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Hello I’m new here ig lol

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Just now, OdiumTagline16”IHateStuff” said:

Books are indeed good. I have read basically all the cosmere stuff except for the non published stuff I think!

White sands?

That book is a nightmare to get

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Just now, OdiumTagline16”IHateStuff” said:

Yeah I have the three graphics but I don’t have the omnibus, and from what I’ve heard I’m probably gonna hold out on getting it for a while lol

I'm impressed! 

What's your favorite Shardworld?

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3 minutes ago, OdiumTagline16”IHateStuff” said:

I would say Roshar since I just love the uniqueness and different plants, though I do really like era 2 mistborn cities. You?

I love Sel and Threnody! 

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2 hours ago, OdiumTagline16”IHateStuff” said:

I love these books, and really look forward to talking about them here! I also love listening to shardcast

Welcome to the Shard! Nice to meet you, I look forward to seeing you around!

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On 4/20/2023 at 7:27 PM, OdiumTagline16”IHateStuff” said:

I love these books, and really look forward to talking about them here! I also love listening to shardcast

I think most here would agree that his books are AMAZING!


On 4/20/2023 at 9:18 PM, OdiumTagline16”IHateStuff” said:

I would say Roshar since I just love the uniqueness and different plants, though I do really like era 2 mistborn cities. You?

Roshar's whole ecostructure is very amazing.  I love how after rereading the books so much, my mind actually shifts into Roshar world and I picture rock, crustations, etc etc as I read.  When I first read WoK, or even any of them the first couple times, my brain couldn't shift to rock-world, non mammal (*giggles* there's another fairly current thread about this) Roshar.  But it's so fun to imagine.  Shallan chapters really let that manifest (especially in WoK and WoR).

Glad you're here!  

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