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Book Recommendation Game


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Lets hope this hasn't been done before shall we 

The rules are simple 

Ask for a very specific book recommendation whilst answering a book recommendation from above 

Once we have more than lets say 2 posts than you don't have to answer the post directly above you, you can answer any above you 

That way people keep getting recommendations for what they want and others get to recommend books they have read that fit that criteria (or maybe if you're bored, spend time searching for books that fit that criteria)

EDIT: crud. I forgot to start 


Im looking for a book with a morally grey protagonist that isn't depressed or genocidal all the time and has fun with being on the dark side 

(Since we're just starting out, if you dont have an answer for this, simply post your criteria)

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OOH! The Prince of Thorns books by Mark Lawrence are very good, and they mostly match the criterion. Be warned, they are extremely violent and the protagonist does some pretty horrific things.

I'm looking for a book series like The Wheel of Time, but with a much smaller learning curve and less info dumps. Basically WoT lite, if that makes sense.


Don't get me wrong, I love The Wheel of Time, but there's just so much in every single book. Reading WoT has been very taxing because I have to keep track of so many different characters and places and other things. But I love it and you, yes, you, whoever you are that is reading this spoiler box, should read Robert Jordan's masterpiece.


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Ummm.... The Farseer Trilogy! By Robin Hobb. It's quite good

I would like a good classic that isn't boring or preachy. So nothing Charles Dickens or anything like that because I tried and it's too boring for me :((((

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6 minutes ago, Morningtide said:

Ummm.... The Farseer Trilogy! By Robin Hobb. It's quite good

I would like a good classic that isn't boring or preachy. So nothing Charles Dickens or anything like that because I tried and it's too boring for me :((((

Hey! Idk if you saw but i messaged you back on goodreads about this 

Im really sorry i couldnt get to it earlier 

I did get chickenpox and im only now feeling better. I havent picked up a book recently much less goodreads. Only started reading again yesterday 

I hope you like my reccs :DD 


(And cheeseman i second the Farseer reccomendation)

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1 minute ago, Cruciatus_heart said:

Hey! Idk if you saw but i messaged you back on goodreads about this 

Im really sorry i couldnt get to it earlier 

I did get chickenpox and im only now feeling better. I havent picked up a book recently much less goodreads. Only started reading again yesterday 

I hope you like my reccs :DD

Oh sweet! My goodreads app has absolutely died on my phone and i guess the one on the computer isn't working either! I'll go look at that!

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Ill also put a list here for people who're looking for such books. I can get why some of the greats or essentials of classics may come off as very preachy and wordy.

These are the more modernised classics.

1.One Hundred Years of Solitude- Gabriel Garcia Maquez 

2.Notes From Underground- Fyodor Dostoevsky 

3. Crime and Punishment- Fyodor Dostoevsky 

4. Animal Farm- George Orwell

5. 1984- George Orwell 

6.Wuthering Heights- Emily Bronte 

7.- Northanger Abbey- Jane Austen 

8. The Picture of Dorian Gray- Oscar Wilde 

9. H.G. Wells 

10. The Princess Bride- William Goldman 

11. The Secret History- Donna Tartt (definitely a recent classic as it was released like 30 years ago) 

12. And I'm currently reading Lord of the Flies by William Golding and thats pretty good so far 

13. The Catcher in the Rye (but its a dark and heavy read)

14. The Haunting of Hill House- Shirley Jackson (horror)

15. We Have Always Lived In The Castle- Shirley Jackson (horror)

16. The Turn of the Screw- Henry James (horror)

17. Short Stories by Henry James such as - The Romance of Certain Old Clothes (horror)

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1 hour ago, The cheeseman said:

I'm looking for a book series like The Wheel of Time, but with a much smaller learning curve and less info dumps. Basically WoT lite, if that makes sense.

The Licanius Trilogy for sure has a WoT vibe to it. Books are decently long but only 3. 

Looking for a good progression fantasy series that I have never heard of. 


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10 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

Looking for a good progression fantasy series that I have never heard of. 

I'm sure you've heard of Cradle or I'd recommend that one immediately. Mage Errant maybe? Mark of the Fool? Art of the Adept is arguably progression fantasy. I hear Lost Mages is good as well, though I can't personally vouch for that one.

I'm in the mood for a good apocalypse book, if anyone's got a recommendation for that.

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6 minutes ago, Invocation said:

'm sure you've heard of Cradle or I'd recommend that one immediately. Mage Errant maybe? Mark of the Fool? Art of the Adept is arguably progression fantasy. I hear Lost Mages is good as well, though I can't personally vouch for that one.

I have the first book of the Cradle series and need to get to it. Haven't heard of a couple of those I'll check them out thanks! I have read Art of Adept series and I think I am like the only person who actually liked the last book haha. 

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26 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

I have the first book of the Cradle series and need to get to it. Haven't heard of a couple of those I'll check them out thanks! I have read Art of Adept series and I think I am like the only person who actually liked the last book haha. 

Yeah, you really have to get to that first Cradle book. The last one comes out in just a couple months, so you should join us in the suffering waiting for Waybound.
My feelings on the last Art of the Adept book are very mixed, though. It felt disappointing. We'll see if that changes with the sequel series that is apparently happening.

18 minutes ago, Morningtide said:

Dry by Neal Shusterman! It's kind of a modern apocalypse story. 

I do always enjoy a solid Shusterman. Thank you. 

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