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[WoR Spoilers] Epilogue Nightmare


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Crazy headcanon, most likely influenced by too much Game of Thrones.

In the epilogue of Words of Radiance, Jasnah appears before Hoid, brandishing a Shardplate, and apparently materialising from the cognitive realm. Obviously, the question of how she survived and where she got the blade are ones that would be answered in future books...

Except what if they won't, because she didn't.

Jasnah with a Shardblade. That's fairly unexpected. After all, she never uses a Shardblade in the entire book, and suddenly she has one? Has her bond with Ivory advanced to that point?

...or could the 'Jasnah' at the end of WoR actually be a spren? Could it be Ivory, materialising in the physical world in a Jasnah meat suit.

Do I believe it?


But I mention it because the idea of that being a spren animated corpse terrifies me, and Ivory!Jasnah seems like decent nightmare fuel.

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materialising in the physical world in a Jasnah meat suit.



Doesn't seem like much of a nightmare if it's just a Jasnah meat suit. Jasnah's mind and personality are what make Jasnah Jasnah.  Otherwise you could substitute in any random body. 

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Oh, it's certainly a crazy theory, and almost certainly untrue...just thought I'd post it in the minuscule chance that it turns out to be true. After all, there is rampant speculation that "Taln" isn't who he says he us. Who is to say "Jasnah" isn't the same?

Well, common sense I suppose, but still! Use your imagination!

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Killing someone who heals with stormlight would require not just stabbing them through the body, but making sure you got the heart or something. I think the killing scene had "making sure she is dead" just stabbing her again, not making sure it is something that would kill a radiant. haha. 

And she never used a sprenblade for the same reason Shallan after realizing she could, doesn't do it, a girl with a shardblade isn't something you tell people. She keeps the fact that she soulcasts with out a caster a secrete, she isn't going to let people know she could summon a super shardblade.


I think either Ivory saved her and she didn't know she could do the shardblade until after her death, or she needed to fake her death there in an attempt to make sure they stop coming for her and don't accidentally kill shallan like they almost did.

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From what Brandon has told us, Jasnah's actions seem far less... controlled on the ship. She was woken up in the middle of the night, likely by a dagger in her chest (if she had been awake when the assassins got to her, she probably would've Soulcast them into something far less inclined to stab things). So she wakes up in terrible pain, panics, her fight-or-flight instinct kicks in (with the flight option dominating), and all she wants is to get away - which agrees with the WoB telling us that her "last" thoughts were of escaping. She probably didn't remember Shallan until after she found herself in Shadesmar, and by then coming back would've already been difficult (because of another WoB telling us that Elsecalling isn't exactly precise even for someone who knows what they are doing - and Jasnah is not such a person). 

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Jasnah with a Shardblade. That's fairly unexpected. After all, she never uses a Shardblade in the entire book, and suddenly she has one? Has her bond with Ivory advanced to that point?


I don't think it's unexpected.  After all, she bonded Ivory over 6 years ago.  We saw Kaladin advance to the point where he has a Blade in less than a year.  I'd be more surprised if Jasnah wasn't a full fledged Radiant now given that length of time.

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I don't think it's unexpected.  After all, she bonded Ivory over 6 years ago.  We saw Kaladin advance to the point where he has a Blade in less than a year.  I'd be more surprised if Jasnah wasn't a full fledged Radiant now given that length of time.


Maybe. Maybe not.


From what Wit/Hoid says, Jasnah's recent visit to the spren in Shadesmar was the first such occurrence in a very long time - which means Jasnah had never done it before.  Jasnah may or may not have tried other forms of Elsecalling before but given that she's trying to keep her Radiant status secret (even from her direct family) she would not want to risk using it without a strong need - and we also have WoB that she doesn't really understand what she's doing with Elsecalling.


Jasnah does tell Shallan that neither of them are Radiants. If she really had progressed to the maximum level then she should know that she is a full Radiant - so either she would be lying or being highly misleading.


That's about the limit of what we know.


I don't think it's necessary for a Radiant to have mastered their Surges to become max level (Shallan is close but she has little experience with Transformation) so Jasnah's lack of ability in Elsecalling it not automatically evidence that she's not max level... but... personally, I don't think we should ignore this. My gut feeling is that she is lacking, somewhere. Radiants do not automatically advance to higher levels with time.


I think it would also be a bit boring if Jasnah is already max level - she needs character growth too and not being max level would help. In which case, are there a plausible reasons for Jasnah not to have reached max level? I'd say there's two: she's hit some kind of wall and hasn't been able to progress or she's deliberately going very slowly and carefully.

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Looking at my post, I phrased it funny. I didn't mean to imply that Jasnah was a full Radiant, just that, before seeing her Shardblade in the novel, I would have been more surprised to find out she didn't have a Blade than I would have been if she showed up as a full Radiant. Does that make sense? I still don't know if I'm phrasing it right.

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