figure</color> walking up there, <color=blue>a glowing inhuman form,</color> followed by another, <color=red>alien and sleek</color>. Striding the storm. Leg after leg, until the glow passed.

(Purple=both striders; blue=#1; red=#2)

This is the passage from which we know there are multiple stormstriders. But here’s the thing - we don’t have any evidence that the two creatures looked the same. The only things we know for sure they have in common (the purple segments above) are that they glow, and that they move. That’s it.

Thus, I propose this theory: the stormstriders are two different Unmade. The first one (the “enormous” and “gargantuan” one that both Kaladin and Dalinar saw) is Neragoul, as we know that it follows the Alethi around for a while. The second one could be basically any of the other Unmade.

Tell me if this doesn’t make sense. It does in my head, but I may be missing some crucial evidence that renders all my theorizing useless.

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