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Neutral Nightwatcher


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Yes, I know this should be in General Theories. But not really, as this is solely on the Nightwatcher.


Nightwatcher; mysterious sprenlike creature wields an enourmous amount of power. But is that really the case? Why do her blessings always have a curse, then? Odium is the malicious one. The answer is simple: She use a end-neutral magic system, similar to Feruchemy (assuming you read Mistborn).


Mr. T: He mentions his compassion and intellect are inversely linked! The more intellect. the less compassion, the less compassion, the more intellect! The fluxuations? Merely attempting to strike a balnce. He overuses his intellect, the next day he's more compassioniate, and vice versa.  This is only a crude way to achieve balance, so it kind of works.


Dalinar: He constantly forgets about his wife to constantly keep his blood weakness in check. Dalinar also has epilepsy!


See that? Three amazing theories! One might even be true!

Edited by aeromancer
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Dalinar: He constantly forgets about his wife to constantly keep his blood weakness in check. Dalinar also has epilepsy!


See that? Three amazing theories! One might even be true!


This seems very unlikely, Dalinar was the Blackthorn before meeting his wife, and if he had epilepsy during that time, it would've been widely known, and he wouldn't have been as adept as a warrior. They didn't even try to teach Renarin before, because of that. Also, I'm fairly sure that I know when Dalinar went to see the Nightwatcher:


"I suppose I owe you this," Dalinar said. "But it is not to be spread around. Roshone was a petty man who gained Elhokar's ear. Elhokar was crown prince then, commanded to rule over Kholinar and watch the kingdom while his father organized our first camps here in the Shattered Plains. I was . . . away at the time."

WoR Chapter 62 The One Who Killed Promises



So this would put him going to see the Nightwatcher only a few years prior to Gavilar's assassination. It wouldn't make much sense for him to wait that long into his life for him to deal with his epilepsy.  At the very least, he couldn't have gone prior to his wife's death. It'd be hard to fake not being able to remember what your wife's name or anything about her if she's still around.


The other parts I don't really have a problem with, but, they also don't seem to dig too deep, it just seems to be what's presented in the text already. 

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