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Your Favorite Moments? *SPOILERS*


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Let's have a geek-fest. What moments in the trilogy and/or AoL were your absolute favorites?

I shall begin.

The Final Empire

Favorite moment absolutely has to be when the crew looks out at the city and sees clumps of torchlight illuminating the mists. When they realize that Kelsier's genius plan actually worked - man! Chills.

The Well of Ascension

Sazed's fight with Marsh. No contest. When the rings that Marsh Pushes into him are actually his metalminds, and he heals himself... Then Marsh tells him, "You're not a warrior," or something to that effect. Sazed replies: "Neither, I think, are you." GOOSEBUMPS. This was where I first realized how amazing Feruchemists were.

The Hero of Ages

When Marsh notes Vin's earring being a Hemalurgic spike and he rips it out... I just remember a sudden wave of comprehension smashing down on me. Suddenly, everything fell into place... I had to put the book down and do a bit of walking around to ease the happy stress. Then I plopped down and read the rest of the book.

Honorable mention: the atium army. 'Nuff said.

The Alloy of Law

This wasn't exactly a central plot twist, but I thought that when Wax Overtaps his Ironmind and lands on the train, crumpling the metal in a crater around him... Then he flips a casing at the surprised Miles before Pushing him off the train... "Goodbye." Wax's most awesome moment in the book.

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There's so many good scenes...

One that I like from each:


Vin coming back after killing Shan, and she says "I think I did something bad...", and everyone's gaping at her for killing a fully trained Mistborn (except for Spook, who's gaping at her for being in her underwear).

Well of Ascension:

Vin killing Zane, then marrying Elend

Hero of Ages:

Spook opening the floodgates to save the burning city.

Alloy of Law:

Wax appearing out of the mists wearing his mistcoat, and holding two shotguns.

I could easily list many more from each, but I'm not going to.

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Final Empire

I too liked Vin taking down Shan/ saving Elend, Elend charging into Kredik Shaw to save Vin, only to realize that she was Mistborn, Kel facing the Inquisitor.

Well of Ascension

When Vin takes over Koloss, Sazed fighting at the gate. And when Sazed realizes that Ruin can change texts.

Hero of Ages

Kel appearing to Spook, I dont care that it was mostly Ruin, TenSoon taking up Kel's bones.

Alloy of Law

Ironeyes appearing, Sazed talking. Realizing that the whole crew is somehow incorporated into one religion or another. Wax and Wane killing all the Vanishers at the wedding

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TFE: Elend going back to rescue Vin and Vin's response

WoA: Vin killing Zane

HoA: The entire final sequence, starting from Vin squashing the Inquisitors with supercharged Allomancy.

Alloy: Wax's chat with Sazed/Harmony and the subsequent awesome appearance from the mists and blowing up a building. Te entire fight at the wedding.

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Let's have a geek-fest. What moments in the trilogy and/or AoL were your absolute favorites?

I shall begin.

The Final Empire

Favorite moment absolutely has to be when the crew looks out at the city and sees clumps of torchlight illuminating the mists. When they realize that Kelsier's genius plan actually worked - man! Chills.

The Well of Ascension

Sazed's fight with Marsh. No contest. When the rings that Marsh Pushes into him are actually his metalminds, and he heals himself... Then Marsh tells him, "You're not a warrior," or something to that effect. Sazed replies: "Neither, I think, are you." GOOSEBUMPS. This was where I first realized how amazing Feruchemists were.

The Hero of Ages

When Marsh notes Vin's earring being a Hemalurgic spike and he rips it out... I just remember a sudden wave of comprehension smashing down on me. Suddenly, everything fell into place... I had to put the book down and do a bit of walking around to ease the happy stress. Then I plopped down and read the rest of the book.

Honorable mention: the atium army. 'Nuff said.

The Alloy of Law

This wasn't exactly a central plot twist, but I thought that when Wax Overtaps his Ironmind and lands on the train, crumpling the metal in a crater around him... Then he flips a casing at the surprised Miles before Pushing him off the train... "Goodbye." Wax's most awesome moment in the book.



But, yeah. I got goosebumps just remembering those moments, man.

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I agree with those moments that people have already mentioned.

The scene when Elend comes to rescue Vin, and Vin's response was a great moment. "You came back" brought such a welling of emotion in me. As a reader, we'd had the chance to sit in Vin's head and realise just how much this meant to her, and why it was so important. It was a wonderfully written scene. Also, I think that it was just a chapter or two previous that Vin had also learned that her brother had not betrayed her when he was captured, even under torture.

In Hero of Ages, I also want to echo other people with regards to Marsh ripping out Vin's earring. It was such a small thing, but so significant, and I was so happy to see Marsh being able to make a difference, despite how strong Ruin's grasp was on him.

From a visualisation standpoint, in HOA I truly loved the imagery in the scene near the end, when Mist-Vin is powering Elend's allomancy after his metal stores have run out. Sorry, guess I'm a sucker for angelic imagery, but that description, where he glances up and sees Vin hovering over him, streaming out behind, hands on his shoulders. I had to pause a moment to really fix that image in my head before I moved on. Amazing.

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Well of Ascension: The fight scene with Sazed vs Marsh. Sazed really became my one of my favorite characters in that book, and this is just one of the reasons why.

Hero of Ages: Sazed's realization that he was the Hero of Ages at the very end and the redemption of his religion was awesome. In a way, this book was really about him more than anyone else.

Alloy of Law: Wax's destruction of the house by using his weight and collapsing everything underneath him. Had to read that scene over again right away to fully take it all in.

Final Empire: This one wins the true prize. When I realized that Kelsier's goal was to create a new religion about The Survivor to counter the Lord Ruler. This book is still my favorite from Sanderson.

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Well of Ascension: The fight scene with Sazed vs Marsh. Sazed really became my one of my favorite characters in that book, and this is just one of the reasons why.

For Well of Ascension, yes... But, for most of HoA I was rather annoyed at Sazed. He just spent so much time moping about. I understood why and all, but it just made for a very unsympathetic character. Even when he starts doing things, it's always with the caveat that he still doesn't really care anymore.

Once again, I get the reasons, but it just annoyed me. I don't like it when favorite characters show weakness. :P


I just have a penchant for those awesome moments. B) I feel like every one of Brandon's books has three or four scenes/moments that just NEED to be painted or filmed. Like Vin crushing Kredik Shaw. Man, I need to see that.

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Final Empire: Breeze surrounded by the crew while everyone but him is speaking in eastern slang.

Breeze turned to Dockson with exasperation. "I believe our companions have finally lost their minds, dear friend."

Dockson shrugged. Then, with a perfectly straight face, he said, "Wasing not of wasing is.”

Well of Ascension: My favorite part was when Zane called Tensoon by name and Vin realized that the person she'd trusted most in her investigation was the spy.

Hero of Ages: Captain Goradel's death. It was kind of sad for me since I can picture his face as he dies. (I really can btw)

Alloy of Law: I love when Wax is having his conversation with Harmony at the end of the book. He's lost his gun, been tossed around by dynamite, is losing the fight with Miles... Then he spies mistcloak tassels hanging out of the chest in front of him. "You're welcome."

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Final Empire: Vin verses Inquisitors, take two.

Well Of Ascension: Zane and Vin's rampage, especially the sudden whiplash realization that Cett was not the threat Vin belived.

Hero of Ages: Vin flatting Kredik Shaw and accompanying mist tornado.

Alloy of Law: "Stop doing that!"

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Alloy of Law: "Stop doing that!"

All I could keep thinking of was the Princess Bride.

"Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

*they fight for a bit*

"Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

*they fight some more, and someone gets stabbed*

"Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

"Stop SAYING that!"

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AoL: "Huh," said Wax. "Tea's poisoned."

HoA: The atium army.

WoA: When Vin kills 300 hazekillers using only a belt buckle.

FE: The scene where the whole crew except Breeze is speaking High Imperial.

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Final Empire: Kelsier vs. Bendal the Inquisitor.

Well of Ascension: Vin figures out how to beat Zane, even though he has atium and she doesn't.

Hero of Ages: Vin vs. the Inquisitors at Kredik Shaw, culminating in her smashing the palace and then ascending to become the new Preservation.

Alloy of Law: Undecided; I'm particularly torn between Sazed speaking to Wax and the aftermath, or Marasi showing Miles how she can beat one of the most dangerous people alive with her "useless" power.

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I'm not sure I have any that are not already covered in this thread, which makes me feel like a boring and generic person. To combat this, I will be listing one dramatic moment and one comedic one per book.

Final Empire: My favorite dramatic moment was Kelsier killing an Inquisitor in the middle of Luthadel, where Skaa and nobles alike can see. "Thank you for talking me into this." My favorite comedic one was the Eastern Slang gang-up on Breeze.

Well Of Ascension: My top dramatic moment here is a little understated - Sazed holding Tindwyl and letting his senses return to full. For comedy, it has to be "OreSeur" musing on eating the crewmembers. "One of them is ever so soft and juicy, while the other is named Ham."

Hero Of Ages: Marsh recovering himself to remove Vin's earring. So much foreshadowing, and still more awesome in practice than I could have anticipated. For comedy, Vin and Elend showing up at the ball, complete with Elend reading on the dance floor, has my vote. And a special bonus: the creepiest moment of the series, "I am human."

Alloy Of Law: Wax's many acts o badassery were impressive, but I was never more caught up in the action than when Wax and Miles each express sympathy for the other... and then Miles starts beating him to death. For comedy, the winner is hard to choose (it has a thread for a reason), but I think I shall settle upon Wayne's stealthily crude compliments and Marasi's inability to react to them.

-- Deus Ex Biotica

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Hero Of Ages: Marsh recovering himself to remove Vin's earring. So much foreshadowing, and still more awesome in practice than I could have anticipated. For comedy, Vin and Elend showing up at the ball, complete with Elend reading on the dance floor, has my vote. And a special bonus: the creepiest moment of the series, "I am human."

I forgot about the ball scene!

"That's almost romantic - in a I'm-going-to-make-my-wife-want-to-kill-me sort of way."

That and the "homicidal hat trick" are easily some of the funniest lines in the book.

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it's a translation convention thing, he actually used some Scadrialian metaphor but it was translated into an English one.

Aww, man. Here I was hoping it was from the traditional Scadrialese sport of Canal Polo (attempting to play while wearing any sort of Metalmind is a bannable offense), or Obligat (a handball game which first became a popular pass-time among the Obligators of the Final Empire), or Bowling (I bet Wayne would be a wicked bowler). C'est la vie.

-- Deus Ex Biotica

P.S. Welcome to the forums, Raphael!

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